Drop those burdens!
Your stuff does not determine your worth,
what you can afford (or steal) is not a determining factor of your value.
"A man's worth, value is not determined by his high rank, high position, popularity, awards, money, physical appearance, state in life. A man's stability, value is known (especially to himself) when he is grounded in knowledge of who he is and who God is. This knowledge is, and this peace and satisfaction is, fortified and strengthened with divine love daily....when it seeks the honor of God over the honor of itself. When it obeys God's promptings."
-Thomas A Kempis
"Time and time again we will find ourselves in situations where the need in front of us is greater than our supply or the task before us exceeds our ability. This is where God's purposes for us and His promises to us converge. He prepares and positions us for His purposes. Every moment of every hour. Every experience we have matters to Him. Since He is always at work, may we ever be attentive to Him. May we walk this faith journey with eyes wide open, ears tuned to His voice and a heart that fully trusts Him.
When God calls us up, it is easy and tempting to look down at everything we lack, feel the limitations of our humanity and we become accutely aware of our weakness. Sometimes the closer we get to laying hold of our calling, the more we tend to think to ourselves, I could really mess this up!
-Your Beautiful Purpose
Do you ever find yourself on the receiving end of someone sharing a secret with you?
Possibly a dark secret?
Then there comes the wrestling with it.
My friend said to me, "That is a big burden when someone shares intimate knowledge like that."
I agreed.
But God says,
Thank Me!
You are a channel to be their blessing!
Drop those burdens!
They are not yours!
You are not God!
Give them to Me!
Thank Me!
Go on your way in peace and JOY!
Let the healing begin!!!"
"Lift up your heads from earth's troubles and view the glories of the kingdom. Higher and higher each day see more of heaven. Speak to Me. Long for Me. Rest in Me. Abide in Me. No restless bringing Me your burdens and then taking them away again. Abide in Me. Never lose conciousness of My strength and my protection. Stay sheltered and at rest. Learn in the little daily things of life to delay action until you get My guidance. By what you do in the small things those around you are most often antagonized or attracted". -God calling
Secret revealed.
The secret may have to be addressed.
Consequences may have to follow.
Those who it could affect may have to be informed.
It makes me sick to my stomach because of a fallen culture, including my own and those in leadership around me. And then I have to remember to turn to God.
God Believingly,
I do believe in God's mercy and forgiveness.
(I thank Him for His mercy and forgiveness in my life!)
I hope and pray for a new life for that person.
I pray for direction.
I pray for them to be wrapped in God's presence, healing, hope, power, and direction to change.
I also pray for those in leadership positions for the same....God's direction, presence, healing, hope and power in their lives.
"Do not be overcome with darkness, but overcome darkness with light." -Romans 12:21
"Do not weary of well doing." -Galatians 6:9
Grace, receive it, then share it.
"We have all received grace for grace. -John 1:16
Grace can only be received, it can't be earned or deserved.
"As you see the slow progress you make, you will gain a divine patience with others whose imperfections trouble you. Swift recognition of the selfish in your desires and motives, actions, words, and thoughts, and the instant appeal to Me to change that. Obedience. Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth but what is necessary for building up that it may impart grace to the hearers". -God Calling
"Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives. Psalm 90:14
Remember how far you have come.