Don't let your insecurity
cause you to miss the gifts around you!
I posted some pictures on facebook.
A lady in one of the pictures remarked at how horrible she looked!
I immediately took the picture off,
did a little editing and put a more complimentary picture of her on facebook.
She thanked me for 'taking all the bad stuff off'.
I realized, what I saw and what she saw were two entirely different people.
I put up for her who she wanted to see.
I realized how I have done this before........when.......
My lovely daughter-in-laws both gave me what they were thinking
that I would love as beautiful gift pictures.
But, I gasped, as all I could see were my deformed hands.
It looked like this to me....
In my mind all I saw were huge deformed blown up hands.
They are an embarrassment to me.
I immediately dismissed the gifts trying not to think about my hands.
I was grateful for their thoughtfulness but that was as far as I went.
I realized today
how I had missed the gift.
They were trying to bless me with the reminder of love in my life,
.......and all I saw was deformity.
I couldn't receive the gift because of my insecurity.
God, I know I do this with Your gifts for me too.
Thank you for these two beautiful ladies in my life.
Thank you for their reminders
of how blessed I am
with love
and relationships.
Holding my mom's hand in the hospital.
Father daughter dance at my son's wedding with my dad,
my other son and his daughter.
"Come close to God and He will come close to you.
Recognize that you have divided interests.
Humble yourself.
Know who He is and who you are.
He will lift you up and make your life significant.
Instead of being envious or comparing ourselves to others,
see the God in them."
James 4
"Do not be sympathetic to the smallest hint of jealousy or envy in your soul.
Pray blessings and protection on your sisters.
Choose life.
Choose to trust Me.
Be a gracious, noble woman.
And whenever those winds of
jealousy and envy and insecurity start to blow,
step back and look up.
Lay hold of My promise and refuse the enemy's bait."
-Susie Larson
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