Friday, September 26, 2014

No posts until Tuesday Oct 1, 2014

Hi there sweet folks!

Wanted to let you know that the next five days of posts won't be updated right away.

No posts until October 1.

I will not be near a computer until then to post them.

So sorry.

God bless you.
Stay close to Him.

Be at Peace.
Peace but not leisure.
Do not Fear.
Do not instill Fear in Others.
Guard your thoughts.
Don't point the finger at others.
Give thanks.
Give of what you have without regard to who the other person is to you.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Don't lose heart.

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.  Matt. 5:9

Be careful, keep calm, don't be afraid, don't lose heart.   Isaiah 7:4

Come unto me all who labor and are heavy burdened and I will give you rest.  Matt. 11:28

"Be sure of My help,
be conscious of My presence,
wait until My rest fills your soul.
Rest knows no fear.
Rest is strong and sure.
All you need to gain this rest is to come to Me.
So come."   -God Calling


It is important to pray for your spouse.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Thank you Lord for so many blessings.

The Lord's promises and plans stand fast no matter what news we received.
The events in our lives and the great catastrophes in the world do not budge the solid ground on which the Christian takes his position.   Be steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the works of the Lord, your labor is not in vain in the Lord.   I Corinthians 15:57-58

Lord to whom else could we possibly go? You have the words of life!   John 6:68

"Learn of no one but Me.   Teachers are to point the way to Me.   
Have no fear.
Live, abide in Me and accept My ruling.
Be full of gratitude.
Have no fear.
Take all that happens as My planning.
All is well.
I have prepared all in My Love.
Let your heart sing."  -God Calling

We are not in control.
Lord forgive us when we try to control everything!
God's longing is that we might come to enjoy everything pertaining to life and godliness.

"It's amazing how many couples come to counseling thinking that they have done great
 if they somehow just stay married.
Into this attitude of medocrity and complacency comes a God who desires to give life and give it abundantly.
This doesn't mean special protection from problems
but it does mean joy, peace, and liberty in the middle of them.
Part of His plan for such abundances are the relationship through which He has chosen to work,
marriage and family are two of the main ones!"  -Intimate moments.

I can do all things in God who empowers me!  

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Never fear, Never lose heart.

I can do all things with God who empowers and guides me.

If we only knew who we are and what God has empowered us with!

Know that you will be led,
know that you will be shown.
I have promised.
Put all fear of the future aside.

You must turn to me before you are concious of My presence, my nearness.
It is that turning to Me you must cultivate in every circumstance.
My nearness brings sweetness into life, and confidence, and Peace.
Draw close to Me,
and in that nearness is all you need.
My presence alone can transform conditions and lives-
bring harmony, beauty, peace and love. -God Calling

Please open our eyes to what we need to do, light our paths.


A wholesome tongue is a tree of life, but perversness in it breaks the spirit.   Proverbs 15:4

If a person is raised with criticism, they learn how to deal with it in their own ways.
For protection, some people withdraw into their own world.
They become non-communicative and aloof.
What they don't need is more criticism from us!
A helpful thing for an individual like this is for us to give them one praise a day.
We may see the other person respond with more openness, sharing their day and struggles.
Start listening more, controlling and criticizing less.
Lord, help us to delight in giving words of praise to our loved ones.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Feeling Rejected? Depressed? Angry? Run to Him!

Have you ever had someone shut you out?
Maybe they are depressed or hurting and they just shut down?
How do you feel when they ignore you?
Especially if it is your spouse or a close friend!!!
Especially if they still will talk with other people!

Great anger can come from this kind of rejection!
It can make a person feel unloved and unappreciated.
And then that anger can turn into depression and sheer craziness!

"Be careful how you think, your life is shaped by your thoughts." -Proverbs 4:23
When another person's negative attitude is affecting your attitude, run and talk to God!
Praise is your joy tribute to Him! Stay in Peace and trust Him!

