Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Disposable marriage.

I heard this on the radio yesterday:
 "Regarding the divorce rate and 'disposable' marriages.
Love does not cause commitment to happen in marriage,
Commitment to the marriage causes the love to deepen."

Jesus said, "I have spoken of many things
 but you have not understood."
-Isn't that the truth!

It is so much easier just to
'get rid of'
'move on'
to someone or something new.
It seems like it would be exciting for the new opportunity,
and of course such relief from the pain and boredom.
We dispose of so much,
we buy things,
throw them out,
Then just move on to a new one.
We do this with no problem!
We can even do this with God.

If we only live on the surface with God,
we will never experience the intimacy we long for
or the acceptance or security He offers.

Did you hear that last one?
GOD is the only ONE
who can meet our deepest needs
to be accepted
delighted in
simply because of who we are.
We can offer nothing but our presence.
And that is all He desires.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Want to be cool?

When either spouse fails,
we need to turn to God for help.
Our security is in God.
Not in our spouse.

Trust God with it all.

Let the people in your sphere of influence see the changes in you.

Ever just want to be associated with the 'cool people'?
I admit, I do. 

We want to be associated with the successful, the beautiful, the popular.

 Let's face it, like the song says, "We want to be popular."  

I realized it at work.  

And then I realized that the
so called 'uncool' people were the ones that God was bringing me to.  
And silly as it may seem to those of you are secure,
I began to realize that who I am associated with,
is not a reflection of who I am. 
It is not a threat to my significance or my security.

And then, I realized...
It is okay ....
to be uncool.

My pride lives on the defensive against anyone or anything that tries to subtract from it's self worth.

But my confidence is driven by the certainty of a God given identity and the
conviction that nothing can take it away.
   -Beth Moore

It is whomever  You put in my path, that I am supposed to interact with.

You don't want me to try to 'make' things happen.
You want me to listen to You and bring love and joy to those I meet.

"Seek and you will find.
You will find that inner knowledge that makes the problems of life plain.
Power, conquest, success, supply, harmony,
are but manifestations that come from the obedience, honesty, order, love,
not in response to urgent prayer,
but naturally as light comes from a lighted candle."  
-God Calling

Monday, April 28, 2014

I have a long way to go.

I have a long way to go.

I really need Your grace and peace.

Lord, I know You say we are out to save, but currently I am not on that mission.
I am more currently wanting to know You and who You are and what does all this mean.

I know down the road I will grow to want what You want.
I remember someone saying to me that I had a 'seek and save' mentality.   Now, I do not.   Before it was, I think, because I liked to be needed.  It gave me meaning.   Not any more.  

"Heaven can be here and now.
I protect you here and now.
In ways you don't even know.

You are mine, you have different standards and customs actuated by different motives.    You don't know the impact your communion with Me has on others. Shed peace, My peace wherever you go, not discord.

Not a peace that is a truce with the power of evil.
Not an adaptation to the world.
Not necessarily harmonious."

The only definitive and enduring motivation for a true transformation in our security will be God Himself.  The creator of heaven and earth assigned us dignity and immeasurable value, and only when we finally accept this truth will be discovered true security.
April 27

All our moments are made productive by our obedience to the will of God,
which reveals itself in a thousand different ways.   Each of which
successively becomes our immediate duty.   Together they mold and perfect within us the 'new self".  

Believe that what God assigns for each moment is best, and do not go around seeking for other things or try to figure out God's designs.

When we crave to be helped by conventional means, GOd tells us that His action is all we need.

-abandonment to divine providence

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Have faith in God.
God loves you and has a purpose for your life.
Fear not.
Obey God.
Give thanks.
Be at Peace.
Trust Him.
Give of yourself.

"Live with Me and for Me.
I do the work, and I make the opportunities.
Never doubt.
Never fear.
Watch the faintest tremor of fear and stop all work,
and rest before Me until you are joyful and strong again.
For all I tell you to do,
you can rely on My supply."
-God Calling.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Trust me........

I am beginning to believe that we all
operate on a low level of consciousness and self awareness.
I am becoming more aware of ways we all act in
ignorance and oblivion to who we really are
and how we act and think.

Sometimes when someone hurts me,
I start to feel my heart becoming cold towards them.
Please don't let that happen.

