Monday, March 2, 2015

Women set there desire on men. They have turned to them to gain their approval, to be found acceptable, worthy, admired, and chosen.

When you come to Me,
and I give you that eternal life,
I give to all who believe in Me,
It alters your whole existence,
the words you speak, 
the influences you have. -God Calling

We believe in You and yet so much of us still needs Your healing redemption.
We want to reflect You but we have so much to learn.

You must ponder on the truths I give you.
Meditate on them.  -God Calling 

Whatever we set our desire on will rule us.
You have only to look around you to see how women,
even Christian women set there desire on men.
They have turned to them to gain their approval,
to be found acceptable, worthy, admired, and chosen.
As a result they are ruled by them.
They take their cues for life from them.
Whatever women believe the male race wants,
they will try to become.
A women still today has unspoken expectations that the man she has chosen will meet all her needs for security, purpose, worth and identity.
What a huge disappointment when this self centered dream is not realized.
When the woman's husband is not able to fill up the "grand canyon" inside of her.
Ultimately her hurt and disillusionment will set in,
followed by anger and then bitterness.
A great chasm will develop between them.
It will take divine surgery to heal it.    -Jane Hansen.

You are the Divine Surgeon.

Why do you look at the speck in the other's eye, but do not see the plank in your own eye.  -Matt. 3

Focus on what other's do right,
you are responsible for your own actions,
not everyone else's.

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