Wednesday, May 25, 2016

"There will be no limit to what you can accomplish.
Realize that. Never relinquish any job or give up the thought of any task because it seems beyond your powers, only if you see it is not in My will for you. This I command you. Think of the delicate flower, under the pavement. No certainty that when it has forced its weary way up, that sunlight and warmth will greet it. What a task beyond its power that must seem! But the inner urge of life within the seed compells it, carries out the task." -God calling.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.   2 Chronicles: 20:12

We have to give much time to quietness: prayer,
for the most part,
we have to get our help directly from God.

We must each learn to walk with God one on one.

Pray and Listen.
And don't ignore the slightest whisper of guidance that comes.
May God make you very sensitve and obedient.

Fill up the crevices of time with the things that matter most.
No one else can do this for you.
You are responsible for your relationships.
And this includes your relationship with God.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Control Freak.

"An insecure person's greatest need for control is directed toward those who have the most potential to either threaten their security or strengthen it.  That is why women choose boyfriends or husbands as the primary candidates for control.
These men have the greatest capacity to affect our sense of personal well being and security and they pose the biggest threat.  Children also have the power to rock a woman's world, so the more insecure a parent is, the more they fight to control their child."    -Beth Moore

We need to look instead to God for our security.
Make every moment matter, seek Him and you will find Him.