Monday, January 26, 2015

Do we sometimes desire something exciting and new?

Sharing needs and meeting them is more constructive than complaining.
What a difference between
1.  You have worked every night this week and I am tired of it!
      This attacks.
2.   Or:  I really sense how hard you have been working and at the same time I find myself missing you.
       Could we plan some special time for just us?
       This expresses need.

Help us to shift our focus from reacting to others behavior to sharing our needs and the needs of others.
-Intimate Moments

Keeping God's attention.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord.  Psalm 12:1-2

Please don't make the mistake of supposing that God's love in you comes and goes in response to your spiritual temperature.   God's love doesn't vacillate according to how many victories you have over sin,
or how many times you sue His name in your prayers.
His love for you goes deeper then mere affection or surface infatuation.
Let the matchless love of God sweep away your doubt and fears.
You already have God's attention and you will never lost it.  -Jonie Erickson Tada

Do we sometimes desire something exciting and new?
Lord You know our desires!
You know how to fill them!
You know all our thoughts and insecurities which lead us to either elevate and obsession or hatred.
Guard our hearts Lord!

Sometimes we see so much more of our shortness and impatience with people!

"No ear has heard, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him."  Isaiah 64:4

Draw near to God and He will draw near to You.
Be humble and teachable.
Give God access to your ambitions, fears, and character inconsistencies.
He will transform and renew you.
Whether God has us in the land of opportunity with more tastes than time,
or tucked away in a place of obscurity with little to do and where no on can find us,
we must remember this:
We are never out of His care, never far away from His heart.
In every season if we trust Him, He will lead us beside the still waters and to sacred spaces of replenishment and growth.
We learn that we are not what we do,
we are simply someone He enjoys.
Never think that you can accomplish great things apart from God.
And yet, live expectantly knowing that nothing is impossible with Him.
God promises to make something new of us.
He will breath life into our weary soul.
Don't worry about forward movement.
Learn the essentials of rest and trust in this season and one day you will step into the best of what God has for you.    -Your Beautiful Purpose..


"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
Everything must rest on Me.
Force is born of rest.
Only Love is a conquering force.
Be not afraid.
I will help you.
Be a channel.
My spirit will flow through you.
Take heart.
God loves.
God helps.
God fights.
God wins.
You shall see.
You shall know.
The way will open.
All My love has ever planned you shall see each day unfold.
Only be taught.
Be a child.
A child never questions plans.
It accepts gladly.
All is well.
Wonderful things are happening.
Do not limit God at all.
He cares and provides.
Uproot self.
The channel blocker.
The day will unfold step by step."   -God Calling.

I don't want to just Survive Life or Kill Time.

Help us to walk in Your paths today.
Help us to cast off the "obligation" of prayer and keep the relationship part of it.

Without our time with You, we are wanderers in the dark.
We have a confidence and assurance in You.
Your grace and wisdom.
Help us get a new vision
One that brings life and newness to whomever and wherever we are.
It is not our vision,
but the presence of You in each moment.
You desire love for each person that we meet.

You have given us the desire to not just 'Survive life, Kill Time',
but to live life in hope and expectation.
You give us more love for our families and our spouses.

You guide us clearly and unexpectedly.

A great union, in God's Hands, will accomplish such great things that there certainly will be forces whose purpose is to mar that friendship.

Store only the blessings from Me.
Encourage yourself with these blessings.
"Give up every fear of the future, of poverty, for those dear to you,
of suffering , of loss, leave all thoughts of unkindness and bitterness, all your dislikes and resentments, your sense of failure, your disappointment in others and in yourselves, your gloom, your despondency, leave them and go forward to a new and risen life.   Do not see as the world sees.  I hold the year in My hands, in trust for you.
But I will guide you one day at a time.
Leave the rest with Me.
You must not anticipate the gift by fears or thoughts of the days ahead.
Each day I will supply the wisdom,
the strength, the bridge to go over your difficulties or the strength to walk through them.
Trust Me.
Help raise the helpless to courage, to struggle, to faith, to health.
Love. Laugh, Love and Laughter beckon others to faith and courage.
Trust on.
Love on.
Joy on.
Refuse to be downcast in your upward climb.
Love and laugh.
I am with you.
Cast your burdens on Me and I will sustain you.
How many burdens can you lighten this year?
How many hearts can you cheer?
How many souls can you help?"     -God Calling