Thursday, September 3, 2015

Are you bored? Or are you afraid?

Relax, Do not get tense, have no fear.
All is for the best.
You must learn soul balance, poise in a changing world.
Claim My power.
Never think you are too busy.
As long as you get back to Me and replenish after each task,
no work can be too much.
My joy I give you.
Live in it.
Bathe your spirit in it.
Reflect it. -God Calling

It wasn't so long ago that you were mired in the old stagnant life of sin.
You let the world, which doesn't know the first thing about living,
tell you ho to live.
We all did it, all of us doing what we felt like doing,
when we felt like doing it.   Ephesians 2:1-3

Are you bored if the day is simply full of responsibility and duty?
It is easy to become addicted to the adrenaline of conflict and chaos.
In the path to wellness,
there will be many boring days.
Many days will be full of nothing but responsibility, self-discipline, and hard work.
The life of stability builds the potential for excitement minus the drama or trauma!
You can move away from desiring unhealthy excitement that is full of danger or continual drama and move toward the kind of healthy excitement that develops from new found opportunity when you reach out to your God given potential.
The key to hope is self control, plain and simply doing whats right, no matter what you feel like doing.   Start catching ourselves making comparisons and tell ourselves to stop,
avoid tripping each others insecurity buttons!    Nobody get to take away our dignity.   -Beth Moore

Love the people I give you.

Glad indeed are the souls with whom I walk.
Walking with Me is security.
The coming of My Spirit into a life,
and its workings are imperceptible,
but the result is mighty.
Learn of Me,
Ask yourself- Did self prompt that?
And if it did, oust it at all costs.
You can not understand My teachings on your own.
But as you go on obeying Me and walking with Me,
and listening to Me,
you will understand and then you will see
how glorious are My teachings and revelations.-God Calling

Please make it clear to me where,
and to whom do You want me to lay my life down to.
Who ever is in my path?
Even if it is the same people over and over?

"It does not have to be mind shaking!
Love the people I give you.
It is in the ordinary that I come most often".

We have to start out by reaching what we can reach and touching what we can touch.
The choice will come!

He will equip us with all we need to do what He has called us to!

How we live our lives privately eventually comes out publicly.

Never Despair!   Be a channel of helpfulness for others.
Have more sympathy.
Feel more tenderness towards others.
Your lives shall not be all care.
My strength has conquered depression, sorrow and death. -God Calling

We are works in progress.
Quit over reacting to your short comings.
Let's give a new definition to emotional well being -
progress, movement, not perfection should be our goal.
Refuse the guilt for being less than perfect.
Walk forward with all of the 'less than perfect' humanity.
Grow in the knowledge of our Lord.   2 Peter 3:18

"To honor our self is to be in love with our own life,
in love with our possibilities for growth and for experiencing joy,
in love with the process of discovery and exploring our distinctively human potentialities"
All made possible as we come to know who we are in God.
Movement doesn't change us,
soul engagement does.
Either we humble ourselves,
admit our daily need for more of His life and influence within us and we are beautifully changed in the process.
Everything we do is in response to the life giving power of God mightily at work within us.

What we do in secret from day to day seems of little consequence,
but in due time,
those small hidden choices either reveal a life of discipline or laziness.

- secret to a successful life by Jeff Olson

How we live our lives privately eventually comes out publicly.
Either we grow in our faith and become more intimate with God,
or we fall away from Him.

"My eyes are not focused on the storm, 
but on the living God,
who controls every circumstance of my life."
Proverbs 9:10  

By knowing You, we will begin to understand You.

Private prayer times mark our lives with true power.
To know the Lord is to walk intimately with Him.
His power energizes us to do the things He has appointed us to do.
We more clearly see what in our schedule is an unaccounted, unannointed work
and we seek to align our life with God's best purposes for us.
When we are intentionally engaged with God, we are more fully engaged in the work He has
assigned to us.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Ever feel overwhelmed by your bills?

