Thursday, February 27, 2014

Take time for prayer.
Take more time to be alone with Me.

So only will you prosper.
The hearing of spirit sounds is of more worth
than the hearing of all of earths noises.
I am with you.
Let that fill you with raptrue.
Be not afraid.
All is well.
Dwell much on what I did as well as what I said.

I touched her and the fever left her.
Not many words, just a moment's contact,
and all fever left her.

She was well, whole, calm, and able to rise and minister to others.

Feel my touch.
Sense my presence,
and the fever of work, care, and fear melts into nothingness.

Health, joy and peace take its place.-God Calling

Thank You for the compassion that You give to us.
Where we can put ourselves in the shoes of the other person,
to better undstand their journey.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Wow, it is so crazy how I really screw up the witness for a loving God.
I sure hope people don't base God's love for them on my actions.
I hope they go to HIM to get knowledge of Him.
So many times I mess up and I don't even realize it.
Once again,
I can only live in the hope and promise that God will
shine through inspite of me
.  .  . and redeem my mistakes.
Today I was praying for someone
for a negative charactaristic I saw in them.
Within minutes of writing it down in my journal,
the doorbell rang.
And then,
I displayed the SAME EXACT charactaristic!
Maybe that is why God says don't point your finger at others.
“Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;
You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’
If you take away the yoke from your midst,
The pointing of the finger,
and speaking wickedness,
If you extend your soul to the hungry
 And satisfy the afflicted soul,
Then your light shall dawn in the darkness,
And your darkness shall be as the noonday.” Isaiah 58:9-10 NKJV.
Basically it is the same as when the religious folk wanted to stone the woman at the well.  
Jesus said, "let him who is without sin cast the first stone."

So, I put the stone down,
and asked for forgiveness.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Help me to trust like a child.

So many things to get done,
time goes by so fast.
Feel pressured sometimes by so much to get done.
The only way I can be sure I am on the right track
is to make sure I get my prayer time.

I am also becoming more aware of ways that I am rude and impatient.  
Not depressed or overwhelmed by this.... instead...
I am looking forward to God giving me the grace to change
as He lights my paths of awareness.
It is a bit exciting to become more aware of who I am,
and to know that who HE is,
gives me hope.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 
Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is.  

I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children,
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.  
Matt 18:3

Monday, February 24, 2014

So easily offended.

Why do I get angry when people point out my mistakes,
especially if it is in front of others.  
Have I given them the power to hurt my dignity?  
Help me instead to give my dignity to You
and trust You to protect my essence, who I am.
My dignity can not be taken from me.

When someone criticizes me,
I get angry and want to backlash at them,
and withdraw from them.  
I want to avoid them.  
Lord, please help me to understand my reaction,
who I am in you. 
Help me to engage instead of run.   
Help me to hear rather than to react.

"My mind and heart were sick, like Paul the apostle, I had a desire to do good, but for the life of me, I could not seem to carry it out.   If we don't stop feeding that unhealthy part of us, that beast within us, over time it will develop the strength of a grizzily and drag the rest of us off as it's kill.  As long as we are here on this earth, we will always have a few places that could use some curing.   And we won't need curing just for our own sake.   How are we supposed to help others when we can't get over our own insecurities.   The entire generation of adults in any culture is systematically raising the next.   Whether they mean to or not.   Every child you pass, you can have an affect on.   It is time we help each other out."  -beth moore

Lord, please guard my heart,
Help me not to be easily offended.
Help me not to become defensive.
Help me to instead,
hear what the other heart is really speaking.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Life is like driving a vehicle...
Sometimes it is fun to be the driver.
It means more responsibility,
but also more reward.
                                          TIME TO ENGAGE!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tangled Up Fishing Line

What is going on here, God??!!
There are some things that are required of me
that I just don't know how to deal with.
For instance,
filling out taxes,
dealing with the Department Of Motor Vehicles,
Legal issues.
I am afraid of messing it up.
I don't know what I am doing.
And then if I screw up...
I feel out of control,
I become angry, frustrated.
I want everyone away from me.
I have no idea what to do,
I just want to scream.
I feel powerless, stupid, clueless, trapped.
Feel like a caged animal.
Love is not rude and does not act unbecomingly. 1 cor 13:5
Many people are rude and act like they are the only one that matters.
I know I can be this way...
Especially in these kind of situations.
"Lord, show me the ways in which I am rude and unmannerly
and give me the grace to change.
Humility is satisfied knowing that God is in control.
It trust, enjoys rest and peace.
It delights in making others happy." Joyce Meyer
"You must trust this lesson has to be learned,
you will be helped,
you will be guided,
you will be led continually."
God Calling

When I make a mistake,
I need to hand it to You,
Like the child with the tangled fishing line.
Sure that You will make right what I have messed up.
Help me to know that
You are in control.

