Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Your consolations are not like the consolations of men.

Choose a secret place for yourself.
Love to dwell with Me alone,
Seek not to be talking with anyone,
but rather come pray.
That you might keep your path clear and
'esteem the world as nothing.  Prefer the time with God
before all things.   You cannot listen to Me and the world at the same time.
You must withdraw from your acquaintances and those dear to you.
You must disengage from all things.
The perfect victory is to triumph over yourself.
Keep all reason obedient to Me.   -God Calling

Set the axe to the root.   Matt 3:10

Man inordinately loves himself and is at the bottom of all that which is to be rooted out.
The best way to be a blessing is to have prayer time with You.

"Use my unlimited stores for your needs, and those of others.
Seek My wonderful truths and you shall find."

Take your daily marching orders, and strength and guidance for the day.
Listen to My Voice eagerly, joyfully.
Never crowd it out!
Do not pay attention to the babbles of the world.
Life has hurt you.
My children, trust Me always. -God Calling

Pray for the passion, plan, and people God has laid on your heart.
All is a gift of God.
Our gift to God is our gratitude.
Cherish the gifts - His finest gifts are us!

BUT, The most tempting and beautiful gifts of His creation can not be before Him.

"To me, constructive guidance implies that I don't know everything,
that my way is not perfect, and this truth is hard to swallow"  
Help us to be able to hear constructive guidance without feeling attacked,
or attacking, or blaming, or becoming defensive.

Your way, or mine?

Search until you find Me face to face.

Lord I lift up my heart and thoughts to You.
So much bad news,
constantly confronting us.
I found myself 'hating people'.
I lift up all those thoughts to You because You know and I know that is not something You want in my thought life.
I am sad because of the negative thoughts that run through my mind.
I know that I am to think about 'what ever is honest, and right, and true and good.
Instead, I often let my eyes and mind wander to all the negativity that forces its way into my life.

"When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away."  psalm 32:3

He invites us to spend time in His Presence because He loves us.
There is no other answer.

"I fall to my knees before Him.
I am ready to worship Him.
I am ready to listen to Him.
I am ready to give Him complete control of my life.
All that I am, my assets, my strengths, my liabilities, my fears, anxieties, hurts, past sins,
All these I leave with Him."
But the wisdom that is from above is....willing to yield.  James 3:17
Your way or Mine?