Saturday, June 28, 2014

How do I find my purpose in life?

Why should we, whom God loves freely, make it so others have to earn our love?

If you do this or don't do that - then I will love you.   - conditional love.

Guard your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life.-proverbs 4

Instead of guarding and listening to our heart,
we have been told to silence it and listen to the call of sacrifice and duty.
Prayerfully pursue your passions.

So how do we discover our heart's desire?

Psalm 37   "Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."

"Seek first the kingdom of God and all these other things will be added unto you.  

As we find our deepest delight in our personal relationship with God and allow His word to shape our thinking and plans,
the Lord promises to shape our desires as well.  
There is a connection between our delighting in God and discovering our hearts desires.  

If you want to know your life's purpose,
pursue the heart of God and you will have a head on collision with your calling.   The closer I get to Him, the more clearly I understand His purpose for my life.   God uses the desires of our hearts to narrow the focus of where He wants our lives to make a mark for eternity. -A Confident Heart.

Fill up the crevices of time with things that matter most.
Seek My face.

Walk with Him as with a visible companion all day!
Be faithful, not frantic. 
 Keep looking.

We must learn to walk with God alone and feed on His word.
Don't evade the slightest whisper of guidance that comes.

May God make us very sensitive and very obedient.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Do not fear. Take a new land.

Receive My words,
and Treasure up My commandments within you.
Make your ear attentive to skillful and Godly wisdom,
Incline and direct your heart and mind to understanding.
Apply all your power to the search for it.
If you search for wisdom the same way as you search for money,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of our God. -Proverbs 21

Be not wise in your own eyes, Worship God and turn away from evil.
It shall be health to your bones,nerves, marrow. -Proverbs 3

Do the next thing.
When you want to know what the right thing to do is.
Do the next thing.

Do the simple duties and you will find the path.

"We now have this light shining in our hearts,
but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this
great treasure.   This makes it clear that our great power is from God,
not from ourselves."  2 Cor. 4:7

"If we dare turn a deaf ear to the enemy and listen only to heaven's song,
we will take a new land.   We will grow bold in our faith.  We will go places we could never otherwise go.   We will be transformed as we go.   We will partake in loaves and fishes miracles." - Susie Larson

Do not fear.
Take a new land.

Do you antagonize or attract? -June 26

By what you do in the small things,
those around your are most often antagonized or attracted.

Please help me to be so close to You,
that, like a candle that gives off light naturally,
I cast Your light around me.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Weeping may endure for a night...

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."

Anticipate the morning.
Feel in the night of sorrow that underlying joy that tells of confident expectation... of the morning.

Lord I am ready for something new.
Please open the doors.

"The Lord is close to those who are of a broken heart
and saves such as are crushed with sorrow."

"Go, sell the oil, and pay your debt, and you and your family live in rest."

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet and friend. -June 24

Was struggling with the thought of having to euthanize our dog.
The worst part of it was that it was due to money, not necessarily her condition.

I felt lost in it all.

I asked God for help.  Please help me in the lost storm.  
Take this horrible agony from me and make the direction clear.

Until at the last moment the vet called and said she would do the needed surgery for half the price!   Thank you Lord!  A great weight was lifted from me.  I am thankful for that release of that extreme heart agony .

However, even so, I had a feeling we may not be bringing Roxie home.

The next day, when the vet got a new look at our dog,
she said the tumor had grown extensively in two short weeks.
She said it surely had invaded the bone, and most probably the lungs.

She said surgery would mean amputations, suffering and an ongoing battle.

We said good by to our beloved Roxie.  I was thankful that the last night at our home, I slept on the couch next to her, that she was not alone.

Thankful for peace in the storm.  

But of course there is still deep heart ache.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Feel like you are at a dead end? Hope restored.

Lord I feel like I am at a dead end.
Please open doors for me.

"Cling to Me.
When weary sit by the well.  Rest.
Rest and gain power and strength and the work too will come to you as it came to Me.  Rest until every care has gone and then let the tide of love and joy flow in."

  I don't want to be weak and ineffectual.  Lord, make me strong, full of power and annointing, proclaiming a risen lord and not a defeated weak human.  

