Thursday, January 30, 2014

AHHH! I didn't get anything done that I was supposed to!!!!

ACHH!   One of those days!   So many distractions!  
I haven't gotten anything done that I was supposed to!  
I am still in my pajamas!!!

Ever have one of those days?  Bombarded on every side.

I have mountains of laundry,
lists of errands,
stacks of paperwork that needed to be done yesterday,
dripping faucet,
meals to make.... 
the list goes on!
And then there are the distractions like:
the internet, facebook, hobbies, the phone....
not necessarily  bad,
but all lobbying to force Him out of my day.


I literally have to make myself stop,
sit down in the middle of mess,
surrounded on every side.  
...... and take a prayer time.

"Every time of being laid aside ...
is a time of retreat into the quiet place with Me.  

Do not fear,
in that place you will find restoration and power and joy and healing.   LOVE.  JOY.  PEACE."

It is so easy to run around doing things
and missing the joy, beauty, and peace and REAL accomplishment of the day. 

If you don't get anything else done... 
Stop and pray.

THEN, as I head into the chaos,
I become more aware of His Presence in my day.
I remember through the day....
"Ah, I had my prayer time.   Peace. You are with me."  

I get to be at peace IN the chaos.  
You guide me.  
You cover my mistakes, my oversights.
I feel God's grace, unlimited favor and peace in spite of my performance.

This is not a call to be lazy and not do what needs to be done.
BUT, after prayer!

I know that His hand is on me, guiding me to get done what is important.
So many times I am amazed at how much I accomplished...
AFTER I took the time to pray. 

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