Friday, November 5, 2010

My Guy

-Who gets up early five days a week to work to provide for his household?
-Who thought it was a good idea for me to be a stay at home mom for our
  children despite the financial hardships?
-Who buys me a big bag of Dunkin Doughnut Coffee and vanilla syrup to    add  to the coffee? (sugar free)
-Who enters pools on PICKS of the WEEK for football and when he wins
brings me out to eat on the $ winnings?
-Who comes home after a long day of work and relaxes by making us all homemade bread!?
-Who is available to our children for whenever they need help?
-That would be- my guy - 25 years of marriage.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Find your self in cramped spaces? No money??

Small home?

Make it bigger and prettier with what you have!!

(This blog began as a way to share money saving ideas as well as space saving ideas. It has expanded to a bit more than that.)

I have been redoing our daughter got married about 3 years ago, my son moved out and has his own apartment, We have one son still living with us.

It has been a busy 25 years of marriage. We were always too busy, and monetarily stretched to even consider any redecorating.

We have a small 1150 square foot house. Well lived in.

Now, it is time!!!

Good Will Gone Wrong.....she wanted me to give them to her...

I do alot of thrift shopping... Or treasure hunting!  I do alot of Ebay selling
and get many items from thrift stores.  The Bible says that a good life
consists of this:   That you walk humbly with your God and enjoy your
work!!!     Thank you God, I really do enjoy this work!!!

However, Goodwill shopping has gone crazy!!

 Last time I went to Goodwill, I saw some pans on the shelf.  I put the pans in my cart and kept shopping.  After some time of shopping a lady comes running up to me.  " I have gone all over looking for pots and pans, and you have gotten to them first.
I have gone to every Goodwill and this is the only one that has them, and you have gotten them!"   '-Okay'........I continue shopping.  I knew that she wanted
me to give them to her....

   As I am shopping  I now hear her going to all the customers in the store saying how she needs pots and pans and I have some in my
cart.   I eventually got a bit aggravated, walked up to her, and shared with her
that the Dollar General sells pots and pans..........was that so wrong.....?

Then today, I AM IN THE CHECK OUT LINE.   Get it?   I am CHECKING OUT!  PURCHASING THE ITEMS IN MY CART.   The lady in front of me who is actually in
the process of pulling out her money to pay for her purchase.....turns to me and says...
"Oh, are you going to buy that?"  She is pointing to merchandise IN MY CART, as I am next in line to CHECK OUT!  I said, 'yes'.   "Oh, really?  Because
I would like to get that for my daughter."  Me...."Oh".    She says, not giving up...."How much is it?"  I answer.   She persists, "Is it full?"  She wanted me
to give it to her......!

......COME ON PEOPLE!!!!  I am just trying to shop here!!!!!

 That lady leaves.   The lady BEHIND ME, points to some jewelry that I am getting that is on the checkout counter...."Are you getting that?"  Me...."Yes"

She continues, "Why? What are you going to do with it?"
.......she wanted it and persisted ......she seemed indignant that I was going
to get those items.......  She wanted me to give it to her.....!

Keep in mind, she had already done her shopping and
she was in the CHECK OUT line!
MAN!   It is getting so aggravating!    I saw this lady, probably in her early
60's.  She was sitting on one of the chairs that was for sale.   I said, "Enjoying
your shopping?"  (I thought she was tired.)  She said, "Oh yes,  I  just sit here,
and every time they bring a new cart of items out, I run up and get to the cart
before everyone else!"   Evidently, she was there with a few friends who were also doing the same thing.    It was like a shark feeding frenzy when a new cart
of items came out!   I decided to go in the opposite direction.

I would have sat down in a seat also, but I figured if I did, some lady would undoubtedly want me to give it to her.........

Monday, October 4, 2010

Brown widows

I started noticing these spiders all over the yard in 2008.   I called the Charleston Post and Courier Newspaper.   I confess, honestly, I was hoping for maybe a free exterminator!  -Hey, it was worth a try!    Instead, and to my surprise, I ended up on the front page of the Charleston Post and Courier!

Well, about 3 weeks ago, they contacted me again, and wanted to do a follow-up story!    Once again, to my utter surprise, my picture was plastered on the FRONT PAGE of the Post and Courier!

Well, then, the next day, I am in mismatched pajama's, no make up, cleaning the garage, and a local News  Station shows up at my door and wants to do
an interview!!

-Just call me the SPIDER, everyone else does!  ; )

I looked online, and it turns out, that in 2009, a similar article was run on a family in San Diego!!

Asian Themed Party Cake

I wanted to make a cake for my daughter's wedding anniversary party.

The theme was Asian food and decorations.

I made a four layer decadent chocolate cake.

This cake took 3 boxes of chocolate cake, 12 eggs, lots o butta!,
baking chocolate, and HEAVY whipped cream for ganache filling...
-all the heart attack items except for bacon!

I followed directions for Decadent Chocolate cake and ganache filling.

After that I 'winged' it.   I made up a rich vanilla frosting and home made
fondant.  I made some of the fondant tasted like Tootsie Rolls!

I also made a 'take out box' from chocolate cake and fondant.   The square
plate was from the 'tootsie roll' fondant!   I made a place mat from the
vanilla fondant.   All the food items, including sesame seeds were made
from coloring the fondant and shaping it.  

On the top of the cake, I poured unwhipped ganache icing.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Depressed? Don't see the point? Hopeless?

When even a Preacher says 'All is vain, empty, and transitory'.   ...Now that is depressing!

-your job ends, you are fired, your children turn on you, your spouse dies,
your spouse cheats, church people seem to be just as political as everyone else,
your health fails, you get cancer, people you love make bad decisions,(.......insert yours here)

But, because this preacher is wise, he teaches others knowledge!

This preacher says that the foundation of all happiness, and the ability to deal with all events in your life comes from this:


Know that GOD IS.  You don't know him? Pray to know Him, or pray to know Him more!
Keep His commandments.  Pray to love Him more.
 Pray to have greater faith in HIM!

After chasing (and attaining!!) everything possible- (fame, sex, wealth, food) this preacher comes to the knowledge that:

 what makes a good life is that-

A person, enjoys their work,
 and walks humbly with God.

Let me grow to love you more,
 know you more,
and  have greater faith in you. 

*some content comes from ECCLESIASTES

Don't give up!

'If you watch the wind and wait for all conditions to be right, you will not sow.  If you watch the weather and wait for all conditions to be favorable, you will not reap......You don't know the work of God."

Don't live in fear - the What if's!  Keep trying, do what it is that you really are
hoping to achieve.  What is your dream, or dreams?   Don't wait until the money is right, the health is right, the circumstances are right.  If you really want to achieve something...START NOW!  Go for your dreams!

So, in the morning  continue to sow your seed, and in the evening keep working.   ... because you don't know what will prosper!  Whether this or that, or whether BOTH alike will prosper! 

Keep doing what you are trying to do!  Don't give up even though you don't see anything fantastic happening.  Sometimes you get tired and don't see results.  But keep at it!  You don't know when the hours of loving labor will take off and soar beyond what you could imagine!

Some times we get bogged down in the daily grind. 
We don't even realize what a wonderful result is coming. your job, in child rearing, in loving....  SO DON't GIVE UP!!!

*some of this content comes from ECCLESIASTES