"If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
then when they seek me I will be found."

I feel lost Lord.
I feel lost.
I feel paralyzed,
I feel lost.

"If you are in a season of refining ,
lean in,
trust the loving hand of your precious Lord and know that he will lead you to the other side.
humble yourself and seek to understand what the Lord is doing around you.   He will faithfully lead you and He will strengthen you as you go.   On the other side of this refining time is a fresh perspective and new mercies.   Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, in due time you will be lifted up and honored before a watching world."  -Susie Larson   

I couldn't finish my prayer time today because I was so lost about Roxie our dog.  Facing the prospect of euthanizing her.

The vetriniarian called and said she would do the surgery for half the price and I could absolutely pay in labor.

Hope restored. 

My heart has been lifted with hope.   Even if tomorrow the vet says Roxie's paw is hopeless, at least I know we didn't have to just give up.  

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Woman you are healed of your sickness.

"If we have not learned to be stable during difficult circumstances, we will not be able to show stability with difficult people.   Stability must be worked in us as we go around and around the same mountains in life.   We finally learn not to let them upset us.   Then and only then can we show God's love to a needy world." -Joyce Meyers  

People need a relationship with God, not a religion.

Lord I hope you are saturating me.

"Your Red Sea will part."

Lord, don't talk to me in riddles!
As you said in Your word,
Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no. 

"Do not think about the Red Sea that lies ahead.   Be very sure that when you come to it the waters will part and you will pass over to your promised land of freedom. Just talk to Me."

No man can see the face of God and live,
yet that is what I seek.   Your face.
Open my eyes to the riches I already possess.

"Woman you are healed of your sickness."

Guard your thoughts.
Take your thoughts and purposes and make them captive to God.

Offer them to Him.

Take away the pointing of the finger.
The whispering,
The inuendos.

If My people who are called by My name would humble themselves
and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways,
then they would find Me.
And I would heal them.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Pray without ceasing.

Lord be present to us.
Be now.

"Just to come before Me and stay for awhile in My presence,
this must strengthen and help you.
Obtain my mind.
The only way to keep calm, sane, is to have a mind which is in Me.
That mind you can never obtain by reasoning or by reading,
but only by living with Me and sharing My life.
Think much of Me.
Speak much of Me.
See others as I see them.
Let nothing less satisfy you.
Don't worry about the future." -God Calling

Tell Him all about your weakness
and your long encouraged habits of doubt,
and how helpless you are before it,
and commit the whole battle to Him.
Believe He is faithful,
not because you feel it,
or see it,
but because He says He is.
Cultivate a continuous habit of believing,
and never let your faith waiver for any reason. -AGS

"I am focusing all my energies on this one thing,
I am focusing ahead.
Forgetting the past (mistakes and hurts)
and looking forward to what lies ahead."  phil. 3

Sometimes I feel overwelmed, wondering what the future holds,
then I remember that worry and fear are not from You.



Friday, June 20, 2014

The days are tough.-June 20

Wait to hear My Will and then obey.
At all costs obey.
Do not fear.
I am a wall of protection around you.
See this.   -God Calling.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Dead End Vision

"It is your task to maintain your heart peace in adverse circumstances.
Doubt always your power or wisdom to put things right.
Ask me Me to right all as you leave it to Me.
Go on your way loving and laughing.
I am wisdom.
Only My wisdom can rightly decide anything,
settle any problem.
So rely on Me.
All is well."   -God calling.

Lead me by your truth and teach me,
for you are the God who saves me.  
All day long I put my hope in you.

"Don't get so wrapped up in the unfulfilled desires of your heart that you stop tending the garden that God has already given you." -susie larson

I need your love,
I need your vision.
I have dead end vision.
Please give me life giving vision.

Follow the path of obedience. It leads to Me,Your treasure.

Lord help me to listen with my heart and not my fear.

Lord, I don't want to just 'fold up shop'.
I want to grow.
I don't want to become self protective and 'dead end' out.
Show me where life is.

Lord let me know, recognize, see Your love.

Victories come when we humbly assume responsibility and do what needs to be done for the good of many instead of doing just what makes life easier for us.

