"If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck....
it is probably a duck."
But, be that said,
The only one who knows beyond the appearances
of what a person says and does is God.
He is the only one who knows a person's heart.
So, when counseling,
stay out of the muck and mire,
Get back so quickly to God
and ask Him for His wisdom and guidance.
Lift up others to Him and leave them there.
And remember, He is the one who is overseeing all. He is your guide and protector. It is all for Him and no other. In the end, it is not for people pleasing, or any other power around you. What you say and do is to point to His goodness.
Lord, help me to know and love more of what You want me to know and love.
"The opposite of wasting your life is to live by a single, soul satisfying passion for God in the supremacy of all things. Whatever you do find the God exalting passion of your life, and find a way to say it and live it and you will make a difference that lasts. You will not waste your life.
Because I was created by God and for His glory, I will magnify Him as a response to His great love.
My desire is to make knowing and enjoying God the passionate pursuit of my life." -Don't Waste Your Life
Yes, Lord I want to walk in the way of Your laws and wait for You, Your name and praise is the desire of our hearts. -Isaiah 26:8