Friday, January 31, 2014

Sweet little puppy.

sweet little puppy
wandered in our yard.
Cold and hungry.
We already have three rescue pups, Lord.
I had to bring her to the Summerville S.P.C.A. in S.C.
Please let someone adopt her.


Obsessed - Possessed?


If all my hopes are in other people,
or another person,
if all my hopes and thoughts are spun around them...
Then I am bound to be hurt and disappointed,
because sooner or later,
they will betray the fact that they are human.
Whether it is
my spouse,
a friend,
a family member,
a leader,
a doctor,
a preacher......
They are fallible people just like me.
They are not God and should not be treated as a god.

But it is not just people.
Anything can become a god for me.
What do I worship? 

Worship is simply focus. 
Voluntary preoccupation.

"When I devote my most valuable mental attention to
something or someone
...............that is worship."
Anxiety, money, health, relationships, job, marriage......

"Fear (awe, worship, attention) of God the beginning of Wisdom."

As I spend time in worship, prayer, attention to God,
I begin to grow in knowledge of what He wants of me.

As I grow in knowledge of what He wants
Who He IS,
I realize that others around me are NOT God.
They are like me,
journeying through life.
Persons like me who trip and fall,
succeed or fail,
But they are the same as me.
Not greater.
Not lesser.
Not perfect.
Not demons.
Deserving my respect and love,
But not my worship.

Lord, help me to worship You.
Worshiping You helps free others from my unrealistic expectations.
It frees them to be who they are.
It frees me to love them in a healthy way

Thursday, January 30, 2014

AHHH! I didn't get anything done that I was supposed to!!!!

ACHH!   One of those days!   So many distractions!  
I haven't gotten anything done that I was supposed to!  
I am still in my pajamas!!!

Ever have one of those days?  Bombarded on every side.

I have mountains of laundry,
lists of errands,
stacks of paperwork that needed to be done yesterday,
dripping faucet,
meals to make.... 
the list goes on!
And then there are the distractions like:
the internet, facebook, hobbies, the phone....
not necessarily  bad,
but all lobbying to force Him out of my day.


I literally have to make myself stop,
sit down in the middle of mess,
surrounded on every side.  
...... and take a prayer time.

"Every time of being laid aside ...
is a time of retreat into the quiet place with Me.  

Do not fear,
in that place you will find restoration and power and joy and healing.   LOVE.  JOY.  PEACE."

It is so easy to run around doing things
and missing the joy, beauty, and peace and REAL accomplishment of the day. 

If you don't get anything else done... 
Stop and pray.

THEN, as I head into the chaos,
I become more aware of His Presence in my day.
I remember through the day....
"Ah, I had my prayer time.   Peace. You are with me."  

I get to be at peace IN the chaos.  
You guide me.  
You cover my mistakes, my oversights.
I feel God's grace, unlimited favor and peace in spite of my performance.

This is not a call to be lazy and not do what needs to be done.
BUT, after prayer!

I know that His hand is on me, guiding me to get done what is important.
So many times I am amazed at how much I accomplished...
AFTER I took the time to pray. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thank you for excitement!

                           Thank You for new and different things. 

Thank You for the changes in weather that cause us to talk to each other, enjoy each other's company and share experiences.
On top of that thank you for the home to escape to when the excitement is too much, the weather is too cold or too warm.   Thank you for the blessings you have given us!  

"You are being led.  
Depend on Me for EVERYTHING. 
I can read men's hearts."

When I am not sure what to do next, I need to do the next thing!

Most importantly I need to make sure I have made space in my life to listen to God.

"Never fear.  
Joy is yours. 
Abide in Me. 
Dwell much in My Presence."

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Guard your thoughts.

Wow, January 22nd was my last blog writing!   Here it is January 28th!

January 23rd 
                       As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.   Proverbs 23:7
 "If we intend to make love a habit...                                                             then we must develop the habit of loving people with our words." 
Our fleshly nature seems to feed on negatives in life, it sees and magnifies all that is wrong with people and things.  

Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, but an
encouraging word spoken at the right moment makes it glad.
Prov. 12:25

January 24
                      Do not be afraid.  All is well.  Take one step at a time.
What is beauty?   Sometimes I feel fat, old, and ugly.  Please help me to see me as You see me.   Please help me get past the superficial world view that values only youth and surface beauty.   "Your beauty should be the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit."  1 Peter 3:3   Learn to shut yourself away in My Presence, and then, you will have the things you desire of Me....   Strength,
Power, Joy, Riches.