"You slaves must obey your earthly masters in everything you do.   Try to please them all the time, not just when they are watching you.   Obey them willingly because of your love of the Lord.   Work as if God is watching even when the boss isn't."

I do doubt my own wisdom lord.
Please give me your vision 
I know I have dead end vision.

Proverbs 3: 5-7

Lean on
trust in,
and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind
and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.   In all your ways know, recognize,
and acknowledge Him,
and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.   Be not wise in your own eyes,
reverently fear and worship the Lord and turn away from evil.

Paw work. -June 18

Press in and press on.   You have access to all the riches of heaven.   It takes time for a significant moment to happen.   Keep praying.   Keep believing.   Keep walking.   Keep reaching for God's best for you.   And at just the right time, according to God's glory and your readiness the clusds will break, the waters will part, and there will be a way where there was no way.   God loves to do miracles through a humble, believing soul.   Give him the glory He deserves by giving Him access to your whole self.
Wait until you see what He has in store for you!  -Susie Larson

Help me to believe and see.

Fancy foot work. 
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.  -acts 3:6
Paw work.  Lord please let me see Your hand.  Your movement in this situation.    My response is to give up.  I see the mountain.   Show me Your hand and especially Your face.  Help me see You in this situation.

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. 
They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.   -Is. 40:31

My hand is controlling all.   Take all in order as I say. 
Listen to My voice.
Rest and pray.  I lead you.  
The way is clear.  Go forward unafraid. 
 I am beside you.    
-God Calling

Nothing is ever hopeless. -June 17

Spending time in God's word is the treasure and the key to overcoming challenges and experiencing success.

This thought came to me about God's provision:
"I try to keep you from worry by providing the means to a need that is about to arise.Then you get resentful because you have to use that 'extra' money when the need arose.   So I will provide AS the need arises."

God is Faithful.
"If the whole purpose of my life is to learn to love God and to show His compassion to the world, then what He is doing in me is more important then what He is doing for me.   I have discovered through many tears that if I bring every jagged edge of my life to Him, He will continue to mold me to become the woman I am called to be."  -Sheila Walsh

In this mediocre and complacent attitude comes a God who desires to give life, and give it abundantly.   This doesn't mean special protection from problems, but it does mean joy, peace, and liberty in the midst of them.   Part of His plan for such abundance is the divine relationships through which He works - marriage, the family, the church.               -I.M.

I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.  Phil 4:11

"Set your hope on Me. 
Know that your days will hold more and more of Me.
Do not try to find answers to the mysteries of the world.
Learn to know Me more and more.
Know no theology.
Know Me.
If a man knows Me not,
all your explanations will fall on an unresponsive heart."
-God Calling

An amazing life is the transfiguration of the ordinary daily events and circumstances which lifts them to the spiritual, and sees them as the signs and the indications of the divine leading.  Nothing is ever hopeless.

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?  Matt 6:27

Monday, June 16, 2014

Live joyfully with the spouse whom you love
all the days of your life.    -eccl. 9:9

"Walk in My way and Trust Me.
No evil can touch you.
I am yours as truly you are mine.
Rest in that truth.
Rest in Me not only when the world's struggles
prove too much and too many for you to bear or face alone.
Rest in Me when you need perfect understanding.
When you need the conciousness of tender, loving, friendship.
Seek Me for companionship.
Your character will be so altered and purified.
Seek Me early that is the way to find Me.
Early, before I get crowded out by life's troubles, difficulties and pleasures."
-God Calling

"If we have not learned to be stable during the difficult circumstances,
we will not be able to show stability with difficult people.
Stability must be worked in us,
as we go around and around the same mountains in life,
we finally learn not to let them upset us.
Then and only then, can we show God's love
to a needy world." -Joyce Meyers

TAKE A NEW LAND! June 15th

"I am planning for you.
Wonderful are My ways, beyond your knowledge.
Realize My bounty and My goodness more and more.
The wonder of being led by Me,
The beauty of a guided life.
These will enter your consciousness more and more and
bring you ever more and more joy.
You are very nearly at the point when
you shall ask what you want and it shall be done unto you.
You have entered a wonderful time.
Your lives are planned and blessed by Me as never before.
You are overcoming.
You are counting all things but loss if you can win Me.
And the promises to him that overcomes are wonderful "
 -God Calling

"We will strust Him,
whom our eyes cannot see,
or we will lean more heavily on the sinking sands beneath our feet.
The more we lean in to Him during the painful refining times,
the more He shows us what is in us still that needs to go
before He takes us to a new Land."   -Susie Larson


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Face today with Me

"Face today with Me!

