Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I nearly lost my way. -December 8

Step out of the shadows of fear and doubt!

 Please let us get all of our confidence from You.
May no gift of Yours ever take Your place in our hearts.
Thank you that you give us courage.
You can take all our emotions including jealousy, anger, sensitivity,
insecurity, and redeem them.

Thank you for our work in a secular world.
Sometimes it seems that when in the 'Christian world', we share you,
and the sharing is just received as a 'should' of the environment,
not as a heartfelt, sincere word of guidance.

"But as for me, my feet had almost slipped, I had nearly lost my foothold.   Psalm 73:2.
We need to shift our focus to the only place we can find security and strength.
Our relationship with God.

Lord it is funny,
I see other people's paths,
and I think that I want their path.
So naive,
I know nothing of their path.
I thank You for the path You have me on,
please help me to embrace it and You.
You have done so much for me and my loved ones.


We are often required to endure patiently tolerating an annoying habit or personality characteristic.
We all have these so we all need tolerance from each other.
Lord help us to love the 'quirks' of each other.
Some times we may get annoyed or frustrated or tired.
It doesn't mean that we don't love someone,
It just means that we are annoyed or frustrated or tired, or sick.
It may have absolutely nothing to do with the other person!
Please help us to realize that about them as well!

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