January 25
                    GUARD YOUR THOUGHTS.

"What ever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, if there is any virtue or praise, think on these things." Phil. 4:8

We make a mistake to think that our thoughts don't affect people. They do.

Cling to thoughts of protection, safety and guidance.   "If we only knew who we were and what God has conferred upon us, what everyone else thought of us would grow less and less significant."

January 26
                   KEEP CALM.  

See how many you can bless each day.  Dwell much in My Presence.

January 27
                   Lord let me be a blessing to my spouse.
January 28
                   Take time to appreciate all your blessings.

"Literally depend on Me for everything. Everything. Don't expect Me to provide ahead of time. Keep a journal of My Provisions."

I need to remember how far I have come.   Remember all the blessings,
all the prayers answered.   I need to look back on the past year and write down all the wonderful ways God has acted in my life.

I am thankful for the healthy grandbabies that were born, and that my brother Paul did not have a tumor that was cancer.

I need to remember the priceless beauty of a grandbaby that looks up, smiles and touches my face.

Remember, God can replace things, but if we love things excessively, we may lose people who cannot be replaced.   Also, it is always wise to show mercy and forgiveness because more often than not, we are going to need it shown to us!  

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Don't forget to close the gate.

                                       A girl lived on a farm.  

When it was time to move the cattle, her only job was to close the gate.

HOW BORING!!!!   Day after day!  Just close the gate!   WHAT?!
Definitely not a prestigious job, not exciting,

........but vitally important!

Two thoughts today:

The first one is that I must never forget my thank-you's!   Even on the gray days.  On those days that all seems mundane, boring, insignificant.   Do the next thing! Whatever it is, no matter how insignificant I think it is!  Every thing I do is important! 

The second one is that sometimes I look at prayer like this.   One more boring thing to do that has little impact on my day. Often it may seem like this.   But I need to not give up!  I must remember that a prayer time is not a rule to be kept, but a relationship.   Whether it is five minutes or fifty.   I need time with God.   

I must not forget to close the gate, it is vitally important!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

God is the one who transforms.

Ever have one of those interesting days? 

Issues of thanks, codependence, guilt, fear, anger....

Well here is one beautiful issue:

When people care....

Sweet superman 
and superwoman.

When I say thank you, I am saying that I noticed something you did for me, and that I care.

You matter to me. 

I appreciate you so deeply. 

And of course we are not more than human.  
God is the one who transforms.
But I can't help but notice your love. 
Thank you.

Another issue:

Luke 8:50   "Don't be seized with fear.   Trust me, and she will be alright."

If you are afraid, tell someone.  Hiding a fear can be a deadly poison.   Whatever the issue may be.   A caring friend or a family member might be able to help the one or the thing that you are concerned about.


"Believe that I am with you and controlling all.
Be calm.
Never fear.
You have much to learn.
Be glad all the time.
Joy in Me.
Rest in Me.
Pray more and do not be worried."

Another issue:

Couples tend to focus on the negatives of:
what I don't like ... 
what I don't have,
or what the other person doesn't do.  
Think appreciatively.  
Remember the positive things that brought you together.  
We need to lift up our spouses in prayer that they would have the desires of their heart.  

"Do you really want to know Me? Then do what I say. Do it when you understand it. Do it when you do not understand it. Take what I give you. Be willing not to have what I do NOT give you."

Dear Lord,  Please Shower our spouses with YOUR provision and love, and remind all of us that our hearts are restless until they rest in YOU!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Be Careful How You Think, Your Life is Shaped by Your Thoughts

"On your watch, lift up your hands for the life of your young children."
lamentations 2:19

If your loved one has made choices you don't agree with don't give up and stop praying. 

Keep communication lines open, continue praying for all involved.

Don't give up.

Resolve to pray even more.

Stand strong and remember that your part is to pray.


Persevere.   Do not fear.

Don't let anything cause you to stop praying.

Lord please bless them with peace, confidence, hope, health, love, joy.

Please heal their hurts from the past, and keep them safe.

Bring Your Presence, Light, Truth, Healing.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Can't solve other people's problems.

I have to let others learn and grow and solve their own problems.

It is hard to let go.

But it is in solving their own problems that they grow and mature.

And I have to trust the God is preparing gifts for them and me just
as a mom prepares gifts for her child.   

Try to see this as plans unfold.

Enjoy the simple presence of God
 just as a child enjoys it's mothers presence. 

Not presents but presence.

Stay alert and pray.