Follow every leading .
I am your Guide.
Put away from you every thought of trouble.
Take each day.
Face the day's problem with Me.
Seek My help and guidance as to what you can do.
Never look back.
Circumstances are not what needs altering,
YOU need altering!
As you reach for Me you will be altered."  -God Calling

Relationship with God is not about being good.

It is about being in relationship.
He loves us even when we screw up and
He calls us toward wholeness and new motivations.

You have authority over all,
So I will not worry for the future.
I will trust in You with all my heart,
And I will not depend on my own understanding.

Live joyfully with the spouse whom you love all the days
of your life.    eccles 9:9

Friday, June 13, 2014


Spiritual authority in God exceeds any earthly authority in my midst.
Lord please open my eyes to see this.

Give us strength and grace to be faithful in the now.
We need Your mercy and grace.
There is pain in the struggle,
especially in the struggle to live a holy and healthy life.

There is work,
hard work involved in taking back the darkness.

Don't get discouraged and give up.

You put forth the effort, once I show you the way.

Lord let my obsession be You.

Look to Me and all your thoughts will be God inspired.
Act on them and you will be led on.

You have filled our quiver with three beautiful arrows.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Are you afraid of success?

Be watchful to My voice and instantly obey.
The man who obeys Me implicitly builds his foundation on a Rock.
In times of storm- stay steadfast.
You can experience that peace that doesn't make sense.

"Follow the little guiding that I give,
that I speak to you.
Daily obedience,
the loving doing of My Will.
Help me to hear Your voice and to obey."  -God Calling

Stand fast in the liberty that you have gotten from God.

A special part of God's abundance for the 'here and now' is the freedom to love and be loved by each other.

Ask for strength and grace to be faithful in 'the now.' 
Keep your desires on the table for God to reaarange and redefine.
His version of your dream and life purpose is your best version for you life.
-Susie Larson

I don't have to fear my own human sinful bent.
He says to me today,
Do not fear!
Spiritual authority in God exceeds any earthly authority in my midst.
Don't be afraid of success.

How often do my thoughts and words point to what I do more than what God has already done?   We can possess and produce no good thing apart from God.  How much of God's blessing can I handle before I make it all about me?

How many good things can He entrust to me
before I believe that life is good because HE is good! 
When we look to the left and the right at what others possess and forget to look up,  we overlook just how enormously rich we really are.  

This is my peace:

I can be transformed by Him
 to walk with holy confidence and humble dependence

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

He makes us holy.

Stay on course,
walk steadily on the path He guides you on.
Follow His leading.
Psalm 119.

God wants to make us whole.
God wants us to experience peace, healing, and a sense of purpose.

Lord please give me YOUR vision for the purpose of my life...
Confidence in Your calling,
clarity of my purpose, ability, strengths, gifts.

This is how all men will know you are my disciples,
because you have love for one another.

The Old Testament bears out that men are not good.
We can't be good.
'Good' is rules and regulations.

God changes us from the inside out.
He makes us better than 'good'.
He makes us holy.
He makes us holy through relationship with Him.
Spending time with Him is the key to transformation,
peace and wisdom.

If My people,
who are called by my name,
will humble themselves and pray
and seek my face
and turn from their wicked ways,
I will hear from heaven
and will forgive their sins
and restore their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

and turn from their wicked ways...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

When I don't know what to do...My eyes are on You.