"Does the way seem a stony one?
Not one stone can impede your progress.
Face the future,
but face it only with a brave heart and a happy heart.
Do not seek to see it.
Know that all is well and the faith,
not seeing,
but believing,
is what will bear you to safety,
over the stormy waters.
According to your faith be it unto you.
If for wonder working,
if for healing,
if for salvation,
faith is so necessary.
Become as a little child.
Faith is the child attitude.
Seek to become childlike,
until the years have added to your nature that of a trusting child.
Not only for its simple trust must you be childlike,
but for it's joy,
lack of criticism,
desire to share with all men.
Ask much that you become as little children,
friendly, and loving towards all - not critical, not fearful.
Except you become as little children,
you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven". -God Calling

The pleasure of belonging to a family is a treasure indeed.

Marriage:   Threefold, friendship, fellowship, passion.
Do you have fun together?
Common interests, emotionally supported.
Are you secure in the fidelity of your marriage commitment?
In spiritual closeness/common eternal goals?

Enlarge our capacity to enjoy intimacy!

Do not weigh your spirits down with the sins and sorrows of the world.

Lord, help us to be good stewards of the blessings you have given us.
Only in the fullness of spiritual things can the heart sick and faint and weary be satisfied, healed and rested.

Do not weigh your spirits down with the sins and sorrows of the world.  
Look for the loving, the true, the kindly, the brave in the many around you.

It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Lord sometimes I am task oriented rather, looking at my goal, instead of being in the present.

Much that I must accept in life is not to be accepted as being necessary for me, personally,
but to set an example to share in the sufferings and difficulties of mankind.

"He saved others, Himself He cannot save."

"My path has tender lights and restful shapes that no other walk in life can give.
That your joy might be full.
True happiness rests in the certainty that God cares alot!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Come up in the morning.

Spare no effort to become all I would have you.
Never look back and never leave until tomorrow that on which you can get MY guidance today.


"My mother's habit was every day immediately after breakfast,
to withdraw to her room.
From that time she drew strength and the sweetness which enabled her
to fulfill her duties and remain unruffled by the worries and pettiness  which are often the trial of
narrow neighborhoods."   -Charles Cowman.

May your purpose of oneness find it's way into the depths of our spiritual journey together.
Stand on the truth.
Faith is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen.
It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.   Hebrews 11:1

Open our eyes and our hearts to love our spouses.
Help us to see all the things that drew us to each other.

God positions us for His purposes every moment of every hour.
Every experience we have matters to Him.
Since He is always at work may we ever be attentive to Him.  
May we walk this faith journey with eyes wide open, eyes attuned to His voice, may we live fully alive, fully aware at the wonder of it all.

Do you feel unloved by your spouse?
Do you feel as though you have no intimacy at all?
Do not talk, and do not touch?
No connection?
Do you feel like roommates instead of lovers?

Lord please help our thinking.
You know our thoughts.

Love and Trust.
Let no unkind thoughts of any dwell in your hearts,
then I can act.

Show us how to love Lord.
Help us in intimacy.


I know in my heart if I had not trusted God with my husband and our kids our lives would be very different today."

Ever have that fight with yourself to not freak out on your spouse?
How many times do we 'freak out' on them because they are doing their responsibilities.
but we see the responsibilities an inconvenience to what we want.
How we build our walls!

Please help us as spouses to stop making demands of each other that are just beyond each others control and capability.  
Our expectations, we want them to go to work and give
 but we resent when they go to work because they are not with us!

Sometimes we feel oppressed and depressed!

Lord, we lift this day up to You.
Sometimes we feel oppressed and depressed.


We lift up Your plans for our abundant intimacy.
We lift up our hearts to you with all it's hurts.


