Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Are you in the middle of a storm?

"Obey My commands.   Above all keep calm, unmoved.
Go back into the silence to recover this calm when it is lost even for a moment.
You accomplish more by this than all the activities of the day.  At all costs 
keep calm.
You can help no one when you are agitated.  
Never feel inadequate for any task.
All work here is accomplished by My spirit,
and that can flow only through the most humble and lowely.
Pray about everything,
but concentrate on a few things until those are accomplished.
I am watching over you."  -God Calling.

I do believe Lord, that you have us in your hands and You are healing us,
and answering our prayers, desires.  Show us what is the next thing to do.

Open the doors where you want us,
and close them where You don't.

"Believe that your are His, and He is working in you.
Lie still in His arms and trust Him.
You will see His touch on your daily walk."

I don't have to manipulate,
I don't have to cause it to happen.
Thank You that You bring hope to everything.

God call us to have a passion for Him.
To pray, think, dream, plan, and work-
not to be made much of,
but to make much of Him,
in every part of our lives.

"Health, Peace, Joy, Patience, Endurance,
they all come from contact with Me.
Claim healing, power, joy, and supply.
Know that I am with you."   -God Calling

A friend of mine went into my back yard.
There they pointed out the posion ivy climbing up a tree.
They pointed out a tree that was dead.
I couldn't believe that all they could concentrate was the negative.
Around us was green, and birds, and life, and flowers, and fruit.
Never once did they point out the beauty!

Lord, help us!  We can be like this.
We can sit and look at all the negative around us.
we can choose to see the beauty, the life.
Help us not to miss out on the beauty of the present moment.
Help us to choose to focus on the many blessings around us.

"Why can't we just enjoy the present...?"

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