"Do not be frightened or intimidated in ANYTHING,
for such a constancy and fearlessness will be a clear sign of His deliverance and salvation!" Phil 1:28

I have strength for all things in Him who empowers me.  
I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him
who infuses me with His strength. -Phil 4:13

Be strong, be empowered through your union with Him, draw your strength from Him.  Ephesians 6:10


Why do we find it so hard to praise our spouse?
Is it because we have a full view of their weaknesses?
"Sadly, most marriages are praise deficient.
Praise when offered is weak at best.
We need to offer praise that is strong, clear, accurate.
God, help us to offer praise to our spouses regularly, clearly, honestly." -Intimate Moments

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ever feel like everything is going wrong?!? Don't Panic!

My dog, Roxie, would always become anxious and pace before, during and after a storm.
She could feel it coming.   She would panic!   She knew it would probably be loud and scary.  But her anxiety was always so much worse than the storm.   It was crippling to her.   Her fear of the unknown caused her to have health issues, personality issues, and she was destructive because of it.

She literally shredded one of our doors!  Her anxiety negatively affected everyone around her.   It was even contagious.   The pup that we had learned to become anxious like Roxie!

That is how we can be sometimes.
When we are under stress.
When a crisis arises.
When we face the unknown.

We need to stop pacing anxiously like Roxie.

"You are being guided.   My Will will guide you.
Trust Me.
Through the storms.
Don't panic!
Your prayers are being answered in a way that may seem painful to you,
but it is the only way."    -God Calling


We are not meant to live with constant criticism.
Express appreciation and praise to your spouse for their positive traits.
Publically praise them!
You will be amazed at the way that affects them!
Guard our lips Lord, that our words might only exalt and edify.
We must be clear about our own priorities so we can make good decisions
 about what we will and what we will not do.  
So that we will have boundaries to protect our family and our spouse.

Life is a coin.   You can spend it anyway you wish,
but you can spend it only once.   -Lillian Dickenson

Saturday, September 20, 2014

TRY ME and see, I can be trusted!

Taste and see that the Lord is good!  - Psalm 34:8

Never, never lose heart, 
draw close to Me,
and in that closeness is all you need.
My presence alone can transform conditions and lives, 
bring peace, beauty, love. -God calling

Oh the joys of those who trust in Him!
He is good.
Trust Him,
Know that all is well.
God is good!   
Just leave it all in His hands....
...the present and the future, knowing only that He is good.  
He can bring order out of chaos,
good out of evil,
peace out of turmoil.
God IS good. 
He is waiting to show His goodness and share good things with you,
and He will do this.  
Trust and be not afraid!

Marriage- If God created the marriage relationship, certainly He is capable of making it work!
He knows the pressures we endure!

Don't forget to praise!   
Giving praise to others is a win-win experience.
A man is valued by what others say of him.   - Proverbs 27:21
The "recipient of praise feels great having been acknowledged as significant and important.
The "giver" of praise is blessed with a grateful heart and guarded from a critical spirit.
Praising God shows that we know that no matter how hard or impossible things may appear, 
He has it under control.
And as we turn our eyes to Him we can put our hand in His hand.
We can trust Him to lead us into the path He has for us.

You can know joy. -Sept 19

"These things I have spoken that your joy may be full."

All My truths have been given to you with the idea of giving you overflowing joy. 
Search for the joy in life.   Hunt for it as for hidden treasure.   Love and Laugh.   
Delight yourselves in Me!   Joy in Me.
Full joy it was that I wanted My disciples to have.   
I intended them to have it!  
Had they lived My teachings out in their daily lives they would have had fullness of joy. -God Calling

Be at Peace,
Peace not leisure,
Give thanks,
Guard your thoughts,
Do not fear,
Do not inspire fear,
Give of time, energy, resources without regard to the others relationship to you,
Do not point out others faults- no pointing fingers!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Are you struggling? Suffering?