Sometimes God does not seem to be faithful because He doesn't answer our prayers as we expected Him to. If the whole purpose of my life is to learn to love God and to show this compassion in the world,
then what He is doing IN US is more important than what He is doing FOR US.
He will continue to mold us into the people we are supposed to be.  -Sheila Walsh

I have a long way to go.
"In everything you do, stay away from complaining."   Phil. 2:14

Please let our home be a home of joy and peace and welcome and grace.
Help us to get to the point that we don't care who gets the credit or whose fault this is,
someone needs to do something right now.  And that someone is me!

Monday, June 1, 2015

As people pleasers, we lie. We can't be trusted.

Lord we lift up our days to You.

When I miss my  prayer times, I miss You.

What do You want me to do today?

"Live with Me,
think of Me,
talk to Me,
grow more like Me.
Love Me.
Rest in Me.
Joy in Me."

Help us to stand firm in a loving manner even when those around us rationalize and argue towards us.
Help us to stand firm in what You want,
and to trust You to touch our loved ones hearts.

Help us to love each other.

I have missed You.
I know You are still here to guide me in what I am supposed to do, with this life You have blessed me with.

Much of Christ's ministry took place in private homes.
Our homes are meant to be welcoming places,
places of security and grace
that reflect God's nature.
Housework is sacred.

When we face a crisis,
we can go to the One with the greatest ability to help
and the greatest desire to love us and help us.

"Codependents are caretakers, rescuers,
they rescue, then they persecute,
then they end up victimized.
persecuter, victim.
Our favorite reaction is the rescuer, enabler.
We not only meet other people's needs,
we anticipate them.
We fix, nurture, and fuss over things.
We make better,
solve, and attend to.
'Your wish is my command' is our theme.
We are the caretakers.
We rescue people from THEIR responsibilities.
We take care of people's responsibilities for them.
Later we get mad at them for what we have done!
Then we feel used and sorry for ourselves.
This is the pattern, the triangle.
Enabling is a destructive form of helping.
We become resentful and angry at the person we have so generously 'helped'.
We did something we didn't want to do,
we have ignored our own needs and wants,
and we get angry."   -  Codependent No More

"I lay my life down willingly, not out of compulsion."

People resent being told or shown that they are incompetent no matter how loudly they
plead incompetency.
And when they turn on us, we head to our favorite spot...
the victim corner on the bottom.
Rescuing or caretaking is not an act of love.
It is a hate triangle.
It fosters and maintains self hate,
and it kindles our feelings for other people.
We feel 'rejected' when someone refuses our help.
As victims,
we attract perpetrators.
We feel helpless.
At the heart of most rescues is a demon.
Low self worth.
We rescue because we don't feel good about ourselves.
Some men believe good husbands and fathers are caretakers - superheroes.
Responsible for meeting every need of each family member.
God wants us to help people and share our time,
talents, and money.
But He also wants us to give from a position of high self esteem.
If we absolutely cant feel good about something we are doing,
then we shouldn't do it!
No matter how charitable it seems.
Other people arent helpless,
neither are we.
Caretaking is closely associated with martyrdom,
people pleasing.
People pleasers can't be trusted.
We lie.
And as caretakers we don't take care of ourselves."   -Codependent No More

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Your consolations are not like the consolations of men.

Choose a secret place for yourself.
Love to dwell with Me alone,
Seek not to be talking with anyone,
but rather come pray.
That you might keep your path clear and
'esteem the world as nothing.  Prefer the time with God
before all things.   You cannot listen to Me and the world at the same time.
You must withdraw from your acquaintances and those dear to you.
You must disengage from all things.
The perfect victory is to triumph over yourself.
Keep all reason obedient to Me.   -God Calling

Set the axe to the root.   Matt 3:10

Man inordinately loves himself and is at the bottom of all that which is to be rooted out.
The best way to be a blessing is to have prayer time with You.

"Use my unlimited stores for your needs, and those of others.
Seek My wonderful truths and you shall find."