Though the fig tree does not blossum and there is no fruit on the vines...
Though there is no olive oil,
and no food from the fields,
though the flock is cut off from the fold
and there is no cattle (money, food, provision)
yet I will rejoice in God.
He is my strength,
my personal bravery,
my invincible army.
he makes my feet like hinds feet.
(I am steady, and I can get out of danger)
He makes me to walk
so I don't stand still, immobilized by fear,
and make progress (hope).   Habakkuk 3

Monday, June 9, 2014

Your beautiful purpose.

"Stay in community and be honest about your up and down emotions and perspectives.   Sometimes you will need friends to loan you their faith when yours wavers.  

Don't get so wrapped up in the unfulfilled desire of your heart that you stop tending to the garden God has already given you.

It takes great maturity to pull the weeds, remove the rocks, and cultivate an atomosphere for growth in a garden that no longer seems exciting or fresh to you.   But if God has you there, the potential of life is there too.   Look for His fresh mercies, ask Him about the seeds He wants you to plant there.

Ask Him to help you comprehend, on a whole new level what is the exceedingly tremendous power at work in and around you because of Him.  

Know that He is working in you, inspiring you to care deeply about the things that matter most to Him...As you press in to know His heart, He'll become more precious than the gifts of His hand.

Ask God specifically to show you this week that He sees you.   That He is mindful of you.   Ask Him to show up in a you shaped way, a tender way, a way only you would discern as a love letter from Him.  
page 206 -207 -Your beautiful purpose by Susie Larson.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

CAUTION! GRAPHIC PICTURE! Gross and Disgusting growth between pads of dogs paw.

this picture is from 6-8-2014.
As of this date no deformity on the top of her paw.
this picture is 12 days later from the first pictures...

It is growing quickly.6-20-2014

the top of her paw 6 - 20 - 2014
the top of her paw is now deforming.

6 -23 2014 Growing so fast.
the top of her paw 6-23-2014
only 16 days later, the top of her paw looks like this.   6-24-2014   She is in for surgery today.
It is pretty gross.
It used to have a top to it.
Now it is raw and painful to her.
It is tubular and runs to the base of her foot.
She limps about with it.
It has been growing quickly and she is in increasing discomfort.

I will update you when the vet gets back to us about what it is.


We have looked into several rescue options from different groups.
One only takes dogs that are older than ten years old.
Roxie is 9.5 years old.   One said have a yard sale or try selling stuff
on Ebay.   One said they could give us MAYBe if we qualified $50.
One said they only give to SPCA's , not to individuals.  One said try Pet CareCredit.  (We can't take on one more loan.)   One said surrender her to the SPCA.  There is also the FUNDCARE where you can raise funds for your concern.   But, we don't truly know how much we will end up needing.
Also there are alot of humans who need the finances.

Vet call:

Dr. regarding the mass on Roxie's foot.  couple different things. Some possiblities are quite possible nasty cancers, or possibly a starts out as a small tumor ....hamatoma tumor that grows and is benign lesion.   Needs to be removed will not heal on it's own.  Estimate is for anesthesia and medications... $627-$800.

Got a second opinion from another vet who said it needs to be removed surgically.   Possibly cancer.  Surgery would be $500 to $700 plus would have option spend another $100 to get a confirmation if it is cancer.   If it is cancer then you would be looking at chemotherapy, amputation.  They gave her a steroid shot and antibiotics.

We have already spent $300 just to get the medications for now and the vetrinarian to look at Roxie.

NEW UPDATE:  Vetrinarian called me today.   Said that she would only charge $299 and would take payments for Roxie's paw in the form of labor.  
She is having surgery tomorrow at 8 am if the vet deems it operable.

Sad update:   After dropping Roxie at the vet's for surgery:   Two hours later received a call from the vet.   She could not believe how fast this tumor had grown.  She said it was a whole different ball game.   She said it was in the bone, talking amputation, probably in her lungs.  Very aggressive cancer.  We said our tearful good byes to Roxie on 6-24-2014.


Are you....Oppressed and Depressed?

I woke up.
Oppressed, depressed...
By the bills, health, the dogs health, bills for health....
Lack of money to pay for trailer tires, gas, food, vetrinarian,
Family trip I wanted to be a part of...but couldn't afford.