Praising in the presence of God will make your lips speak encouraging words and put joy on your face.
Many a home could use the benefit from a revival of praise!
Has your spouse or your children heard any encouraging words from you lately?

Are you suffering?
Health is a daily struggle?
Friend with terminal cancer?
Car broke down?
No money, need food?
Loved one with dementia?
Nervous about a relationship or travel plans?

Draw close to God and He will draw close to you.   James 4:8
A nearness that brings sweetness into life,
confidence, and peace.
Never fear, never lose heart,
Draw close to Me and in that closeness is all you need.
My presence alone can transform conditions and lives,
bring peace, beauty, love.  -God Calling  

God will supply all your needs!   Phil. 4:19

Trust God from the bottom of your heart,
don't try to figure out everything on your own!
Listen for His voice in everything you do,
everywhere you go,
He is the one who will keep you on track!   Prov. 3:5-6

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Help us walk in Your paths.

You are doing so.
This is the way.
The way of uncertain future and faltering steps.  
Put all fear of the future aside.
Know that you will be led.
Know that you will be shown.
I have promised. -God Calling


Help us to step into the fields of potential that you have for us and give our marriage your peace which the
world does not know.  Help us to get our strength, courage, direction from You.

"An excellent wife, who can find?   
She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.   Prov. 31  
She is hard working!!

God or money.   Who is my focus on?  My lack of provision?   Or God's provision?

"Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread."  Prov. 12:11

God, in His mercy wills that the work of the able bodied supply the needs of the helpless, especially in hard times. 

If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his own household, he has denied his faith and IS WORSE THAN AN UNBELIEVER.  1 Tim. 5:8

Let the thief no longer steal but rather let him labor,
doing honest work with his own hands,
so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.  Ephesians

"You can work to have, or you can work to give. 
When we work to give, it comes from joy in God's goodness and brings glory to Him.
We make much of God in our secular work by treating the relationships it creates as a gift of God to be loved by sharing Him and by practical deeds of help."  -Don't Waste Your Life  

Don't labor for the food that perishes,
Labor to love people and honor God.   
The main thing I want from my  job is God's name to be esteemed as others see my demanor and my integrity and give God glory.

Prayer time, and holding God close to your heart all day is the step to honoring God in your work.
In the security of walking with God, we can think of the good of others and serve them.  
We don't have to be self protective and fearful.  

 "This is a wonder, not a wasted life.   God changes us, at our roots as to how we view the world, and how we do our work in it.   If we labor with sweet assurance that God will supply all our needs (money, vehicle, etc) and gives us undeserved blessings, than our labor will be a labor of love, boasting only of Him.

God's will is that His people be salt and light. 
His aim is to be known because knowing Him is life and joy.
He spreads a passion for His supremacy in all things for the joy of all people.    
If you work like the world,
you will waste your life,
no matter how rich you get.
But if your work becomes for the glory of God,
your satisfaciton will last forever and God will be honored through you."  -Don't Waste Your Life

Lord, we do mess up!!
Please forgive us when we don't point the way to You!
Help us to stay focused on You.
And even when we are tired, 
or bored, 
or exhausted, 
or hurting,
at work or at home.... 
Help us to stay focused on You.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Feeling financially strapped?

  • Ever feel financially strapped?  
  • Wondering, "How on earth am I going to pay for this?   I don't know what to do!"
  • Be careful, keep calm, do not be afraid, do not lose heart.    -Isaiah 7:4

Anytime you are feeling anxious, mindless, fearful, ask God to help you.  Get His truth.