Take your daily marching orders, and strength and guidance for the day.
Listen to My Voice eagerly, joyfully.
Never crowd it out!
Do not pay attention to the babbles of the world.
Life has hurt you.
My children, trust Me always. -God Calling

Pray for the passion, plan, and people God has laid on your heart.
All is a gift of God.
Our gift to God is our gratitude.
Cherish the gifts - His finest gifts are us!

BUT, The most tempting and beautiful gifts of His creation can not be before Him.

"To me, constructive guidance implies that I don't know everything,
that my way is not perfect, and this truth is hard to swallow"  
Help us to be able to hear constructive guidance without feeling attacked,
or attacking, or blaming, or becoming defensive.

Your way, or mine?

Search until you find Me face to face.

Lord I lift up my heart and thoughts to You.
So much bad news,
constantly confronting us.
I found myself 'hating people'.
I lift up all those thoughts to You because You know and I know that is not something You want in my thought life.
I am sad because of the negative thoughts that run through my mind.
I know that I am to think about 'what ever is honest, and right, and true and good.
Instead, I often let my eyes and mind wander to all the negativity that forces its way into my life.

"When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away."  psalm 32:3

He invites us to spend time in His Presence because He loves us.
There is no other answer.

"I fall to my knees before Him.
I am ready to worship Him.
I am ready to listen to Him.
I am ready to give Him complete control of my life.
All that I am, my assets, my strengths, my liabilities, my fears, anxieties, hurts, past sins,
All these I leave with Him."
But the wisdom that is from above is....willing to yield.  James 3:17
Your way or Mine?

Friday, March 27, 2015

Ever feel like you just want to cry, alone, rejected, ridiculed, unloved, depressed?

Lord, sometimes I feel depressed and want to cry and want everyone to leave me alone.
I lift that up to you.
I can hardly hear You.
I feel like I can't hear you!!
I am tired of feeling like I am not important.
And yet I don't understand these feelings because I know I have so many blessings in my life.

Ever feel like that??
I have.

God is not a God of hopelessness.
Even if He does not change a situation,
He can change us.
This is most certainly true.

"He who is kind to the poor,
lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done."  Proverbs 19:17
Being kind and loving without reservation does seem to make moments sweeter for people in the middle
of a crisis.
Lord, I could use some kindness.
I am tired Lord.
Yet I feel like a spoiled brat because I have so much.

Sometimes people hurt us.
I know I am supposed to forgive,
but it is hard to forget,
little by little acts of hurt whittle a person down.
I feel very vulnerable today, Lord
I feel that anger and loneliness in my heart.

Sometimes, do you feel like that?
I do.
So, I did what I only knew what I could do.
I had a prayer time.

"Stay grateful and enjoy the fullness of God's plan."

Please guide me what to do.
Please help me to hear You.

And this is what He said...

Jesus began to show grief and distress of mind and was deeply distressed.  Matthew w26:37
He told his BEST FRIENDS that
"My soul is very sad and deeply grieved, so that I am almost dying of sorrow.
Stay here and keep awake and keep watch with Me."
His closest people didn't get it!
He was alone in sorrow and knowledge of the agony to come.
After prayer, He comes back only to find His disciples asleep!
How depressing and isolating!
Going through this torture of His soul,
NO ONE there to stay awake and share His burden!
The third time,
looking for support from them,
they were still asleep!
He didn't even bother to wake them this time!
He must have felt so alone.
Going through this mental and spiritual anguish.
He returns to His disciples.
"Are you still sleeping?"
They had NO ABILITY to stay awake, 
NO CONCEPT of His anguish.
He was even about to be abandoned by His beloved Peter.

He was EMBRACED and KISSED by the very person who was handing Him over to His killers!
"Hail, greetings, good health to You, long life to You Master!" v.56

All those who LOVED HIM, followed Him,
were now those who deserted Him, fleeing and escaping!

People witnessed against Him.
They misinterpreted His words and meanings to condemn Him.
Spit in His face,
Struck Him,
Punched Him,
and slapped Him in the face.
Misinterpreting anything He would say.