Pray always about everything.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

One WEEK without prayer makes one WEAK.

It is true.  
The lifeline.  
Trust and Do not be afraid. 
Turn to Me. 
As you turn to Me in a daily prayer time, you become more aware of My Presence in your life.  
Calming faith.

He makes me to lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside the still water.  Psalm 23:2

A calmer faith.  

The place where we don't get bent out of shape everytime life throws us a curve.

It is where we don't revolt when His plan and ours conflict.

It is where we can relax in the middle of an answerless time.

It is when we are not intimidated or pursuaded by other people's agenda's but moved only by Him. 

It is where we can cry for our sinfulness and repent,
sleep in peace,
live in fullness,
and sing of victory.

Are we willing to leave the days activities long enough to spend time in the green pasture and be led by the still waters of His Presence and Provision?

Each of us needs it. 

And fight to stay connected.
When we pull away, the lies grow, and the truth fades into a whisper.  
Isolation kills love.    
Fight to help your spouse stay connected.  

Lord, help us stay connected.

Friday, January 17, 2014

I don't get the luxury of enjoying impatience.

I don't get the luxury of enjoying impatience.  What???   How did I miss that one?   I thought I could imbibe of righteous impatience and it was okay.   SON OF A GUN!!!  But I was offended!!   The contractor said he would be here at 8:30 am.   I got up EARLY (for me anyway).   It is now after ten and he is still not here.   Ironically I had just spoken with his boss yesterday about contractors not showing up.

I figured, well, might as well take this chance to get my prayer time.

I could have slept in, I get so annoyed when my sleep is affected.   I get cranky and I can't function well...  whine, whine, whine, whine.

"SILENCE!   Seek to know Me and then to do My will in ALL things.   Stay in My love, an atomosphere of loving understanding to ALL MEN.   This is your part to do, and I protect you from evil.   This protection is fashioned by your own attitude of mind, words, and deeds towards others.   Don't let one worrying thought or impatient thought enter your mind.   Love Me. Trust Me.  Worry and Impatience impede My Spirit flow in your life.   Persevere.  Never lose heart.   All is well."  

IMPATIENCE IS NOT a reflection of God's Presence.  He has had mercy on me over and over and over.....   He has blotted out my sins.   Seventy times seven.  

Love is Patient.   HOW DID I MISS THAT ONE??   Somehow I thought I had the RIGHT to be impatient!

Hopefully others will have mercy and patience on me when I mess up!  I know I will continue to disappoint others, often times unintentionally...  I hope they will be able to forgive me!!

  Matthew 18:25

The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant

21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”

22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.[a]

23 “Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. 24 As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand bags of gold[b] was brought to him. 25 Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt.

26 “At this the servant fell on his knees before him. ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ 27 The servant’s master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go.

28 “But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins.[c] He grabbed him and began to choke him. ‘Pay back what you owe me!’ he demanded.

29 “His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it back.’

30 “But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. 31 When the other servants saw what had happened, they were outraged and went and told their master everything that had happened.

32 “Then the master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. 33 Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ 34

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Integrity in craftsmanship.

So, the roofing saga continues.   I went up in the attic last night around 9 pm as an afterthought.    I figured I should check the work the roofers did before I hand the money over.

First thing to greet me was a shattered roofing section, then gaps in the wood where you could see the tar paper.   I continued on to see the area with the original leaking problem had not been replaced, but it had been covered over.   *Sigh.

I made a nice little video of my findings and sent it to the manager.    Let us
just say that today at 8 am a roofer was on my roof....the manager showed up, and the area supervisor came by.   They will be replacing four areas of the roof.

But, I can't point fingers.  One thing I have found about a relationship with God, is things are NEVER about the other person's flaws.   They are always about my relationships, my life, my impact on others, my integrity.  "Why do you point out the speck in another's eye, when you have a plank of wood in your own!"  

"All have sinned and fallen short."

People are depending on you, me to do our jobs.   No matter how mundane, no matter how glorified.   People are counting on us to do our jobs correctly.  And they are expecting to not have to backtrack on what we have done.

It is not about how these employee's performed when they thought no one was watching....   It is about how do I perform when I think no one is watching?  Even in the little things.   How do I spend my time when my spouse is not around?   Do I waste it?   How do I perform even the little duties of my day? 

I need to make sure my attitude doesn't become complacent.  I need to make sure my craftsmanship is excellent.  I need to make sure that I never get so used to the way things slide that I begin to flow downstream with the general malaise.  