"Say often,
God Bless _______.
of whomever you feel in disharmoney with,
or whom you desire to help.
Say it,
willing that showers of blessings and joy and success may fall upon them.
Leave to Me the necessary correcting or training.
You must only desire Joy and blessing for them.
At present your prayers are that they should be taught and corrected.
Leave My work to Me
and occupy yourselves with the tasks I give you.
LOVE.   I am love.  I will break down all your difficulties.   I will build up all your successes.   To love one another is to have Me in your life.  To have Me in your life is to bring into manifestation, harmony, beauty, joy, and happiness." -God Calling 

Please give me the grace
 to forgive and the ability to move forward in Your love and direction.

No fear means
No fear of being taken advantage of,
no fear of  being mistreated,
no fear of poverty,
no fear of being misunderstood,
no fear of being of no value,


Knowing you are special to Me and I fight for you,
I walk with you.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Ever think......I HATE MY JOB!

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth,
but only what is good for edification.
Ephesians 4:29

This is a good rule of thumb..
but so hard to live by....
If the comment will build someone up, then, say it.
If not, then don't.

A common relational cycle is to explode after hiding the truth.
First you get hurt, then angry, then no communication happens..
then the explosion comes....  
That's why we have to......  
Learn to speak the truth in love.

Lord give me strength to stay strong and be obedient to You.
Help me to know Your truth,
Your guidance,
Your presence.
Station a guard at my lips to only speak things that edify.
 Oh Lord, please help me not to ridicule,
help me not to say the truth in anger or sarcasm.
Help me to say things in truth and love for upbuilding,
not tearing down, not attacking, not self protective.
Help me to know You as the Power,
the Authority,
 the One that I am to respect.  
Help me to know Your appproval.  
Lord, let me know Your love for me.
Let me know I am special to You.
Help me to release my hurts and forgive so I can be a positive person.
"Turn not your faces to the past grave,
but above and within because He lives and makes His home in us."

I go before.
No worry,
no anxiety,
but you will have to put forth effort.
Anyone of these troubles might make you think that My help is not for you.
You will see My love and care.
My spirit is supplying wisdom and strength.
How often I go before you to prepare the way,
to soften a heart.
 Ever think......
"Whatever you do,
work at it with all your heart,
as working for the Lord, not for men.
It is the Lord you are serving.
Colossians 3:23-24

Let my motives be pure and uplifting,
depending on Your help,
so Your light can shine through.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

God hasn't forgotten you.

Stay focused on God's wisdom and encouragement.
God hasn't forgotten you because of your gender, your job, your health, your failings, your insecurities, your weaknesses.......
"Union with Me is the one great necessity. 
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not love,
 I am just making noise.  
Men will see Me in My works done through you.  
Be slow to speak."


Habakkuk 3:17-19

17 Though the fig tree does not blossom and there is no fruit on the vines, [though] the product of the olive fails and the fields yield no food, though the flock is cut off from the fold and there are no cattle in the stalls,
18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will exult in the [victorious] God of my salvation!
19 The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds’ feet and will make me to walk [not to stand still in terror, but to walk] and make [spiritual] progress upon my high places [of trouble, suffering, or responsibility]!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

In Training: Stripped of false foundations, heart of stone removed.

I have stripped you of much ,
of false foundations,
So you would be built on a firm foundation.  
Bring Me into everything.  
Be slow to speak.  
 Do not speak in anger.  
I will take out your heart of stone and give you an obedient heart.
                      -Your Beautiful Purpose by Susie Larson

Monday, April 21, 2014

Finding myself distracted, worried, and feeling a bit oppressed.

Thinking about the bills,
and what should I do to help...
Please give me wisdom with the bills.

"Weary not yourself to be rich, cease from your own human wisdom."
-prov. 23:4   and Is. 32:17
Do not fear change. 
Steadfastness, unchangingness, come to you as you dwell with Me.
Rest in Me.
Regularly practice this time of getting back into My Presence,
when the slightest feeling of unrest disturbs you.
Perfect calm and harmony will be yours.
-God Calling
Lord, I am not looking to be great,
not looking to be famous,
just want to know You and Your love,
and Your provision,
Your direction and guiding.