Lord, I am not a good person,
I will choose wrong over right given the right circumstances.
Please shine through my weak spirit with Your strong Spirit.
I constantly limit what I can do by focusing on my lack
instead of Your Provision.  If You are offering provision through
someone else, please don't let my pride cause me to miss it.

No fear.

"Joy in Me, trust in Me,
Share all life with Me.
See Me in everything.
Share all with Me as a child shares it's pains and cuts and griefs
and newfound treasures and joys and little works with its Mother.
Give Me the joy of sharing all with You."

So today, after my prayer time,
I was so excited to make my friend some delicious breakfast.
I knew my friend wasn't feeling good.

So, I went outside to my garden.
I picked some fresh blueberries.
A green pepper.
Some fresh herbs.
A crisp fresh onion.
Even some beautiful broccoli.
All the while thinking, they are going to love this!

I made some pancakes from scratch.
Using Ms. Kay's Duck Dynasty Cookbook as a guideline.

I added a few extra ingredients,

the blueberries, vanilla.

I made a beautiful omelet with the fresh herbs and greens.
I was so excited to give this to my friend.

My friend was watching T.V.,
So since he was not feeling good,
I served all the food in the room where he was.

He said, "OOOH that looks good!"
As he was eating my freshly prepared food.

But he was not even looking at what I had served him.   He was talking about the food that was on the T.V. show!

Wow, really?

Trying not to be thin skinned,
I was like, "Really?   What about the fresh food that is in front of you?!"

He said, "That's good, but the foods on the T.V. program are fresh, too!"

I said, "But you are actually eating the food in front of you!?" 
I didn't say this next part, but I did think it.....
(That he was lusting after the food on the T.V. show.)

It occurred to me, that is what I do with God.
He is constantly serving up fresh, new things.
Good things.

Am I missing the good things He is serving up,
simply because I am
-worried about the bills,
-anxious about health,
-thinking about the future?

Lord, please don't let my lack of vision for You
cripple me from seeing the blessings You have given me now.
Open my eyes and ears to see and hear You.
Help me to trust You.


Saturday, June 7, 2014

God and Evolution

The things in our lives are beyond our control.
They are beyond our supply.
Show us your supply.

Help us to focus not on our lack,
but on Your supply.

Lord, help me to have a fresh knowledge of Your love.
Help me to know that you are not just a figment of my mind....
but reality.
Remind me of the ways you have taken care of us
and answered prayers for us.
Help me not to be ignorant in that regard.
Take off my blinders.

Fear not.
Stand still.
The Lord will fight for you.
You shall stay at peace.
Hold your peace.
Remain at rest.

Any forward movement, even the tiniest baby step is progress.

1.  Seek Him.
2.  Guard you heart and mind against negative thoughts.
3.  Don't close your heart.
4.  Humble yourself and do the work of sorting through your stuff.

Evolution and God.....
Reach after the things of God,
And your whole nature changes,
Your thoughts alter....
so you can best enjoy and receive the wonders of His kingdom.

Friday, June 6, 2014

You are lying.

Ever have people say that to you?
Or they might not come out and call you a liar to your face.
They may say it behind your back.
Or they might insinuate it and say it in a manner like this...

I don't believe you!
Are you SURE that really happened?
Hmm, I don't think that could really be so.

WHY does that bug me?
WHO CARES if people think I am lying?!

WHY do I struggle with what people think about me?
WHY should I even bother to care?

"It is balance and poise I am teaching you.   Perfect balance and poise.   This will give you power in dealing with the lives of others.  Never feel inadequate.  All work here is accomplished by MY SPIRIT.  
And that can only flow through the most humble and lowly.
Rid yourself of self and all is well.  It is necessary that you see Me as supplying all that you personally need.  No insignificant people." 
-God Calling

Lord You know every day of my future
 and You still love Me...even when I fail. 

psalm 62:2
            HE IS MY DEFENSE.             
psalm 62:6

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Dear Mom, I cannot rescue you. Love, your child.

I saw my mom in the hospital bed.
The nurses kept coming in,
waking her,
poking her in her stomach with a needle.
She looked at me in pain.
I could not make it stop.
I tried to turn off the pain in my heart.
I hoped she could forgive me.
I hoped I could forgive myself for not stopping it.
What was I supposed to do?
I could not rescue her.
I felt powerless, inadequate.
Lord, be there now.
I wish I had not been so far away from YOU at that point.
I could have prayed peace and Your blessing on her.