Friday, February 21, 2014

"Be more afraid of Spirit unrest, ruffling of the Spirit, than of earthquakes, fire, ice storms or any outside forces.  
When you feel that the calm has been broken, away alone with Me until your heart sings and all is strong and calm."
God Calling
Last year at this time:
 I needed money to take my dog to the vet,
I needed a washer machine and no money to get one.
My daughter was bleeding alot and we feared another miscarriage.
My mom died, my uncle died, My father-in-law died.
A close loved one threatened to kill me,
My car was stolen.
We needed money to have a tree cut down.
We needed money for taxes.
My feet were in great pain making it hard to work.
We were able to bring the dog to a clinic for $18.
My daughter had a beautiful baby boy.
We were given a matching washer and dryer for only $50.
My son in law loaned us his truck, and now his jeep.
We paid the tax money.
I had shoes tucked away under my bed I had forgotten about,
that when I wore them took the pain away.
God is in Control
Trust Him,
Enjoy peace and rest.
Prayer time is not a law to be kept,
but a relationship that will heal you.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Predators do not get to dominate you.

"Do not beg.
Come as a business manager
bringing the owner the needs, checks to be signed, etc.  
Know that to lay the matter before Me means immediate supply.

Contact with Me is vital."

The human spirit on it's own is not strong enough, long enough, to keep it's security afloat in the shark infested waters of our current society.

 We can be hurt without being insecure,
We can be disappointed without being insecure,
We can be unsure, humbled, shocked without being insecure.
Insecurity is more than a complex emotion.  
It is a lie about our God sanctioned condition.  
While something may cause us to feel sad, confused, angry, or threatened, we have the power to choose
whether or not it gets to assault us and our security.
(who we are)
Someone says or does something to hurt you.
Say to yourself,
"I am not going to let you go that deep.
I refuse to let your words go all the way from my ears
 to the core of who I am. 
I am not doing it."
beth moore
Emotional predators learn that being aggressive often gets them their way.
They rely on other's anxiety as the key to getting their way.
Emotional predators use verbal aggression
as opposed to physical aggression to dominate a relationship. pg 247
You can hurt my feelings,
but you cannot have my security.
You can criticize me,
and even be right about what I did wrong,
but you do not get to damage my security.
(who I am)
You might have embarrassed me,
but I refuse to let it fall on me so heavy
that is smothers my security.
(who I am)
You may be so intimidating and threatening
that I feel I have to hand a lot of things to you,
but I refuse to hand over
(who I am)
my security.
Who you are doesn't get to dwarf who I am. 
My security (who I am)
is mine to keep.
You cannot have it.
Beth Moore

Your security is in Me.
Contact with Me is vital.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do,
and He will direct your paths.  
Proverbs 3: 5-6

I was raised to be a survivor.
I do not want to just be a survivor.
So I asked, how can I be more than just a survivor in this world?
This was my answer:
"Be mindful of ways you can be a blessing to others. 
I will give you wisdom to deal with stresses and deliverances. 
'cast your care on Me, do what I lead you to,
and don't get entangled.
Refuse to let your love grow cold.
Stir up love in your family and friends.
Reach out to others who are in need and hurting.
Pray for people, bless them.
Grow to the point that
 early in the morning your heart is filled with thoughts of:
How can I be a blessing to someone today?
Wage the war against selfishness and walk in love."
"Purposely forgetting about ourselves and our problems and doing something for someone else while we are hurting is one of the most powerful things we can do." Joyce Meyer
Jesus on the cross/ comforted the theif by his side.
Stephen being stoned/prayed for those stoning him.
Paul and Silas imprisoned, ministered to their captors.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Overwelmed. Depression and Despair.

"It is not what I reveal to you
so much as the linking up of your frail natures
with the limitless Divine Power.  
I am blessing you richly.  
You think there is much to DO in a crisis like this.  
There is only ONE THING TO DO.  
Link your lives to Me.  
Trust and do not be afraid." -God calling

You want me to trust you.  
You do not want me begging passionately for you to answer my prayers
and to be in these people's lives,
but you want me to
hand them over to you.  
And then go about the day You have given me. 
Doing whatever You lead me to do,
even if it is just the mundane dutiful duties.

When he saw the wind,
he was afraid and began to sink (depression, despair)
and he cried out "Lord save me!"  


Jesus reached out His hand and caught him.        Matthew 14:30-31


Jesus talked with the men in the boat.   Matthew 14:27

"Lord save me from death." vs 30

                      TAKE COURAGE! 
                               I AM
                  STOP BEING AFRAID!

Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for Him to act. PS 37:7

If you are in a life transition- don't blame your spouse for it!
Don't blame your discontent on them.