He was denied by His beloved Peter.

Pilate knew that it was envy and jealousy that caused the leaders to hand Jesus over to Him. Matthew v.27:18
Pilate, the one person who could have kept the people from Jesus, out of self preservation,
washed his hands in the presence of the crowd,
"I am not guilty of, nor responsible for this righteous Man's blood, see to it yourselves."
He threw Jesus to the wolves: threw him 'under the bus' to preserve himself.

Matthew 27:26 He had Him whipped!

A BATTALION of mocking soldiers gathered around Him!
with evil intent, vicious, vengeful with bloodlust, for sport!
They stripped off His clothing and mocked Him with a robe of dignity and office.
They put a painful crown of thorns into His head,
and completed the mockery with a staff.
Then they KNELT before Him!
Mocking Him, making sport of Him, saying,
"Hail, good health, long life to you!"
And they Matthew 27:30
SPIT on Him,
took the staff from Him and hit him on the head with it!
After they offered Him gall to drink, (further mockery) and crucified Him,
they CAST LOTS to see who would win His only possessions!
Matthew 27:43  Mocked by the leaders,
"He trusts in God,
let God deliver Him
IF God cares for Him!

Crucified with two others (robbers) they mocked Him as well!
Even those who were in the same position were mocking Him!  Lowest of low! Matthew 27:44
He was a reject, even among the rejected!

Matthew 27:46  "MY GOD, MY GOD, why have you abandoned Me?
Leaving Me helpless, forsaking and failing Me in My need?"

Matthew 27:49  Those around watching said, "Let's see if Elijah will come to save Him."
Compounding the feeling of abandonment.
Elijah did not come.

When Jesus died, the earth shook and trembled.
Matthew 27:54 Those who were keeping watch were terribly frightened and filled with awe and then said,


 I thought to myself,
'This hasn't really changed anything for me in the way of circumstances in life.'
Yet, somehow, I feel relieved, at peace.
I feel understood.
I thought, how funny.
I haven't really gotten any answers.
What I have gotten is an insight into the fact that 'He gets me'!
He has been there!
Sometimes we go through an agony that our loved ones 'can't get',
they don't understand,
they don't know.

He understands, and He has been through it!
I am not alone.
Not defeated.

He has gone through what you are going through.

There is hope.
You are NOT alone.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Women set there desire on men. They have turned to them to gain their approval, to be found acceptable, worthy, admired, and chosen.

When you come to Me,
and I give you that eternal life,
I give to all who believe in Me,
It alters your whole existence,
the words you speak, 
the influences you have. -God Calling

We believe in You and yet so much of us still needs Your healing redemption.
We want to reflect You but we have so much to learn.

You must ponder on the truths I give you.
Meditate on them.  -God Calling 

Whatever we set our desire on will rule us.
You have only to look around you to see how women,
even Christian women set there desire on men.
They have turned to them to gain their approval,
to be found acceptable, worthy, admired, and chosen.
As a result they are ruled by them.
They take their cues for life from them.
Whatever women believe the male race wants,
they will try to become.
A women still today has unspoken expectations that the man she has chosen will meet all her needs for security, purpose, worth and identity.
What a huge disappointment when this self centered dream is not realized.
When the woman's husband is not able to fill up the "grand canyon" inside of her.
Ultimately her hurt and disillusionment will set in,
followed by anger and then bitterness.
A great chasm will develop between them.
It will take divine surgery to heal it.    -Jane Hansen.

You are the Divine Surgeon.

Why do you look at the speck in the other's eye, but do not see the plank in your own eye.  -Matt. 3

Focus on what other's do right,
you are responsible for your own actions,
not everyone else's.

Be calm.
no matter what happens.

