Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Why does she (he) hate me?


Have you ever had someone who had it in their heart to be offended by you?
No matter what you had to say?
And you felt hurt that someone hates you so much
and with such fierce determination?
When you encounter opposition and mean spirited people,
which you will,  entrust your heart to Him.
He will defend and deliver you.
You do not need to fear another's opinion because you have a powerful God who believes in you.
Others opinion loses its power over you
because God's opinion of you (and of them) has won....

Whether your call is a call of hidden significance 
or public influence,
He will keep you as you trust in Him and He will guard your heart.   
-Your Beautiful Purpose

And then.... 
check your heart and spirit.
Are you the one who is hating another with fierce determination?
A church, a family member, a friend? 
If so, 
pray to God to free your heart and mind
from bitterness

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Am I a Church Bully?

Sometimes as a 'church person' I can come across as a pushy sales person.....

who is really only concerned with my own ego and self gratification...

 'Get them to MY church so I can put another notch in MY spiritual belt'.     

I push MY God agenda rather than loving people now, 
right where they are.

I point my imperfect finger at imperfect people.

I end up pushing others away from the very loving God I want them to know.

Why?  Because I want them to know Him on MY TERMS.

I end up angry and frustrated and resentful because others
are not doing what I want them to do.  


Look to God and pray.
Concentrate on my own need for God's correction
and direction in my own life.

Ask to keep my eyes fixed on Him and the
life, and hope
that He is working in my own life.


"Look to Me and be saved".   

When I, as a church person, focus more on my own agendas,
rather than on loving people in the Now,
then I am just self centered and bullying under the guise of church.