"He who keeps instruction is in the way of life."
-Proverbs 10:17

Your guidelines (instruction) to me is:
1. Keep your prayer time.
2. Obey what I tell you. (keep your prayer time)
3. Be at peace,  run to Me if you become ruffled for any reason.
     I promised Peace, not Leisure.
4. Do not fear, and do not inspire fear in others.
5. Be thankful.
6. Give hugs, not just advice.
7. Give of yourself to those who are in your path, not just to people
     who are in your circle of caring.   Not just to people who will give
     you something back.
8. Guard your thoughts!   Do not let your mind drift into negative thinking.
     Replace any negative thinking or memories with My promises.
9. Take away the pointing finger.
     Don't talk about people behind their backs.
10.Hope and Joy

Sunday, April 20, 2014

"Nothing is more beautiful than a strong, humble, God fearing woman who knows who she is and whose she is.   If we walk closely with God, we must expect Him to change us, healus, transform us.   As we spend time with God and do what He says, our capacity for His influence in our lives supernaturally increases." 

Believe that God's redemptive purposes are at work in us right now!
Imagine yourself embracing the days with greater clarity and purpose,
choosing more carefully where you put your time because you are convinced more than ever that your life matters.  
God will do this work in you to the extent that you trust yourself to Him.   Don't let moments of humiliation define you.    Don't let them derail you.   Let God uset those painful vulnerable experiences from your past to shape you into a person of God with bold conviction." -Susie Larson

There is absolutely no excuse to stay where you are at right now.  
If you are weak, He can make you strong. 
If you are timid, He can make you brave.
If you are a pervert,
He can make you pure.
If you are selfish,
He can make you selfless.
If you are a shepherd,
He can make you a king.
If you are mediocre,
He can make you a Might one of valor. - Eric Ludy

Saturday, April 19, 2014

It is time for women to rise up.

"Health, peace, joy, patience, endurance,
They all come from contact with Me.
All you have missed,
you will find in Me.
The soul's lover, the soul's friend,
father, mother, comrade, brother. 
Claim healing power and joy."
-God calling
"It is time for women to rise up,
not with a feminist chip on our shoulder,
but with strength, conviction, humility, and bold perserverance.
Women who are not bullied by our fears,
consistently and impossibly insecure and self-aware,
chronically petty and jealous.
Nothing is more beautiful than a strong, humble,
God fearing woman who knows who she is
and WHOSE she is.
May we grow assured that our personal transformation
 is happening at this very moment
 that God's redemptive purposes are at work in us."
                                       -Susie Larson

Friday, April 18, 2014

Strange dream.... an outcast.

Lord, had a very strange dream last night.
I was at a church, I was an outcast.
They decided to 'turn me over' to one who could redeem my one little talent.
He was a most important person.
I didn't know who he was.
He was a multi millionaire who dressed as a common person.
Others on the trip to be 'redeemed' ridiculed me.
I was the outcast even though I was in the company of the one who was going to try to make me"worth" something.

"The devil wants you to connect the dots on certain bad memories so
you can draw wrong conclusions when it comes to your fears.
Be hemmed in by My promises,
Not by your fears.
The enemy bullies us with the threat of exposure and humiliation,
but our reputation,
our honor
and our salvation depend on God alone."
-Susie Larson

Thursday, April 17, 2014

God offers us the possiblity of life with no regrets.
Humility is satisfied nowing God is in control.
Pride wants to be noticed, pampered.
My will should be welcomed with a glad wonder
                                           .....if I am to do My work in the heart and life.
Not with resignation.

Persevere in obeying My will.
Accept My discipline and joy of love and knowledge will follow.
Let My love cast our your fear.
Be hemmed in by my promises not your fears.
-Suzy Larson

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day at the Zoo

Lord thank You for Your presence in all we do.
Thank You for the fun of being together.
Thank You for safety.
Thank You for being with us,
everything, everywhere,
even a day at the zoo.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Never inadequate.

