Finally on May 17, I peeked into the nest and saw these two little cuties!
Okay, so I know some folks may not think they are cute, but to me they were! One of the babies was still in the shape of the egg!
However, to my great dismay, one of the babies rolled right out of the nest!
I picked it up gently with my gloves and put it right back!
Momma bird and Poppa bird were going crazy!
I was so relieved when, the next day, I peered into the nest and I saw this!They were both alive and doing well!
On May 19, 2012, the babies were on their third day of life out of the shell!
They were starting to get little feathers! I still was nervous about the baby that fell out. He seemed quieter than the other baby.
On the 20th, the babies were starting to get more defined in their bodies.
Look how well they are doing on May 21, day five!
They are energetic and hungry all the time.
Their little eyes have finally opened!
They now have a very cute soft cheep. However, MOMMA on the other hand, and POPPA ~ THEY are loud!
And seems like momma is getting bolder!
May 22, The one baby, that didn't fall out of the nest, always seems to have more energy than the one that did fall out. The energetic baby always has His mouth open for food. ~Still keeping an eye on the other baby, hoping for the best.May 23, They are so vulnerable! I ended up putting a covering over the nest and a small fence around the bottom, in case one falls out....that way they won't wander into dog territory!They are sticking their heads out for food more and more now. They are not afraid of me. Whenever I come to the nest, they are hoping I am bringing food. I do not interfere with mom and dad though. I figure they know what they are doing!
May 24, day eight!
They grow up so fast!
This day, one of the babies became adventurous and left the nest!!
However, at the end of their long eighth day in the world, they both snuggled down in the nest for a long nap!
stay tuned for day nine!
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