Saturday, April 23, 2016

Pray that the Guidance will be Plain.

"Be not to ready to speak to others.
Pray always that the guidance will be very plain.  
These times are times of feeling and realizing My Presence.
Union with Me is the one overwhelming neccessity.
Do not be too ready to speak to others.
Pray that the need be apparent, 
if you are to do something, 
and the guidance very plain.
My Spirit has been driven out by the words of men.
Discourage too much talk.
Man will see Me in My Works done through you."     -God Calling

We need to treasure and accept our spouses as they are.
We need to love them as they are.
Quarreling and harsh words, coldness, and indifference
 can wither love in our spouses, much like a fragile flower.

Don't run around trying to find the answers.
Don't check off your prayer time as one more thing done on the 'to do' list.

Don't rattle off your needs to God.

Settle down.
Remember you are here in a relationship with God.
Spend time in His Presence.
Don't rush off, grabbing up your problems again.
Be aware of His Presence....His Power in your life.
The answers will come.
The guidance will come.
But wait in His Presence and get the Peace He brings to you. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

You will conquer. You will overcome.

"Are you willing to look the fool,
to be in need,
to face a giant,
just to see how for you God is?
His promises are yours.
Living by faith means we surrender our will and our logical reasoning
to follow GOd...
because we trust Him more than we trust ourselves.
May Your power be evident in and all around me.
May your love flow freely through me.
Keep me from evil and from harm,
help us to live a life full of faith,
rich in holiness.
Awaken Your passions within us that we might be quick to obey You." -Purpose Driven Life

Help us to listen to You and hear You.
"He who keeps instruction is in the way of life."
Help us to listen to You.

God uses a variety of ways to point out the changes we need to make.

"You will conquer.
Do not fear changes.
Steadfastness, unchangingness, come to you,
as you dwell with Me.
Rest in Me.
Regularly practice getting back into My Presence,
when the slightest feeling of unrest disturbs your perfect calm and harmony.
You will grow to live in that perfect conciousness of
My Presence, and perfect calm and harmony will be yours.
Reflect Me in all you say and do and are.
Take this training as the tender loving answer to your prayers." -God Calling

Weary not yourself to be rich,
cease from your own human wisdom.  Prov. 23:4

Obey. Pray. Be at Peace.
Peace not leisure.
Do not fear.
Do not instill fear in others.
Guard your thoughts.
Do not point at others.

You will conquer.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Are you in the middle of a storm?

"Obey My commands.   Above all keep calm, unmoved.
Go back into the silence to recover this calm when it is lost even for a moment.
You accomplish more by this than all the activities of the day.  At all costs 
keep calm.
You can help no one when you are agitated.  
Never feel inadequate for any task.
All work here is accomplished by My spirit,
and that can flow only through the most humble and lowely.
Pray about everything,
but concentrate on a few things until those are accomplished.
I am watching over you."  -God Calling.

I do believe Lord, that you have us in your hands and You are healing us,
and answering our prayers, desires.  Show us what is the next thing to do.

Open the doors where you want us,
and close them where You don't.

"Believe that your are His, and He is working in you.
Lie still in His arms and trust Him.
You will see His touch on your daily walk."

I don't have to manipulate,
I don't have to cause it to happen.
Thank You that You bring hope to everything.

God call us to have a passion for Him.
To pray, think, dream, plan, and work-
not to be made much of,
but to make much of Him,
in every part of our lives.

"Health, Peace, Joy, Patience, Endurance,
they all come from contact with Me.
Claim healing, power, joy, and supply.
Know that I am with you."   -God Calling

A friend of mine went into my back yard.
There they pointed out the posion ivy climbing up a tree.
They pointed out a tree that was dead.
I couldn't believe that all they could concentrate was the negative.
Around us was green, and birds, and life, and flowers, and fruit.
Never once did they point out the beauty!

Lord, help us!  We can be like this.
We can sit and look at all the negative around us.
we can choose to see the beauty, the life.
Help us not to miss out on the beauty of the present moment.
Help us to choose to focus on the many blessings around us.

"Why can't we just enjoy the present...?"

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Never feel inadequate.

I feel so 'discombobulated'.
I can't seem to focus.
My mind is in all directions.
Help me to walk in the way and to hear Your guidance.

"I guide you always.

I am teaching you balance and poise.
This will give you power in dealing with the lives of others.
People waste so much time in seeking to work out what they see.
In seeing My purpose all is done".   -God Calling

Help us to see Your purpose and to not waste time doing other things.

It has always been pointed out to me that I am powerless and mediocre...
and I need to just 'go away'.

Please help me to know Your power and how beloved I am to You.
Please heal my core being,
my heart, soul, and mind.
Let me know I am precious, beloved and powerful in You.

"Never feel inadequate.
Obey My commands.
They are the steps in the ladder that lead to success.
Above all,
KEEP CALM, unmoved.
Come back to Me when this calm is lost for even a moment.
At all costs,
keep calm.
Never feel inadequate for any task I give you.
All work here is accomplished by My Spirit.
Pray about all but
concentrate on a few things until those are accomplished.
I am watching over you.
Strength for your daily, hourly task is provided.

