Wednesday, December 3, 2014

When Doubt whispers -You don't have anything to offer!

When doubt whispers-
I don't have anything to offer.....
Comparison causes us to compete with each other,
but no one wins,
God never intended for us to compete with each other.
He wants us to complete one another,
celebrating and encouraging each other's strengths while discovering 
who He created us to be.
The only way you can break free from the comparison trap is to embrace the reason you are who you are.

You are God's beloved.

Comparison leaves us insecure, confused, and discontent.
Every time I compare myself with someone else,
I can never measure up because I am measuring my insides with their outsides.
We compare how we feel inadequate on the inside with someone who looks like they have it all together. on the outside.
Then we try to polish our outsides,
hoping that will make us feel better on the inside,
but it never does.  -Renee Swopes

His heart is established, He will not be afraid.   Psalm 112:8

We don't choose the things of God so that we can be happy in the life hereafter,
we choose His things because our relationship with Him is becoming the most important relationship in our lives.  As we see His loving action in our lives. We can't help but want to know Him more
as He gives us hope, direction, purpose, joy, peace, comfort.

When you get bad news:
 Focus on God - run to Him.
 Focus on getting to th truth
 Focus on the positive.

Open our eyes to the beauty of this day and the gifts You have arranged in it.
Forgive us when we try to get different things that we think we want for the day.

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