So, for last Halloween, Tom and I were Shrek and Fiona. I looked around the house to see what I could use! I hate wasting money!
I actually had left over green spray from last Halloween. I used this for Tom's beard. We were going to a special event, so he dressed up as Shrek in a suit. The T Shirt Tux was from my daughter's wedding. (All the bridesgrooms and dads received one.) The jacket he is wearing over the t-shirt, is one that was just collecting dust in our closet. He wore his regular work pants, and his brown steel toed emphasize the feet (Shrek has big ones!) I took a black ball cap we had laying around, and painted a Shrek insignia on it with green fabric paint. His Shrek ears were made from a clothing hanger and a small sheet of green rubber foam, rolled up. I found the rubber foam at a craft store. Tom took little green gummy worms and stuffed them in his green ears. This was his 'ear wax'! He kept a bag of them in his pocket. So he could pull one out of his ear and give it to anyone that wanted one. You can just barely see one hanging from the ear on the right!
For Fiona, I will confess that I purchased the wig and green makeup off of Ebay for $25.
I wore the Fiona Wig and the green makeup. I had a cookie cutter in the shape of a ginger bread man hanging from a string ( he was the ginger bread cookie cutter I used as a child). I wore sparkly black slip-on shoes (also from my daughter's wedding). My dress was actually an old prom dress from when my daughter was in high school! Because it was a bit tight, I complimented it with a silky blue top....this was actually one of my blue pajama tops! I had green plastic gloves to wear that I had for perming my hair!
Shrek is holding Donkey. For Donkey, I went to a local thrift store and found a pink and purple large stuffed unicorn for 5o cents. I cut off the horn. Then, I cut off the unicorn's wings, spray painted them black and gray. I sewed them on his head and turned them into donkey ears. I spray painted the rest of his body with black spray paint to cover any pink or purple. He turned out quite good! We put sunglasses on him because we all know how cool Shrek is. We also put duck tape on his mouth, because he talks too much!!
I won first prize in a Halloween contest at work!
And it was mostly using what I could find around the house!
We were downtown and visitor's to Charleston were asking us if they could have their picture taken with us!