"Never feel inadequate for any task.
All work here is accomplished by My spirit.
And that can flow through the most humble and lowly.
It simply needs an unblocked channel.
Rid yourself of self and all is well.
I am watching over you."
-God Calling
"Trust God from the bottom of your heart,
don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God's voice in everything you do.
Every where you go,
He is the one who will keep you on track."
Proverbs 3:5-6

"Do you see how closely linked your fears and your sins are?
Sorting through our fears and insecurities is essential to the process of
maturing into a womarn of significant faith.
Be hemmed in by My Promises,
not by your fears."
                                                                                                                   -Susie Larson

Monday, April 14, 2014

You don't exist.

If I don't acknowledge you,
then you don't exist.
And therefore,
You can't hurt me again.
And this is where a grudge begins.
Any relationships,
especially marriage.....
Ever get hurt by someone
and they go on their merry way as if nothing happened?  
You want them to KNOW what they did to you. 
It doesn't seem like you are getting through?
They just don't get it. 
In fact they throw it back on you,
like it is all your fault,
'you are too sensitve.'
Have you tried to deal with people in the same way through the years.
Not making any progress?
So what do you do?
Are you afraid that if you are nice to them
they will think that they can do it again?

Do you begin to make a list
of all the ways they have hurt you in the past.
Do you say,
"AHA, This is why I don't like them,
I remember now. 
I better hold onto this."
I am starting to realize that some people will never get it.
So what am I going to do?
Hold onto the grudge?
Try to make them disappear?
I can't change their hearts.

This is especially true in marriage.
Well, there is a saying.
"If you always do what you always did,
You are always going to get what you always got."
Who wants to just grow old and bitter.  
I know, I don't.
Tender hearts grow hard.   
because they are protecting their heart.  
 It is easier to build a wall.
In marriage there are certain typical lies.
"It's all your fault."
"If it takes hard work we must not be right for each other."
"You owe me."
"You should be like me."
It is Not all your fault.
I have much to work on.
The truth is we ARE right for each other.
You are unique...
Help me Lord to take lies captive and cast them down,
replacing them with truth.
"Cast your cares (hurts, anxieties) on Him
I have decided to trust You with my heart.
Obey You with my actions.

I can't change their behavior,
But I can change mine...
In accordance with Your will for me.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


For some reason at work I keep bumping into people who are trying to steal from the store.    I stick close to them since I am not Loss Prevention, I at least hope to keep an eye on them.   I am not authorized to act towards them or arrest them.  But I want to yell at them.   

They always want to talk.   I feel like God was saying,

"Let them talk.  
Respect them, no matter what they are doing.  
Love them even so.  
Be gentle with all.
Try to see the heart that I see,
to know the pain and the difficulty of the other life, that I know.
Try before you speak to anyone
to ask me to act as interpreter between you two.
Just live in the spirit of prayer."
-God Calling
Just as He has loved me, even so.  
He doesn't hate me when I sin. 
His love is not dependent on my actions.   
He doesn't ignore the sin,
wants us to change,
but loves me even in it.

And as I often do, back to marriage...
-true intimacy is built on the commitment to love your partner forever.   Regardless of how bumpy life gets.  
That's the way we want it to be.  
And that's the way God wants it to be. 
We are not just marking time.  
We want the time to be as frutiful and joyous as possibly can.  
So does God.  

God help us to remain devoted to each other. 

Love and laugh.  


Friday, April 11, 2014

Do you have a talent that you are ignoring?

But, I was watching my husband put up shelves for my son and daughter in law.   I was thinking how unspectacular, almost boring this service must seem to my husband.   Yet to us who don't know how to do it, it was such a loving blessing.  

I was thinking how we might have knowledge of how to do things that some people might not be able to do without great struggle.   We all have gifts we can offer others.    Don't let your fear of it not 'being perfect' be the reason you don't offer your gifts.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Are you a doormat?

You don't need someone to point to you and say,
You are valuable,
God points to us and tells us we are valuable and
He has a purpose for us.
I was looking over a prayer journal from past years.   Brought me to tears at how many people had helped us through out the years.   I saw that my husband and daughter had also been baptized back then....  after some major struggles.

He delivers all those who through fear of death (self preservation)
were subject to lifelong bondage.  
Hebrews 2:14 

I saw how in the middle of our travels, on the right path, it is so easy to miss the mark without even realizing what is happening.  Turning to the left or the right is easy to do.

If you only knew who I was, you wouldn't be afraid or worry.  
If you only knew My power.