I am not responsible for how others act, only how I act.  My reward does not come from men, but from God.   How is my craftsmanship when it is just me, my integrity, and God?    How I do even the smallest things affects other people, my boss, my supervisors, my family and friends.  

"Whatever I do, whether  I am eating or drinking, do all for the glory of God."   .....and do not lose heart.  He is the Lord of the little things, no matter how small they may seem, they all matter.  It is the daily striving that counts.   The obeying of His will day in and day out.   Perseverance. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Relax, Do not fear...

"Learn Poise and Soul balance.  Claim My power, always come back to me and replenish.   Receive My Joy and reflect it."

The doorbell rings and the non English speaking crew leader, smiling,  tries to tell me they are putting the wrong vents on our roof as they replace the roof.   "No," I say.   "Yes," he says, smiling.   "Are you replacing the rotted wood?"  Smiling, he says,  "Not replacing any wood, no.   Not needed. "  He is saying this about the rotted, black wood around our PVC piping.....  

I am trying to remember,   what was my prayer time about this morning?
I run in.... and read.... Oh, yeah.... Okay....  Soul balance.

Ok...Soul balance....  Reflect it.   Let the people in your circle of influence see the changes in you.   Don't give them words with no actions.

And... Be a servant, not a marytr.  Lord, show me the difference between being a doormat, a martyr, and being a servant.   A Servant lays his life down willingly with an attitude of joy.   Jesus was able to wash His disciples feet becaue He was free.   Only a person who is truly free, one who is not insecure can do menial tasks and not feel insignificant as a result.   Serving others is not viewed as a high position and yet Jesus said it is the highest of all.  

Serve not out of guilt or compulsion, but because that is the path that HE led you on today.  

Communicate worth and value to everyone.

"DING DONG"    ...the doorbell..........  Code Enforcement....  "there is no permit for this roofing project....."

Ok, what was that in my prayer time again?  

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Walking with ME is security.

The coming of My Spirit into a life and its workings are hard to detect, but the result is mighty.   So have HOPE!!

Why do you worry and fret?   Be glad and full of Joy.  DO NOT FEAR!  Do not be burdened.   Do not be anxious.

"See that your inner lives are as they should be and then the work is accomplished.   Not in rushing and working on the material plane, but on the soul's battlefield are these things won.   Never fear.   Joy is yours and the radiant joy of the rescued will be yours!"

Kill the self!   Every time you turn out selfishness, stop nursing wounds, grudges, unforgiveness, perceived hurts, then you win in the real battle.   Ask yourself,
"Did self prompt that?"  -If it did, turn it out at all costs.

Go on obeying Me,
Listening to Me
...and you will see how wonderful a life with Me as your Companion is! 

You will gain power that is God released
for a weary world, and you will be victorious!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Conflicts changed to blessings.

Our conflicts are among our blessings.   Our adversary is used to train us for our strength!

When someone honestly tells me how they feel, do I get defensive and sensitive, make excuses?   Even though the excuses won't make the hurt go away?   Or do I acknowledge how they feel?   Constructive feedback, though painful, can help correct insensitivity in me that needs to be corrected.  

"Do not be depressed or despair.   Be a channel of helpfullness for others.   Have more sympathy, more tenderness.   Your life will not be all care."  Gold needs to be refined.

Jesus did not come to give man religion, they already had that before he came.   He came to give us a deep personal relationship with God.   People
need a relationship with God, not a religion.  

"Know that the old enemy strives to hinder your desire after good, and wants to draw you away from prayer, from keeping a guard on your heart, and from your firm purpose of advancing in virtue."   (Imitation of Christ) -Thoughts that may cause you to withdraw, or fear, or be depressed that you could even have such thoughts!   Give no credit to him and value him not."   

The Lord will light your way, He is your protector.   Do not be afraid.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Prayer isn't dropping out of life, it is dropping into God's presence.

Dropping into God's presence through prayer helps me gain a better, stronger view of my life.   Remember the thank you's.   For everything.
Joy is the whole attitude of thank-you.  

"I am revealing so much to you.   Pass it on.   Each truth is a jewel.  Some friend will be glad for it.   Seek to find a heart home for each truth I have given you.  You will receive more."   This is the riches we seek!   And it equips us to help others. 

Lord I am sorry for the things I do that cause people to doubt Your presence.   "The humble He guides in justice, and the humble He teaches His way."  Psalm 25:9   

We need to listen when being warned rather than get defensive and shut down.   At Pearl Harbor, radar indicated that planes were on the way, but it was ignored.   We need to guide each other constructively.   We need to listen to the warnings so that we don't have a personal Pearl Harbor.