Focus on your own growth.   Don't wait for your spouse to cheer you on!
They might not be able to do that because of issues they are dealing with!

Pray and ask God to meet your needs!

Pray for your spouse!

Don't just abandon the relationship. 

Pray and give God time to work.

Don't expect your spouse to meet needs that only God can fill.  
Let go of trying to control everything.
Find contentment in God.

Monday, February 17, 2014

How to Make a Jeep Grooms Cake - JEEP - CJ - Wedding - BACHELOR CAKE

The groom was happy !
                You can find all the instructions here!
 This bachelor cake was quite a hit at the wedding!
              This little guy couldn't resist playing in   the mud!

                                 It had working lights!

The decals on the back were copied directly

from the grooms actual  Jeep.


Step 1:
Get pictures of your Jeep!     Take pictures from every side!    
The more pictures you take the better!  (30 minutes)
Step 2:
 (30 minutes)
Take measurements of your Jeep.

For example:
Bumper is 6 feet
Tail gate is 3 feet
Fifty inches from the bottom in between the tires.
Fender to back is 10.5 feet
Fender to fender is 5 feet.
Tire to tire is 70 inches.
4 feet from the bottom to the top bumper.
22" is the windshield.
32" is the height of the tire.
 (30 minutes)
Step 3:
(30 minutes)
Make a paper outline of your Jeep using the dimensions you measured.
Get two 8x12 pans.
I used aluminum pans,
lined with foil.

Step 4:
(1 hour)
Bake 5 layers.                  Cake mixes  (2 mixes each)                 $ 12
                                       6 sticks butter                                        $  6
                                      12 eggs                                                   $  3

Step 5:
You can make the fondant ahead of time.
You will need:                  
2 bags of marshamellows     $4
2 bags of confectioners sugar.       $4
3 tbs butter
3 tbs water
3 tbs corn syrup

Step 6:
(15 minutes)
Freeze the cake after you wrap it well in saran wrap.

Step 7:
(45 minutes)
Trace the outline of your jeep onto cardboard box, triple it up!

Tape up the layers of cardboard and cover them with aluminum foil.

Cut out cups for foundations.

Tape the cups for support.

Glue the supports.
Step 8:
(1 hour)
With pictures you have taken of the Jeep,
Roll out fondant.
Looking at the pictures, make the fondant into the colors you will need.
For this Jeep we needed white, green, black, red, yellow.
I cheated on the black and bought a Wilton Black Sugar Sheet for the top.

Step 9:
(2.5 hours)
While looking at your pictures, make the details from the fondant.

Step 10:
(1 hour)
1/2 pound butter
1 2 pound bag confectioners sugar.
White frosting:  1/2 c. butter, 1/2 cup margarine
                          tsp salt
                          2 tsp vanilla
                          3 tbsp. milk
                          5 cups confectioners sugar
I bought 2 chocolate frostings $1.60 each= $3.20
               2 lbs. confectioners sugar   $1.62
Make frosting.
Trace your paper outline on to the cake.

Then, slice cake in half.

                                     Frost the middle and outside.

                                            Put in the freezer.
Save part of the cake for a bumper.
Frost the scraps and make everyone around happy to get samples.

Step 11.
(1 hour)
Carve the Second cake.

Cut it in half.
Frost it.
It definitely helps with the shaping to have a model Jeep.
I had this toy Jeep to look at to help me with the dimensions.
Put the second cake layers on top of your layers from step 10.
Cover the whole thing in frosting.
Step 12.
(1 hour)
Carve your large Jeep Cake Body.
To get it to look like the actual Jeep you are trying to make,
it helps to have a picture up of the real Jeep.

Step 13.
(2 hours)
Make a batch of Rice Krispies treats.
Shape into tires.

Frost with Chocolate Bark. (You can purchase this at Walmart.)
Let them cool.

Take kabob skewers, put through one tire, then through Jeep body.
attach second tire to other side.
Step 14. 
(several hours for detailing)

Fondant and detailing of the cake.
You can spend as much time, or as little time as you want,
depending on how detailed you want it.

Finished the cake on Wednesday.

-being the mother of the groom,
I needed to have some time for
visiting and preparations as
the wedding was on Saturday.


Are you sad? DO THE NEXT THING!

"Seek this time as a time of communion with Me.
You ask about a church.
Do not expect a perfect church.
But find in a church the means of coming nearer to Me."

"It is senseless to pay tuition to educate a fool who has no heart for wisdom." Proverbs 17:16

Besides spending time with Him,
God has ordered that 'pressing on' in the next duty
is the way to find the truest, richest comfort for ourselves in times of confusion, depression, sadness, or gloom.
Turn away
from the gloom, sadness, and depression
and take up the tasks and duties to which He calls you.
Even if it is just doing the laundry or the dishes!
Or taking out the garbage!