How do I know it, Lord? 

Have you ever felt like somone's success was a threat
to your own self image? 
Have you ever felt this about your spouse?  
Marriage is supposed to be complimentary, not a competition. 

Have you ever felt like having a family is too much for you to handle?
It happens to all of us at some point.   Whether you feel your spouse is too demanding, or depressed, or your child is angry and rebellious.   You feel your spouse is too painful to live with, but think it is more painful to live without him?   Does he threaten to leave, and you want him to go?   Is it possible for it to work out?   Does God want us to work it out in marriage?
Is it possible?   Is it really what He wants for our lives.  Are you angry and hurt and tired of getting hurt?

Is Jesus asleep in the boat, in the storm?

"Oh, ye of little faith, God will never, never, never leave you.
If you keep My commandments you will live in My love.
This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
Your spouse.  Love them.  This is my command to you - love one another.
Greater love has no man than this - that he lay down his life for his friends.

I do not want you to be a doormat.  
People make their own choices
and you cannot make them for them."

Remind us of how far we have come Lord.

Rather than searching for those in power and authority to promote us.
Open our eyes to see You, THE person of authority and power.  
Open up our eyes to see that You believe that we are valuable, of worth, someone to pursue. 
Help me to know You.  
Turn not your faces to the past,
but turn your face above and within that you may worship the God that lives.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

You have nothing to fear.

Rise from sin, laziness, depression, fear, distrust.
All that hinders the Risen life.
Rise TO beauty, holiness, joy, peace,
work inspired by love and joy,
rise from death to life.
You have nothing to fear.
All that depress you, all that you fear is powerless to harm you.
I conquered all these things.
Rise from your fears and go out into the sunlight to meet Me.
-God Calling
When WE deprive ourselves of prayer, fellowship with God,
we can survive,
but that is all we are doing.
We are not created to merely survive, but to thrive.
Sometimes we know we need to pray
but we are too lazy in the routine of life,
or too preoccupied with what we think is important.
Simply life may crowd in on us enough
that we simply are not aware of our need.
We have forgotten how well we were meant to run.
-Sheila Walsh
Trust God from the bottom of your heart,
Don't try to figure out everything on your own,
listen for God's voice in everything you do,
everywhere you go,
He is the one who will keep you on track.
-Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"Your heart gifts are rich and precious."

Today would be a good time to start a thank you list!

Once again You helped me pay a few bills through unexpected sources.

Thank you!


Monday, April 7, 2014

Do you Feel Deformed?

Don't let your insecurity
cause you to miss the gifts around you!

I posted some pictures on facebook.
A lady in one of the pictures remarked at how horrible she looked!

I immediately took the picture off,
did a little editing and put a more complimentary picture of her on facebook.

She thanked me for 'taking all the bad stuff off'.

I realized, what I saw and what she saw were two entirely different people.

I put up for her who she wanted to see.

I realized how I have done this before........when.......

My lovely daughter-in-laws both gave me what they were thinking
that I would love as beautiful gift pictures.

But, I gasped, as all I could see were my deformed hands.
It looked like this to me....

I have arthritis in my hands.
In my mind all I saw were huge deformed blown up hands.

They are an embarrassment to me.

I immediately dismissed the gifts trying not to think about my hands.

I was grateful for their thoughtfulness but that was as far as I went.

I realized today

how I had missed the gift.

They were trying to bless me with the reminder of love in my life,
.......and all I saw was deformity.

I couldn't receive the gift because of my insecurity.

God, I know I do this with Your gifts for me too.

Thank you for these two beautiful ladies in my life.

Thank you for their reminders
of how blessed I am
with love
and relationships.

Dancing with my dad at my son's wedding.

Holding my mom's hand in the hospital.             

Father daughter dance at my son's wedding with my dad,
my other son and his daughter.

"Come close to God and He will come close to you.
Recognize that you have divided interests.
Humble yourself.
Know who He is and who you are.
He will lift you up and make your life significant.  
Instead of being envious or comparing ourselves to others,
see the God in them."
James 4

"Do not be sympathetic to the smallest hint of jealousy or envy in your soul.
Pray blessings and protection on your sisters. 
Choose life.
Choose to trust Me. 
Be a gracious, noble woman.
And whenever those winds of
jealousy and envy and insecurity start to blow,
step back and look up.
Lay hold of My promise and refuse the enemy's bait."
-Susie Larson

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Trust God with your story!