One of the greatest steps in discovering who we are - humility - is discovering who God is.   "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.   Who we are in ourselves is not enough, but who we are in God is everything. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

When we want to lash out with our Words.

If we intend to make love a habit, then we must develop the habit of loving people with our words.   When we want to lash out, when emotions overtake us, when we want to 'spew'.  

Sometimes we feed on the negative in life, we see and magnify all that is wrong with people and things.   That is when we need to remember the good news.   Recall the positive things God has done in our lives.  Give Thanks.  And remember... one step at a time.

"There are those who speak rashly, like the piercing of a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.   Proverbs 12:18

We want to build up others.   "Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, but an encouraging word spoken at the right time".....  How healing it can be!   Proverbs 15:23.   When you are anxious, depressed, tired, remember all the ways God has blessed you!   And this will help you with your speech!

Proverbs 23:7   "As a person thinks in his heart, so is he!"

I will offer You Thanksgiving!     Our gift to God is our gratitude!  

Thursday, January 9, 2014

"Beware the barrenness of a busy life."

Admonitions should never accuse or shame.   Instead an admonition should communicate love and concern.

The bedrock of a successful marriage is the trust that you and your spouse show each other concern, and warn each other out of love.

Keep your relationship open, approachable, secure. 

Lord help me to share my concerns lovingly and openly.

Matt 24: 12   "The love of a great body of people will grow cold due to the lawlessness and wickedness in the land." 

We must refuse to let our love grow cold.   Stir up love in your marriage, your family, your friends.   Reach out to others.   Pray for people.  Bless them.   Grow to the point that the first thing when you wake up are thoughts of - how can I bless someone today!?

Galatians 6:10  Be mindful of how you can be a blessing to others instead of
self centered 'what about me' thinking.

Wage the war against selfishness, self protection and instead walk in love.  Others will notice.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Super Easy Organic or Regular Chicken Pot Pie

 This chicken pot pie is so easy!   So easy that even the Lazy Granny will make it!
Start off with two pie crusts - you can make it organic yourself, or you can do the lazy way and buy two crusts for about $1.99!
 Next defrost three nice pieces of chicken tenderloin, or 2 boneless chicken breasts.   The only thing that matters here is that it is boneless!   Again you can use organic or just store bought depending on what you like.

 All items can be bought organic or just your regular.

Turn the oven on to about 400 degres

Cut your chicken into inch cubes. Add about a cup of your favorite vegetables ......I also added just a little bit of broccoli. You want small pieces only, about a half of a cup
 Add about a cup of hashbrowns.
Add the chicken, potatoes and vegetables with a large size can of cream of chicken soup.  Mix together in a large bowl.

After it is totally mixed, put the mixture into a 9" pie crust.

The next step is easy,
 Place the second crust on top of the entire pie.
press the edges just a bit to make sure it cooks together.
 Ok it is now 4:36.
You have made the pie in 16 minutes!
Now all you have to do is bake it!

 We let ours cook for about 55 minutes.
Just keep an eye on it the last ten minutes so that it doesn't burn.   If you find the crust is getting overcooked, you can turn the oven down to 375 and cover the crust with aluminum foil.   It will come out yummy and delicious!

   Happy eating from the Lazy Granny! 

Life with Me is not Immunity from Difficulties, But Peace In Difficulties

Multitudes are suffering from spiritual malnutrition caused by being in too big of a hurry to spend time with God.

"Joy is the result of faithful trusting acceptance of My Will when the way seems not joyous.   Joy is born of calm.   Life with Me is not immunity from difficulties but peace in difficulties."

God has promised that His Spirit will guide us and His word will direct us.   His Spirit and His word serve as the guard rails for life's journey.  

Make my heart sensitive to your Voice.

Love is:  Reaching out, looking for ways to be a blessing.
               Looking for ways to serve God.
               Taking opportunities to do good.
               Says I am sorry.
               Edifies and builds up.
               Encourages others to reach their potential.

The apostle Peter did not really know himself.    He told Jesus that he would
never deny him.   We are the same way.   "We look at others and judge them, thinking, I would never do that."   

...Then we find ourselves in similar situations, and we do the same thing!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Silently My Kingdom Comes

"We behold the land that is very far off, and yet so near to the seeing eye and the listening ear.

Silently my kingdom comes, no one can judge when it enters the heart of a person, it can only be seen in results. 