Rest in Me.
Be patient,
and let patience have it's perfect work.
ever think things overwhelming.
How can you be overwhelmed when I am with you?
Do not feel the strain of life.
There is no strain for My children.
The strain is only when you are serving another master,
the world, fame, the good opinion of people
or carrying two days burden on one day. -God Calling

Give us wisdom for the way.
Draw close to God and He will draw close to you. - James 4:8

Spending time with God is crucial for us in order to change and move ahead.
Apart from God we are stuck in old lies,
old habits, old unhealthy relationships.

How can we spend quality and quantity time with God?
It's almost like having a lover that you have to figure out how to secretly meet with in the middle of a chaos.
You have to actively think about him and want him.

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in Hid word I put my hope.  -Psalm 130:5

Sometimes we don't have the emotional equipment or courage to deal with certain situation's in our life.
We pray You into the situation and You give us illumination, direction, strength.

As a doe longs for running streams, so longs my soul for You, Oh Lord.

Lord please help us to focus on all the thing that our spouse does right.
Remind us that we are responsible only for our own actions.
I am not responsible to correct my spouse.
You have called me to love.
Everyone's journey is different.
It is up to us to keep in shape and travel light.
Beware the barrenness of a busy life.

Kindness is essential in winning anyone's heart.

There is a spiritual battle to be consistently kind in my own home.

Give us the grace to be loving and kind.
Help us to focus on You.

I tend to wander amidst the conflicting pulls of my life.

You have promised that You will guide me and direct me on my daily path.

Because of His love for me,
He warns me in His word and through the grieving within me of His Spirit.
This gives me a sense of security that He has guard rails for life's journey.

Lord make me sensitive to Your voice.

I just snapped! I had cabin fever!

Still in my PJ's , no make up, no curled hair, didn't have my prayer time. Stressed out.
Clean up, mess up, clean up, mess up, stress!
I snapped.

Thank you Lord that we can apologize.

My guidance is often by shut doors.
Life with Me is not immunity from the difficulties,
but peace in the difficulties.
Joy is the result of faithful trusting acceptance of My Will.
When it seems not joyous.
Joy is the result of calm. -God Calling

Learning to live with repetitious dirtiness.
I am thankful for these days.
Let this be a time of blessing for those around me.
Help us to share You!
With each other.
If feel like a failure when I lose my cool.
I feel like I am supposed to be 'saintlier' then that.
Help me to be able to accept Your grace and power in my weakness.
Thank You that I can apologize.
I do not  'strain to reach the end of the race'   -Phil 3:14.
I long to be a light of You and Your love in the present,
IN the race.

He lets me rest in green meadows,
He leads me besides peaceful streams.  Psalm 23:2

In our lives it is so hard to find a moments silence.
Look along the path for the quiet place.
Look away from the Internet and the crowd.
Look in your home.
Create a quiet place in your home.
Look at your schedule.

Frankly, both of us are kind of strange, neither of us in perfect.

"Continue these prayer times even if they seem fruitless."
Lord it seems like having this prayer time is getting harder for some reason.

Go back to a sincere and devoted commitment to God.  
Be honest, seek help,
Ask for prayer.

Be careful.
Watch out for attacks from your enemy.
He prowls around like a roaring lion,
looking for some victim to devour.  1 Peter 5:8

Fix your thoughts and eyes on God.

Help us to love our spouses unconditionally,
just as You love us.
Frankly, both of us are kind of strange, neither of us in perfect.
But I am committed to you.
Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person.
Guide us Lord,
we are weak, but You are strong.
Guide us with Your powerful hand.

The way will open.
God cares and His plans unfold.
Just love and wait.
Love is the key.
No door is too difficult for it to open.
Why do you fear?
He has cared for and protected you.
Hope on.
With certainty.
Be calm in My Power.
Never Neglect these times.
Pray and Read your bible and train and discipline yourself.
That is your work-
Mine is to use you.
But My instruments must be sharp and ready.
Then I use them.
All harmful thoughts must be turned out.
See how necessary I have made the purity and goodness of your own lives to you.
Soon you shall ask and at once it will come.
Welcome the training.
Do not worry about others lives.
You must perfect yourselves first in My strength.
Silently I come.
No man can judge when it enters the heart of another person.
Listen quietly.
Sometimes you may get no message.
Meet all the same.
You will absorb an atmosphere.
Each word or thought of yours can be like a pearl that you drop into the secret place of another heart,
and in some hour of need,
the recipient finds the treasure and realizes for the first time its value.
Do not be too ready to do,
just be.
Individual effort gains nothing.
It is only the work of My Spirit that counts.
Dwell more on this.  -God Calling

Friday, February 27, 2015

God greatly desires to spend time alone with you.