As a soul realizes Me and My power, and knows Me as helper and saviour,
that soul believes in Me more and more.
At the same time it is more and more conscious than before of it's falling short of absolute trust in Me.
Lord, I believe, help my  unbelief.
The soul's progress, an increased belief, 
than a cry for more faith.
A plea to conquer all unbelief, all lack of trust.   
That cry heard, that prayer answered.   More faith, and at the same time more power to see where trust is lacking.
My children, seek to go up this path, leading by each stage, nearer to Me.
and again:
Watch as I take care of you.
Watch and understand as I walk with You.
I will open your eyes so you can see My guidance.
Be blessed with a grateful heart as you see answers to your hearts desires take place.  
As you seek what God has for you to do, stay focused on His wisdom and encouragement.
God hasn't forgotten you.
Remember all the ways I have led you and provided for you.

  • FOCUS=
  • We can either focus on Ourselves,
  •  OUR LACK - of status, power, energy, health, youth, popularity etc, 
  • OR we can focus on GOD and as we do, our eyesight changes! 
  • We no longer focus on ourselves and our lack, 
  • but our eyes get opened to our blessings! 
  • We can be in blessings where ever we are!

  •  "Though the fig tree does not bud, and there are no grapes on the vines,
    though the olive crops failand the fields produce no food,
  •    though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls,
  •    yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my saviour." -Habakkuk 3:17-18

Monday, September 15, 2014

Have no fear of the future.

"Have no fear of the future.
Rest in Me.
Be quiet.
Be still,
and in that very stillness your strength will come and be maintained.   
The world sees strength in action.
In My Kingdom, it is known that strength lies in quiet.
In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.   
Such a promise!" -God Calling

let my marriage, family, and home 
be a continual place of peace.

"The farther up the ladder you go, the fewer options you have.
Meaning that we have to think of others, not ourselves,
so our options change."  -intimate moments.

Ever feel like,
the life I longed for and the life I live seem so far apart?

"Though the fig tree does not bud, and there are no grapes on the vines,
thought the olive crops fail
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my saviour."    -Habakkuk 3:17-18

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blessing in the stress.

Watch as I take care of you.
Watch and understand as I walk with you.
I will open your eyes so you can see My guidance in your life.
Be blessed as you see answers to your hearts desire take place. -today's prayer time

Saturday, September 13, 2014

1 Corinthians 2:9
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”[a]

    Friday, September 12, 2014

    Stop all feverish haste and be calm!

    "Stop all feverish haste and be calm and untroubled.
    Come for rest.
    Stay for rest. 
    Wait until My rest fills your soul.
    Rest knows no fear.
    No want.
    Rest is strong and confident.
    Be careful, 
    keep calm,
    do not lose heart.
    Walk with Me. 
    Learn of Me.
    talk to Me.
    Here lies your true happiness." -God Calling.

    How about your spouse?
    Sometimes our partner just needs alittle TLC.
    Have you done anything lately to remind them that you care about them?
    How is it that we are kinder to strangers than we are to our spouses?
    Sometimes it is just the little things we do that show our loved one that we care about them.
    You don't know how much the little kindnesses you do impact them.
    Peace comes in sensing that our spouse knows and cares about us.

    Thursday, September 11, 2014

    Do you remember what God has saved you from?

    Whatever sorrow or difficulty the day may bring, still love and laugh.

    Value one another, the deceitfulness of richess and the cares of this life choke out marital joy.   Career 'ladder climbing", super parent syndrome, extra marital affairs all cause their tragic share of marital misery by stifling intimacy and creating fear from betrayal.   Possessions can't buy happiness, and social status can't bring inner joy.  -Intimate Moments.

    What have you been saved from?
    Suicide? Recklessness? Death by addiction, drugs? Immoral relationships? Divorce? Jail? Assault?
    Death?  Poverty?  Sickness?  Starvation? Bitterness?  Loneliness?  Barren living?  Arrogance? Lack of caring?

    Greater is He who is living in the world, than he who is living in the world.

    Remind us of all the ways You have walked with us.
    You bring us new life and hope.

    God save you for a purpose greater than yourself.