The light WILL grow and you WILL again grow stronger.

Trust Him.

February 16 -The world does not need SUPERMEN

"Every thought, every activity, every prayer, every longing of the day is gathered up and offered to Me now.  The world does not need supermen, but supernatural men who will persistently turn the self out of their lives and let divine power work through them."

"Whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, think about such things."  Phil 4:8
"Refuse to look at anything vile or vulgar again!"  Psalm 103:3

and then there is tithing.
Help us to know about tithing.  
You know I suck at it. 
Please help me and my loved ones to trust You.

February 13,14,15 Aftermath of PAX Ice Storm

"In rush and worry little is accomplished.
You must learn to take the calm with you in the midst of the storm.

Let inspiration take the place of aspiration.

You would have broken down under the weight of your care,
but for this renewing time with Me.  It is not what I say, it is I Myself.
It is not the hearing Me so much as the BEING in My Presence.

Remember you must Never fail to keep this time apart with Me.
Gradually you will be transformed physically, mentally, spiritually into My likeness. All who see you or who have contact with you will be brought nearer to Me and the influence will spread.  

You are making one spot of earth a Holy place.  
You must work and spend yourself ceaselessly as I lead you. 

But the greatest work you can do is done in this time apart with Me."

February 12 - PAX ICE STORM

Phone is not working.
Power is out.
I am listening as tree limbs are falling!
I watch several fall.
Camera is dead.
Another tree limb is falling.
At around noon I go outside.
Just now, a tree limb fell behind the house.
Then to the right,
a neighbors tree comes crashing down.
I take a picture (with my phone) of one tree that was heavy from the ice.
Then I go to the front of our house.
I hear at least two trees losing limbs with loud crackling.
My phone reception is out as well as my power.
My camera is dead.
I have no vehicle.
I go back inside.
I hear a loud crash.
The tree I just took a picture of,
has fallen! 
As I am writing this I am at the window.
Another tree limb just crashed to the ground.
It is reminding me of hurricane Hugo.
I hope everyone is safe.
It is raining hard.
I have my head lamp on to see.
It is dark and it is dropping in temperature.
I have layers of clothing on to try to keep warm.
Besides the cold and the constant sound of trees crackling and falling.....
Nah, never mind, I was going to say that having no internet was nice.
Nope. That would be a lie. I miss all of you!
I just heard a large thud of a big tree, and now, some more.
It sounds like they are hitting things as they are coming down.
Thinking maybe I should have bought dog food and that jar of peanut butter....
And another tree limb just came crashing down.
1:12 pm. Definitely not a day to walk in Wassamassaw Park.

Just now there is a loud thump in the park of something getting hit.
I decide to clean dishes and put away laundry while there is still some light.
Another limb crackling down.
Might as well assume that there is no power for a day or two.
Another limb breaks close to our house
....and another tree limb goes down right after that!
Might as well get lights and candles out for tonight.
Thinking, I hope my work knows I am not coming in.
Wow, another loud crackling as a tree limb crackles and falls to the ground.
Think the mailman is coming? ; )
Wow! No Way!!!! Right after I write that, the mail man shows up!
And another tree limb crashing down ....and now another!
Hmmm, maybe pizza delivery? ...Oh, no phone or internet.... bummer....

I hope my husband is ok.
It just occurred to me that he might not be home for a while.
I laugh at myself as I keep trying to turn on light switches that have no power.
I wonder how my children, their spouses and the babies are.
Another loud thud.
And now the crackling of two more branches.
Not sure if they are ready to fall or not. 
So proud of myself for keeping a phone book since the internet is out.....
then I realize... DUH, no phone service anyway.
Glad we got the little space heaters.
Oh...never mind, they are electric.
My husband comes home.
We leave to check on our children.
Find a store that is open and get some dinner to bring over to them.
They are In the dark too.
The radio announcer says,
"trees down, powerlines down, JUST AVOID SUMMERVILLE."

9:30 now.
It is so bizarre how neighbors right next to each other...
-some have power....some don't.
My whole family does not.
Less then fifty degrees in our house.
It is amazing how dark and cold and no power can make individuals cranky.
It is also interesting how any light makes you feel hopeful and warmer.
It is 1:45 am I can't sleep.
I keep hearing thuds and bumps. I go into the living room.
Almost fall asleep when I heard a loud boom....
like a limb falling on something.
Almost fall asleep again when there is a sudden burst of light.
Then a boom. A transformer has blown.
Now the wind chimes are clinking.
The wind must be picking up.
2:01 am Now it is raining.
One street down they all have lights.