"Do not beg.
Come as a business manager
bringing the owner the needs, checks to be signed, etc.
Know that to lay the matter before Me means immediate supply.
Contact with Me is vital."
The human spirit on it's own is not strong enough, long enough, to keep it's security afloat in the shark infested waters of our current society.
We can be hurt without being insecure,
We can be disappointed without being insecure,
We can be unsure, humbled, shocked without being insecure.
Insecurity is more than a complex emotion.
It is a lie about our God sanctioned condition.
While something may cause us to feel sad, confused, angry, or threatened, we have the power to choose
whether or not it gets to assault us and our security.
(who we are)
Someone says or does something to hurt you.
Say to yourself,
"I am not going to let you go that deep.
I refuse to let your words go all the way from my ears
to the core of who I am.
I am not doing it."
beth moore
Emotional predators learn that being aggressive often gets them their way.
They rely on other's anxiety as the key to getting their way.
Emotional predators use verbal aggression
as opposed to physical aggression to dominate a relationship. pg 247
You can hurt my feelings,
but you cannot have my security.
You can criticize me,
and even be right about what I did wrong,
but you do not get to damage my security.
(who I am)
You might have embarrassed me,
but I refuse to let it fall on me so heavy
that is smothers my security.
(who I am)
You may be so intimidating and threatening
that I feel I have to hand a lot of things to you,
but I refuse to hand over
(who I am)
my security.
Who you are doesn't get to dwarf who I am.
My security (who I am)
is mine to keep.
You cannot have it.
Beth Moore
Your security is in Me.
Contact with Me is vital.