    "I have come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly.  -John 10:10

    "Our lives are one, yours and Mine.   
    All that is in My nature must than pass into yours, where the contact is so close a one.
    I am love, joy, peace, strength, power, healing, humility, and patience.
    These, too, you will have as My life flows through you.   
    So courage.   
    You do not make yourselves loving, strong, patient, humble.   
    You live with Me, and then My life accomplishes the miracle change".   -God Calling.

    Wednesday, September 10, 2014

    Ever feel old?

    How do you feel?  Ever feel old?   Just run down and not feeling good?
    Wait on God.   Be of good courage, He will strengthen your heart.   Wait on Him! -Psalm 27:14

    Ultimate freedom says Dr. frankl, is a man's right to choose his own attitude in a given set of circumstances.
    When I crawl out of bed in the morning the tasks in front of me aren't the issue, by attitude is!

    If you are trying to decide what your purpose is, don't ask what the world needs, ask yourself, what makes you come alive! And then go do that! That is what the world needs- people who have come alive! -Harold Whitman.

    Ask God what His dreams are for your life.  
    Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.   -Prov. 4

    Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.  - Psalm 37:4

    As we find our deepest delight in our personal relationship with God and allow His word to shape our thinking and plans, the Lord promises to shape our desires as well.   There is a connection between our delighting in God and discovering our hearts desires.  "If you want to know your purpose, pursue the heart of God and you will have a head on collision with your calling."  -Beth Moore

    Tuesday, September 9, 2014

    Are you a failure in the world's eyes?

    Lord, let us find our excitement in You.

    "Do you want to make the best of life?
    Then live very near to Me.
    It will be perfect success, but it will be My success. 
    My success. 
    The world may deem you as a failure.
    But the world doesn't judge as I judge.
    Your great field of labor is yourself.
    That is your first task, the weeding, planting, digging, pruning, bearing fruit."  -God Calling

    "As we go to God together, we are reminded that His power holds our marriages together.
    Praying together has a wonderful way to dissolve tensions.
    It enables us to seek God's wisdom about family decisions.
    Our relationship is more important than the 'sore subject', so 
    as we talk we must attack the problem rather than each other. 
    We must be willing to sacrifice, to hurt, to work for the sake of the relationship.
    Sometimes we may have to ask forgiveness of our mate, or
    perhaps we must forgive them."  - A Gentle Spirit.

    Mercy triumphs over Judgement.

    "The problem is, 
    if we stop looking for God in our daily lives, if we stop seeking after Him and listening for Him,
    we subtly move from a living, breathing fellowship with Him to a rote and wooden walk apart from Him.
    Without God's constant influence in our lives,
    It's all too easy to loosen our grip of faith and to trust our own footing more.   
    When we rely on yesterday's laurels to help us navigate through today's trials,
    we become autopilot disciples."   -Your beautiful purpose.

    Monday, September 8, 2014

    Give it away!

    Jesus demonstrated friendship by being available, compassionate, self sacrificing and tender.
    He anticipated the needs of others.
    Others are watching what you do.  
    It is the actions in the small things as well as the big things that grab their attention!

    "My God shall supply all your needs."   -Philippians 4:19

    Trust God with your needs and give to others.
    His provision frees us to be able to give.
    I don't know about you, but I know that I am naturally self centered and a 'survivalist'.
    I tend to hold tight the things I think I will need.
    "Be transformed (changed) by the renewing of your mind.   -Romans 12:2

    "Give away what you can.   When supply seems short there is a blockage.   Giving away clears that blockage and lets My spirit flow.   Beyond all words is My love and care for you.   Be sure of it.   Rejoice in it.   Walk in My love.   There is a joy, a spring, a gladness of those who walk in My love.   That walk becomes a glad conquering and triumphant march.   So walk." -God Calling    

    What did Hannah do when she was troubled?  She looked up and poured out her heart to God. -1 Samuel 2
    She went from weakness to strength and it started with an honest heart to heart with God.

    Concentrate on discovering the good things in people and encourage them to enjoy doing good things.