Lord thank You for bringing us here to you.

Lord please help us to accept our spouse the way they are rather then trying to change them and to focus on our own problems.

The #1 trait that people look for is integrity.
Integrity is built by consistent work ethic.
You have been faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things.   Do the small things well and with a good attitude,
no matter how mundane.   Do them with excellence and more and more greater things will be given to your charge.
Be the same at home, work and church.
Be dependable, have self restraint, self control, and self respect.
Before you make a decision:   Does this glorify God?  
Do what you do better than anyone else doing it and you will always be a success.

You shall be taught!  
Continue these prayer times even if they seem fruitless.
Rest your nerves.
Hope all the time.
Do not be afraid of poverty.
Keep nothing for yourself.
Hoard nothing.
Only have what you need and use.
This is My law of discipleship. -God Calling

God greatly desires to spend time alone with you.
You are His child.
The creator of the universe wants to meet alone with you!
Make it your priority!
Time with God is never wasted.

"I will call on Him as long as I live."  Psalm 116:2
I have a lot to learn on how to be loving.

Sharing needs and meeting them is more constructive than complaining.

What a difference between
1. You have worked every night this week and I am tired of it".   Which attacks.
2. I really sense how hard you have been working and at the same time I find myself missing you.
Could we plan some special time for just us?   Which expresses need.

Help us to shift from reacting to others behavior to sharing our needs and the needs of others.  -Intimate Moments.

Please don't make the mistake of supposing God's love for you comes and goes in response to your spiritual temperature.
God's love doesn't vacillate according to how many victories you have over sin or how man times you sue His name in your prayers.   His love for you goes deeper then mere affection or surface infatuation.

Let the matchless love of God sweep away your doubt and fears.
You already have God's attention and you will never lose it.  -Joni Ereckson Tada.

Desiring something exciting and new?  
God knows your desires.
He knows how to fill them.
He knows all our thoughts and insecurities which lead us to either elevate or obsess or hate another.
Guard our hearts Lord.

I see more of my shortness and impatience with others.
"No one has heard,
no ear has perceived,
no eye has seen any God besides You,
who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.   Isaiah 64:4

Draw near to God and He will draw near to You.  Be humble and teachable.
Give God access to your ambitions, fears, and character inconsistencies.
He will transform and renew you.
Whether God has us in the land of opportunity with more tasks than time,
or tucked away in a place of obscurity with little to do and where no one can find us,
we must remember this:
We are never out of His care,
never far away from His heart.
In every season if we trust Him,
He will lead us beside still waters and to sacred spaces of replenishment and growth.
We learn that we are not what we do,
we are simply someone He enjoys.

Never think that you can accomplish great things apart from God.
And yet, live expectantly knowing that nothing is impossible with Him.
God promises to make something new of you.
He will breathe life into your wear soul.
Don't worry about forward movement.
Learn the essentials of rest and trust in this season and one day you will step into the best of what God has for You. -Your Beautiful Purpose.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Do we sometimes desire something exciting and new?

Sharing needs and meeting them is more constructive than complaining.
What a difference between
1.  You have worked every night this week and I am tired of it!
      This attacks.
2.   Or:  I really sense how hard you have been working and at the same time I find myself missing you.
       Could we plan some special time for just us?
       This expresses need.