Set your heart and your soul to seek the Lord Your God. 1 Chron. 22

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Do you need help?

Lord, guide us.

"I AM your guide.
strength and help will come to you.
Just trust Me wholly.
Fear Not.
Walk in My ways and know that help will come.
Man's need is God's golden opportunity for man of letting him find faiths expression.
You long for perfection and see your bitter failures.
I take your poor faithfulness.
I see faithfulness.
As a mother takes the soiled, imperfect work of her child and invests it with
perfection because of sweet love.

I am all powerful and all knowing.
I have all your affairs in My hands.

Peter, great leader that he was,
could never have been as powerful as he was,
had he not learned his weakness.

A many sided training my apostles need.

I love you.
Not one test too much will I lay on you."   - God Calling 

"Getting married or raising children doesn't completely fulfill a person.
Having a career does not produce peace.
Neither prestige  nor power brings purpose.
Money can't make a happy atomosphere at the breakfast table.
What is the purpose of it all?
I believe a person is just spinning their wheels until they are fulfilled by God Himself.
He is the only one who can get it all together.
He is the only one who can keep it there.
He is the only one who can make us complete, total.
He is the only one who can give us a good attitude all of the time.  
And best of all, He offers us the possibility of life with no regrets." -Your beautiful Purpose.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Ever feel like a reject? In circumstances that terrify you?

Feeling the anxiety,loneliness,rejection of not belonging?
Overwhelmed by unexpected circumstances?

Lord, give us a new viewpoint.
Help us  to see ourselves as You see us.
Help us to get our direction and drive from You.

"Obedience is the key!
No person can obey Me implicitly without in time realizing My love.
You will experience the joy of being the beloved.
I make My home in the humblest heart.
Pride stands guard at the door and can shut out the lowly, humble Lord.
Heaven may be in a slum or a palace." -God Calling

Turmoil kept me awake in the night.
Desperate, fearful, desolate.
Only by running to You did I get relief and that 'peace that surpasses all understanding.'

"I will delight myself in Your commandments,
I will not forget Your words.
Deal bountifully with me that I may live and keep Your word.
Open my eyes that I may see wondrous things from Your law.
I AM a stranger on the earth.,
Do not hide Your commandments from me."  -Psalm 119

"You are blessed when you stay on course,
walking steadily on the road revealed by God.
You are blessed when you follow His directions,
doing your best to find Him.
That's right, you don't go off on your own,
you walk straight along the road He set.  -Psalm 119,The Message

No calamity will ever bring only evil to us, if we will immediately take it in fervent prayer to God.
Even as we take shelter beneath a tree during a downpour of rain...
we may unexpectedly find fruit on it's branches.
And when we flee to God,taking refuge the shadow of His wing,
we will always find  more in Him than we have ever before seen or known.  - Nathaniel William Taylor
Luke 8:40-47
"The woman had the inferior stigma of being a woman
and the negative stigma of blood
which forced her to isolate from people.
She lived with the loneliness of isolation,
and the pain of living a 'just get by kind of life', and outcast separate from her people...
until she couldn't stand it another moment.

This exhausted yet brave woman broke tradition,
pressed through crowds,
and grabbed onto Jesus' garments.
She was healed.
And she did not run away in fear.
How tempting that would have hold onto her healing.
She humbly bowed before Jesus and admitted it was her that touched Him.
Brave, bold, humble.
I believe Jesus engaged her in this way so He could convey
"My precious soul, you didn't take healing from Me.
I gladly give it to you!
Be healed and restored."   

If you need a fresh measure of faith for the great things God wants to do in and through you,
ask for it!"   -Your Beautiful Purpose.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Turmoil and Anxiety.

When I am in turmoil in the middle of the night....  I have to turn to You for peace!

"Enjoy the present."

"The call comes on this day for all who love Me to arise from Earth bands -
from sin, laziness, depression, distrust,fear, all that hinders the Risen Life.
To arise to beauty, to Holiness, to Joy, to Peace, to work inspired by love and Joy.
To rise from death to life.

All that depresses you,
all that you fear,
are powerless to harm you.

They are but phantoms....shadows.

Let nothing hinder your risen life.

Rise from your fears and go out into the sunlight

to meet ME,
Your Risen Lord." (God Calling)

I come with peace that doesn't make sense.
Nothing changes except My presence in your hearts and minds.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Do not fear the terror in the night.

"Lord, You have enlarged me when I was in distress, have mercy on us, and hear our prayers!" Psalm 4:1 No distress needs to cramp us, crowd us into ourselves, or make us smaller or poorer in anything that matters. Largeness, like the largeness of the sea is His gift to us. We shall not be flattened in spirit by pressure, but enlarged. In the narrow ways of pain or of temptation He will make wide room for us. -Amy Carmichael
"It is not a monster, it is only a shadow."
It is by Your touch that terror disappears.