    Whenever you react with praise and thanksgiving for an opportunity to grow more like God, instead of grumbling and self pity, you will find that the whole situation will be changed into a blessing.  "There will come a day when we shall understand, when these tragedies that may blacken and darken the very air of heaven for us will sink into their places in a scheme so magnificant, so joyful that we shall laugh for wonder and delight." -Arthur Bacon

    Learn the lesson of trust and calm in the midst of the storm.   Whatever sorrow or difficulty the day may bring.    Still love and laugh.
    Leave every soul the braver and happier for having met you.
    Do not fear.   Look on every fear not as a weakness on your part due to illness or worry but as a very real temptation to be attacked and overthrown.
    Not only for it's trust be like a child, but for its joy in life, ready laughter, lack of criticism, desire to share with all men.   Be friendly and loving towards all, not critical, not fearful.
    Love and Laugh - do not fear.   Do not weigh yourself down with the sins and sorrows of the world.   Look for the loving, the true, the kind, the brave around you. -God Calling    

    When we make mistakes in marriage we sometimes desparately need our spouses to show mercy.   When they do there is a healing process.   When they don't the pain worsens.   Marriage requires a merciful attitude.   With it we become what God intended us to be - mature, deeply loving people.   Shown any mercy to your spouse lately?   Help us Lord to be merciful when we have been wronged.- Intimate Moments

    Sunday, September 7, 2014

    Are you stressed out?!

    Feeling kind of crappy?
    Feeling sick and tired?
    Feeling fearful, or frustrated?
    A lot of changes taking place in your life?
    A bit stressed?

    Lord please help us to focus on You.

    "Man in his trouble and difficulty needs nothing so much as a refuge.   A place to hide in.
    A place where no one and nothing can touch him.

    I am your refuge.
    Be so sure of it so that nothing can make you afraid.
    Say it not only until the fear goes, but  so that joy ripples through in it's place.
    In the arms that never tire,
    so safe, 
    so secure."  -God Calling

    "In returning and in rest shall you be saved,
    In quietness and confidence shall be your strength."  -Isaiah 30:15

    Saturday, September 6, 2014

    Abandonment to Divine Providence

    "Your loved ones are very safe in My keeping, learning, loving, and working.   
    Theirs is a life of happiness and progress.   
    Earth's troubles and difficuties will seem, less overwhelming as you look, 
    not at the things that are seen, but at the real, the eternal life.   
     Learning to know Me draws that kindom very near. 
    Leave all with Me,
    Sure of safety and protection.

    Take joy wherever you go.
    Be transmitters.   Love and laugh.   Cheer all.   Love all.
    Always seek to undertand others and you cannot fail to love them.   See Me in the laughter of children, sweetness of old age, courage of youth, patience of man and womanhood." -God Calling

    Abandonment to Divine Providence.

    God's beloved, sometimes seem forsaken by everyone, yet they are still enjoying God's very real and active love, knowing they have nothing to do but stay in His hands and be used as He wishes.    Often they have no idea how they will be used.   But He knows.  The world thinks them useless and it seems as if they are.   Yet it is quite certain that by various means and through hidden channels they pour out spiritual help on people who are often quite unaware.   
    Their life is their sermon.   God gives a special force to all they say and do, even to their silence, their peace, their detachment, which, quite unknown to them, profoundly influences other people.

    What peace it gives us to know You are with us thoughout the day.   
    Guide us into truth and knowledge, so we can make right decisions.   
    Fill us with Your Spirit.   Give us Your power so we may share You with those around us.

    Friday, September 5, 2014

    Ever feel like 'you are not enough'?

    Ever feel like you are 'not enough'?

    "Progress is the law of heaven.
    Higher ever, higher, rise to Life and Beauty, Knowledge and Power.
    Highter and higher.
    Tomorrow be stronger, braver, more loving than you have been today.
    The Law of Progress gives a meaning, a purpose to life." -God Calling

    Ever feel stupid and naive?
     I know I don't have the wisdom necessary to deal with such sensitive issues.