Listen quietly in these times.   Sometimes you will not get a message.  Meet with Me anyway.   You will absorb Me.

Do not be too ready to DO, but just BE.   Individual efforts only acheive eternal results when my Spirit is involved. 

Live contentedly in the present moment.   Not in the past or dreaming of the what ifs.   Be joyful, be at peace.   "For we brought nothing into this world, and we cannot take anything out of the world." 1 Timothy 6  

Aim for a right relationship with God, for faith, love, patience and gentleness of heart. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Hope, Work, Pray, Joy, Calm.

We are wanderers, pilgrims in this world, it is not our end destination.
Guid us Lord with your powerful hand.

You must pray.

God cares, just love and wait.

DO NOT FEAR.   Hope with certainty.   Be calm in His Peace.

Never neglect these prayer times.

All negative thoughts must be turned out.  Negativity is meant to sideline us.   DON'T get sidelined!  Don't just survive ineffectively breathing on the sidelines.   GET in the flow of life!

"The theif comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I came that you could have life abundantly."  John 10:10 

Learn to leave yourself in God's hands.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

He often slipped away to be alone in prayer..........

A friend said to me...    "Why would I go to church when I already know I am going to sin?  My mind is set towards sin.   That would be wrong to go to church!"

I sin too.    I know I am not perfect.    I know I screw up.  I also know that no one in church has it all together.   I know everyone is a hippocrite.   We all are human.   Not one of us is God.

But He says, "Hope all the time.  You will be taught.   Continue prayer times even if they seem fruitless."

Luke 4  "Your sins are forgiven you."

The leaders and religious say to Jesus,  "Why are you eating and drinking with the sinful?   Your followers eat and drink!"   He said, "I have not come to arouse and invite the righteous but those that sin.   I want to inspire them, take their hearts and transform them.   I will give them new hearts, new desires."

The Son of God is Lord, even of the Sabbath.   Knowing God is not about the rules.   Luke 6  "I will take out your stony hearts and give you new hearts."

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Joy is a reflection of His presence

"Do not plan.   All is well.   Wonderful things are happening.   Do not limit God at all.   He cares and provides for you.    Uproot self, the channel blocker.   The way will unfold.    Step by Step.   Leave tomorrows burden."

What have I learned from YOU?

Joy is a reflection of your presence.

Don't point fingers.... usually I do or say the same things as the people I am pointing at.

DO NOT FEAR.   God is with us.

Seek out the lost and forgotten.  Don't respect people because of their position or power, but because He cares for them.

 Run to God whenever I feel uneasy or my peace is ruffled.   His love doesn't go away (or come) because  of   my victories or failures, or how many times I use His name.   His love sweeps away my doubts and fears.   I have His attention and I will never lose it.

Laugh more, laugh often, Love more.  He is with me, He is my Lord.

Friday, January 3, 2014

It is not what you do, but who you are that matters.

Everything must rest on your relationship with God.  Force comes through resting in Him.   Only love is a conquering force.  

DO NOT BE AFRAID.  He will help you.   Take heart. 

Do not fear.   Say 'all is well' to everything.  God is with you.   Never
doubt His love and power.  Daily, steady persistance.

Your daily persistance will wear away your difficulties and gain success for you, and secure your help for others.

It is not 'how do I feel' but what does GOD say?  He says such delightful things that to find them out becomes your supreme delight.

People in general are so selfish and self centered.   But go forward, you are only beginning the new life.   Stay grateful and enjoy the fullness of God's plan. 

"the most common mistake people make in worship is seeking an experience rather then seeking God.   They seek a feeling and if they find it, they conclude that they have worshipped."   How often we concern ourselves with what we are to do, when what God wants is for us to be really connected to HIM.

It is not what you do, it is WHO YOU ARE that matters.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

REFUSE to be depressed.

Love and Laugh. God is with you.   He bears your burdens.  He sustains you.   When you are sustained ... you can help lift someone else's burden.

Our foolish little activites are pointless without Him.

He forgives our neglecting His commands and says,
"Start new today!"

It is not WHAT YOU DO, but WHO YOU ARE that is the miracle
working power.

How many burdens can you lighten this year?
How many hearts can you cheer and help?


We still can become leaders, healers, conquerors through God.

Our love walk can readily be seen by how we treat people who cannot do us any good, people with whom we are not interested in developing a  relationship.

Treat everyone with respect, to make them feel valued, to listen to them when they are talking to us, and not judge them.

God is no respecter of persons.