Friday, February 27, 2015

God greatly desires to spend time alone with you.

Lord thank You for bringing us here to you.

Lord please help us to accept our spouse the way they are rather then trying to change them and to focus on our own problems.

The #1 trait that people look for is integrity.
Integrity is built by consistent work ethic.
You have been faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things.   Do the small things well and with a good attitude,
no matter how mundane.   Do them with excellence and more and more greater things will be given to your charge.
Be the same at home, work and church.
Be dependable, have self restraint, self control, and self respect.
Before you make a decision:   Does this glorify God?  
Do what you do better than anyone else doing it and you will always be a success.

You shall be taught!  
Continue these prayer times even if they seem fruitless.
Rest your nerves.
Hope all the time.
Do not be afraid of poverty.
Keep nothing for yourself.
Hoard nothing.
Only have what you need and use.
This is My law of discipleship. -God Calling

God greatly desires to spend time alone with you.
You are His child.
The creator of the universe wants to meet alone with you!
Make it your priority!
Time with God is never wasted.

"I will call on Him as long as I live."  Psalm 116:2
I have a lot to learn on how to be loving.

Sharing needs and meeting them is more constructive than complaining.

What a difference between
1. You have worked every night this week and I am tired of it".   Which attacks.
2. I really sense how hard you have been working and at the same time I find myself missing you.
Could we plan some special time for just us?   Which expresses need.

Help us to shift from reacting to others behavior to sharing our needs and the needs of others.  -Intimate Moments.

Please don't make the mistake of supposing God's love for you comes and goes in response to your spiritual temperature.
God's love doesn't vacillate according to how many victories you have over sin or how man times you sue His name in your prayers.   His love for you goes deeper then mere affection or surface infatuation.

Let the matchless love of God sweep away your doubt and fears.
You already have God's attention and you will never lose it.  -Joni Ereckson Tada.

Desiring something exciting and new?  
God knows your desires.
He knows how to fill them.
He knows all our thoughts and insecurities which lead us to either elevate or obsess or hate another.
Guard our hearts Lord.

I see more of my shortness and impatience with others.
"No one has heard,
no ear has perceived,
no eye has seen any God besides You,
who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.   Isaiah 64:4

Draw near to God and He will draw near to You.  Be humble and teachable.
Give God access to your ambitions, fears, and character inconsistencies.
He will transform and renew you.
Whether God has us in the land of opportunity with more tasks than time,
or tucked away in a place of obscurity with little to do and where no one can find us,
we must remember this:
We are never out of His care,
never far away from His heart.
In every season if we trust Him,
He will lead us beside still waters and to sacred spaces of replenishment and growth.
We learn that we are not what we do,
we are simply someone He enjoys.

Never think that you can accomplish great things apart from God.
And yet, live expectantly knowing that nothing is impossible with Him.
God promises to make something new of you.
He will breathe life into your wear soul.
Don't worry about forward movement.
Learn the essentials of rest and trust in this season and one day you will step into the best of what God has for You. -Your Beautiful Purpose.