    "When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you."  - psalm 56:3

    Ever feel exhausted in your marriage?
    Ever have a disagreement ,
    Ever feel like,
    'How did I end up in this marriage, with this person?'
    You are not alone.

    Marriage can be a process where two needy people marry each other,
    they both begin a 'taking' cycle that brings anger and disappointment.    
    Codependency is a common descriptive expression today.   
    Of such a taking system, two people, overwhelmed with their own neediness, 
    each try desparately to take from each other.    
    The only real solution is access to God's unlimited supply.   
    Welcome to the kingdom where God is the God of all comfort, 
    where God is love,. 
    and where God is rich in Mercy.  -Intimate Moments

    The only answer is that each partner turns their eyes to God to be their source.
    Instead of trying to get your life, meaning, strength solely from your spouse....
    Turn to God to be the center of your marriage.
    Get your meaning, strength, vision from Him.
    Bring this into your marriage.
    Instead of two needy people clawing at each other for survival and meaning,
    There will be two people supported and nourished by God's grace.

    Thursday, September 4, 2014

    Why do people steal, cheat, lie? Drop those burdens!

    Drop those burdens!

    Your stuff does not determine your worth,
    what you can afford (or steal) is not a determining factor of your value.

    "A man's worth, value is not determined by his high rank, high position, popularity, awards, money, physical appearance, state in life. A man's stability, value is known (especially to himself) when he is grounded in knowledge of who he is and who God is.   This knowledge is, and this peace and satisfaction is, fortified and strengthened with divine love daily....when it seeks the honor of God over the honor of itself.   When it obeys God's promptings."  -Thomas A Kempis

    "Time and time again we will find ourselves in situations where the need in front of us is greater than our supply or the task before us exceeds our ability.   This is where God's purposes for us and His promises to us converge.   He prepares and positions us for His purposes.   Every moment of every hour.   Every experience we have matters to Him.   Since He is always at work, may we ever be attentive to Him.   May we walk this faith journey with eyes wide open, ears tuned to His voice and a heart that fully trusts Him.

    When God calls us up, it is easy and tempting to look down at everything we lack, feel the limitations of our humanity and we become accutely aware of our weakness.    Sometimes the closer we get to laying hold of our calling, the more we tend to think to ourselves, I could really mess this up!    -Your Beautiful Purpose

    Do you ever find yourself on the receiving end of someone sharing a secret with you?  
    Possibly a dark secret?
    Then there comes the wrestling with it.

    My friend said to me, "That is a big burden when someone shares intimate knowledge like that."
    I agreed.

    But God says, "NO! 
                             Thank Me!
                             You are a channel to be their blessing!
                             Drop those burdens!  
                             They are not yours!  
                             You are not God!
                             Give them to Me!
                             Thank Me!
                             Go on your way in peace and JOY!
                             Let the healing begin!!!"

    "Lift up your heads from earth's troubles and view the glories of the kingdom.   Higher and higher each day see more of heaven.   Speak to Me.   Long for Me.   Rest in Me.   Abide in Me.   No restless bringing Me your burdens and then taking them away again.   Abide in Me.   Never lose conciousness of My strength and my protection.    Stay sheltered and at rest.   Learn in the little daily things of life to delay action until you get My guidance.    By what you do in the small things those around you are most often antagonized or attracted". -God calling

    Secret revealed.

    The secret may have to be addressed.
    Consequences may have to follow.
    Those who it could affect may have to be informed.
    It makes me sick to my stomach because of a fallen culture, including my own and those in leadership around me.  And then I have to remember to turn to God.
    God Believingly, 
    I do believe in God's mercy and forgiveness.
    (I thank Him for His mercy and forgiveness in my life!)
    I hope and pray for a new life for that person.
    I pray for direction.
    I pray for them to be wrapped in God's presence, healing, hope, power, and direction to change.
    I also pray for those in leadership positions for the same....God's direction, presence, healing, hope and power in their lives.