In returning and in rest shall you be saved,
In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. 
 Is. 30:5

Call upon Me and I WILL answer.
I will be with you in trouble.
I will deliver you and honor you.
With long life I will satisfy you
and show you My salvation. 
Very quietly I speak,
never feel at the mercy of the world.
You put heavy burdens on each other.
And you say to Me, 
 like the apostles who followed Jesus into the boat,
"Lord, rescue us and preserve us. 
We are perishing."
I say to you,
Why are you timid and afraid? 
Although the storm is around you,
and the waves look
as though they will swallow and drown you,
I am with you.  
I am with you in the storm.  
 Be at Peace.
Be calm.
Let ME be your hero,
your peace,
your calm,
your assurance.
Look to Me.
To my dear children,
if one day, you find yourself in this same place of powerlessness,
turn to Him.
I wish I had not been so far away from Him at this time.

In returning and in rest shall you be saved,
In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.

You can bring Him to me. 
That is rescue enough...
that you turn to Him, bring Him.
I love you.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A kind hearted woman gains respect Prov. 11:16 -June 4

Boaz saw Ruth's heart for God and others
before he ever enjoyed seeing her heart for him.  
Do your actions reveal your heart?
"As you see your shortcomings and failings, you will gain a divine patience with others whose imperfections trouble you.    I share your troubles, failures, difficulties, heartaches. And you will be able to share My patience, My strength"  -God Calling

Forgiveness is first received from God
and then shared with others.
It is a divine gift to be shared.

Help me not to concentrate on my lack
so that I miss Your promise of supply.

Please give me a fresh revelation of Your love for me.
Please give me a renewed perspective of my place with You.

What am I supposed to do with my life? -June 3

What are the truly important things that God wants me to do with my life?

Trust Him in times of trouble and He will rescue you.

Drive out sin with love.

Drive out fear and depression with praise.

Bring Love and Joy and laughter to all those you are in contact with..

Monday, June 2, 2014

You are so mean -June 2

Take away the pointing finger.
Stop looking at everyone else's shortcomings.

I had a dream last night about a friend of mine.
I always regarded her as a pretty mean and tough person.
In the dream she came to me crying.
Because I had been mean to her!!?? 

Then a person at work, who didn't know I had hurt my foot,
came walking past me.   He saw me sitting on a ladder doing my job.
He said, "Maryann, you are SO LAZY."    And he kept on walkiing.
I was furious and wanted to smack him upside the head. 
(I realize I am not coming across as a very spiritual person.)

Well, once again, as I started to complain to God,
"Can YOU BELIEVE he said that?! 
God, no really,
can you believe he said that to me?!!"

Once again, the small voice said...

"You did the same thing to someone very close to you.
Passed judgement on them because you know nothing of their pain."

I am starting to understand more about the 'pointing finger' that God so abhores.

The eternal God is your refuge. Deut 33:27

A sanctuary...
from our own smallness, meanness, weakness and limitations.
But do not fear,
Be strong, Do not Fear.
Even Elijah who was a powerful man of Gd,
ran scared from Jezebel. .. Had his times of weakness.

He who dwells in the secret place of the most High
 shall remain stable and fixed.   
 I will say of the Lord,
He is my refuge,
my fortress,
my God,
On Him I lean and rely,
and in Him I confidently trust.  
 Psalm 91:1

Still screwing it up! -June 1

Feeling weak and powerless with the tide of gossip and depression.

I try to do the right thing,
but screw it up so often!

I can't believe how slack I am in regards to the 'pointing of the finger' and how easily I am offended. 

He says, "Draw your strength from Me!"

Service is this-  assistance in trifling external things,
be content to lack praise,
never troubled when you are undervalued or slighted.

"Be faithful in little things, for in them our strength lies." -Mother Theresa

The sort of service that was modeled for us does not concern itself
with results,
It is contented even with obscurity.

We need to remind ourselves that