Ever come home and feel unloved, and unappreciated?

"Love isn't easy.   Especially when you are tired, or feel unloved, or have gone the distance for someone who (we think) hasn't returned the favor.   Yet that is what God wants us to be willing to do.   That kind of love changes people.  It leads by example, and it asks nothing in return." -Susie Larson

Lord I am definetly not there yet! 
I get tired, angry, depressed, hurt, confused, detached, withdrawn.
I think I have sacrificed and may be oblivious to their sacrifice. 

God has patience with us
in spite of our often ignorant sense of entitlement!

   "For our fight is not against flesh and blood but against principalities."
Ephesians 6:12

If we compare ourselves to others this is what happens:

"If the comparision puts us on top, we start to think we're something apart from God, if we find ourselves on the bottom, we're tempted to think we are nothing in spite of God.  How do we anchor ourselves in Christ amidst the strong currents of selfishness, envy, and pride?  

We trust God with our story. 
We embrace a heart of thanks and faith by looking for Him in every nook and cranny of life.   And we refuse to be petty in spite of all the opportunities to do so.   We are never more fully alive then when we consistently give thanks to One who gives and gives and gives again."
 -Susie Larson


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Cancer. I am with you at all times.

I was told today that my dad has prostate cancer.

And that it has spread to other organs.

They will not be doing anything to fight it because of his age.

He may have a few months.

He may have a few years.

It occurred to me that:

1. We don't know how to handle news like this.
2. We don't know how to behave with news like this.
3. NO ONE knows how much time they have.

"I am with you at all times. 

Be conscious of My presence."

Never leave any unfinished business.

No one is promised the next moment in this life.

If there is someone or something that needs your attention.

Do it now.

Don't assume that tomorrow is yours.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Help me to hold Your hand and Trust.

Lord, Please help me to hold Your hand,
trusting that You will take care of everything
even better than an earthly father possibly can.
"I have all your affairs in My hands.
Not one test too much will I lay on you."
And the Peace of God which (doesn't make sense to us, isn't logical)
passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds
through Jesus Christ. 
Phil. 4:7

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Beautiful day!
Woke up today thinking,
there are so many things I want to get done!

Which one first!?
The garden? The shed? The front yard? Paint?
Make lunch? Dinner? Do dishes? Clean?
Take care of the dogs?

I was thinking, my job employment has cut back hours.
Shouldn't I be looking for things to sell to help with the money?

"Cry out for insight.
Seek wisdom.
Raise your voice for understanding.
Seek wisdom as you would seek money.
Search for skillful and Godly wisdom as if you were searching for hidden treasure." -prov. 3:3-10


I will find wisdom, knowledge, understanding.
I will know the right path to take.
I will do what needs to be done.

Prayer time IS where I seek my treasure.
Prayer time is where I find my path.
Prayer time first.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Living in Survival Mode

I know I had a lifeless look in my eyes.  
I know I did.
I stopped dreaming.  
I shut down.
I went into survival mode.
Existence mode.

You are bringing me back to life.

Sometimes I can't believe the raw sin that comes from the depths of my heart and spills right out of my lips! Just when I think I am doing so good,
SURPRISE! ......out it comes!

"If we trust God with our fears and insecurities,
He'll entrust us with a call that puts those fears to shame.
This faith walk is about intimacy with God.
As we follow His lead, He'll lead us to rely on Him in ways big and small.
Life is too precious to live simply in reaction to our busy schedules
or to our binding fears.
Don't miss the importance of the present moment.
Walk with purpose in every step.
We need to live as ones who are spoken for.
God knows where we should go
and what we should do." -Susie Larson

Do you not see it with My followers?
Timid, faithless followers,
and then, so soon,
 themselves leaders, healers, conquerors,
through Me.
I forgive you as you have asked Me to.
Start anew today.
It is not what you do,
But who you are that is the miracle working power.
-God Calling

Be less concerned with your purpose,
Be more concerned with your relationship with God.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Don't forget that prayer time.


Maybe it is time to get connected.

To others.

Maybe a church?