Thursday, January 9, 2014

"Beware the barrenness of a busy life."

Admonitions should never accuse or shame.   Instead an admonition should communicate love and concern.

The bedrock of a successful marriage is the trust that you and your spouse show each other concern, and warn each other out of love.

Keep your relationship open, approachable, secure. 

Lord help me to share my concerns lovingly and openly.

Matt 24: 12   "The love of a great body of people will grow cold due to the lawlessness and wickedness in the land." 

We must refuse to let our love grow cold.   Stir up love in your marriage, your family, your friends.   Reach out to others.   Pray for people.  Bless them.   Grow to the point that the first thing when you wake up are thoughts of - how can I bless someone today!?

Galatians 6:10  Be mindful of how you can be a blessing to others instead of
self centered 'what about me' thinking.

Wage the war against selfishness, self protection and instead walk in love.  Others will notice.

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