Help us to shift our focus from reacting to others behavior to sharing our needs and the needs of others.
-Intimate Moments

Keeping God's attention.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord.  Psalm 12:1-2

Please don't make the mistake of supposing that God's love in you comes and goes in response to your spiritual temperature.   God's love doesn't vacillate according to how many victories you have over sin,
or how many times you sue His name in your prayers.
His love for you goes deeper then mere affection or surface infatuation.
Let the matchless love of God sweep away your doubt and fears.
You already have God's attention and you will never lost it.  -Jonie Erickson Tada

Do we sometimes desire something exciting and new?
Lord You know our desires!
You know how to fill them!
You know all our thoughts and insecurities which lead us to either elevate and obsession or hatred.
Guard our hearts Lord!

Sometimes we see so much more of our shortness and impatience with people!

"No ear has heard, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him."  Isaiah 64:4

Draw near to God and He will draw near to You.
Be humble and teachable.
Give God access to your ambitions, fears, and character inconsistencies.
He will transform and renew you.
Whether God has us in the land of opportunity with more tastes than time,
or tucked away in a place of obscurity with little to do and where no on can find us,
we must remember this:
We are never out of His care, never far away from His heart.
In every season if we trust Him, He will lead us beside the still waters and to sacred spaces of replenishment and growth.
We learn that we are not what we do,
we are simply someone He enjoys.
Never think that you can accomplish great things apart from God.
And yet, live expectantly knowing that nothing is impossible with Him.
God promises to make something new of us.
He will breath life into our weary soul.
Don't worry about forward movement.
Learn the essentials of rest and trust in this season and one day you will step into the best of what God has for you.    -Your Beautiful Purpose..


"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
Everything must rest on Me.
Force is born of rest.
Only Love is a conquering force.
Be not afraid.
I will help you.
Be a channel.
My spirit will flow through you.
Take heart.
God loves.
God helps.
God fights.
God wins.
You shall see.
You shall know.
The way will open.
All My love has ever planned you shall see each day unfold.
Only be taught.
Be a child.
A child never questions plans.
It accepts gladly.
All is well.
Wonderful things are happening.
Do not limit God at all.
He cares and provides.
Uproot self.
The channel blocker.
The day will unfold step by step."   -God Calling.

I don't want to just Survive Life or Kill Time.

Help us to walk in Your paths today.
Help us to cast off the "obligation" of prayer and keep the relationship part of it.

Without our time with You, we are wanderers in the dark.
We have a confidence and assurance in You.
Your grace and wisdom.
Help us get a new vision
One that brings life and newness to whomever and wherever we are.
It is not our vision,
but the presence of You in each moment.
You desire love for each person that we meet.

You have given us the desire to not just 'Survive life, Kill Time',
but to live life in hope and expectation.
You give us more love for our families and our spouses.

You guide us clearly and unexpectedly.

A great union, in God's Hands, will accomplish such great things that there certainly will be forces whose purpose is to mar that friendship.

Store only the blessings from Me.
Encourage yourself with these blessings.
"Give up every fear of the future, of poverty, for those dear to you,
of suffering , of loss, leave all thoughts of unkindness and bitterness, all your dislikes and resentments, your sense of failure, your disappointment in others and in yourselves, your gloom, your despondency, leave them and go forward to a new and risen life.   Do not see as the world sees.  I hold the year in My hands, in trust for you.
But I will guide you one day at a time.
Leave the rest with Me.
You must not anticipate the gift by fears or thoughts of the days ahead.
Each day I will supply the wisdom,
the strength, the bridge to go over your difficulties or the strength to walk through them.
Trust Me.
Help raise the helpless to courage, to struggle, to faith, to health.
Love. Laugh, Love and Laughter beckon others to faith and courage.
Trust on.
Love on.
Joy on.
Refuse to be downcast in your upward climb.
Love and laugh.
I am with you.
Cast your burdens on Me and I will sustain you.
How many burdens can you lighten this year?
How many hearts can you cheer?
How many souls can you help?"     -God Calling