    "Do not be overcome with darkness, but overcome darkness with light." -Romans 12:21
    "Do not weary of well doing."  -Galatians 6:9

    Grace, receive it, then share it.
    "We have all received grace for grace.   -John 1:16
    Grace can only be received, it can't be earned or deserved.

    "As you see the slow progress you make, you will gain a divine patience with others whose imperfections trouble you.   Swift recognition of the selfish in your desires and motives, actions, words, and thoughts, and the instant appeal to Me to change that.   Obedience.    Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth but what is necessary for building up that it may impart grace to the hearers".  -God Calling

    "Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives.  Psalm 90:14

    Remember how far you have come.

    Wednesday, September 3, 2014

    A person's value is not in his money, position, awards....

    "A man's merits are not to be estimated by his having many visions or consolations,
    nor by his knowledge of the scriptures,  nor by being placed in a more elevated position.
    -but by being grounded in true humility and replenished with divine love.  

    By seeking the honor of God." - Thomas A Kempis

    When it seeks the honor of God over the honor of self. 
    When it obeys God's promptings.

    By obedience, I mean:
    Daily prayer, 
    giving thanks, 
    guarding your thoughts, 
    giving to others (no matter what their relationship to you), 
    being at peace, 
    peace not leisure (not laziness), 
    not fearing - trusting, 
    not instilling fear in others, 
    not pointing fingers at others faults.

    The cocoon is all part of the plan,
    if you tear open a cocoon too soon, science tells us that the wings of the butterfly will be underdeveloped.    The caterpillar spins itself into a cocoon and stays there, seemingly dead to the world.    It is in the stillness that we hear God.   It is in the waiting that character is formed.

    Travel steadily along His path.
    He will honor you, giving you the land.   Psalm 37:34    

    If we wait, nuzzled close to God, when He releases us, we will have a beautiful flight.

    Tuesday, September 2, 2014

    "I am bound to fight for you,
    to plan for you, 
    to serve you a sufficiency of all within My Power.
    Think how vast that provision can be.   
    Never doubt.
    Wonders beyond your dreams.
    They only need the watering of a grateful spirit, a loving heart and obedience."  -God Calling

    We can speak love, joy, and peace into our world, or we can speak
    strife, hatred, deception, and all other manifestations of evil.

    Lord, please help us when we don't have the right words.
    Please let our words speak life to others.

    The kind of fasting I want calls you to free those who are wrongly imprisoned and to stop oppressing those who work for you.  -Is.  58:6

    I gave orders for all of us to fast and humble ourselves before God.
    We prayed that he could give us a safe journey and protect us, our children, and our goods as we travelled. -Ezra 8:21

    Monday, September 1, 2014

    How rich you are!

    How rich you are!

    I will never leave you or forsake you.   -Hebrews 13:5

    Do not fear the future when it holds so much for you.
    Set your affections on the things above, and not on things on the earth,
    you will see how rich you are.

    I have promised that for every day you live, 
    the strength shall be given you.
    Do not fear.
    Do not doubt. -God Calling

    Our homes should encourage, humor, show appreciation, forgivenss, a sense of belonging where we are believed in and accepted.   Creating a home with an atomoshpere of love, forgiveness and laughter brings healing into a broken world.

    How wonderful it would be if the 'sweet' aroma of God was manifest in our homes.
    What sweet joy and peace would charactarize our homes.

    Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
    so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives.   -Psalm 90:14

    The next morning Abraham was up early 
    and hurried out to the place where he stood in the Lord's Presence. -Genesis 19:27

    I will shout with joy each morning because of Your unfailing love!

    This kind goes out only by prayer and fasting. -August 31

    "You must live a life of communion and prayer if you are to save others.
    Take My words as a command to you.

    By prayer and fasting.

    Pray and deny yourself,
    and you will be used marvelously to save and help others".   -God Calling.