Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Guard your thoughts.

Wow, January 22nd was my last blog writing!   Here it is January 28th!

January 23rd 
                       As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.   Proverbs 23:7
 "If we intend to make love a habit...                                                             then we must develop the habit of loving people with our words." 
Our fleshly nature seems to feed on negatives in life, it sees and magnifies all that is wrong with people and things.  

Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, but an
encouraging word spoken at the right moment makes it glad.
Prov. 12:25

January 24
                      Do not be afraid.  All is well.  Take one step at a time.
What is beauty?   Sometimes I feel fat, old, and ugly.  Please help me to see me as You see me.   Please help me get past the superficial world view that values only youth and surface beauty.   "Your beauty should be the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit."  1 Peter 3:3   Learn to shut yourself away in My Presence, and then, you will have the things you desire of Me....   Strength,
Power, Joy, Riches.

January 25
                    GUARD YOUR THOUGHTS.

"What ever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, if there is any virtue or praise, think on these things." Phil. 4:8

We make a mistake to think that our thoughts don't affect people. They do.

Cling to thoughts of protection, safety and guidance.   "If we only knew who we were and what God has conferred upon us, what everyone else thought of us would grow less and less significant."

January 26
                   KEEP CALM.  

See how many you can bless each day.  Dwell much in My Presence.

January 27
                   Lord let me be a blessing to my spouse.
January 28
                   Take time to appreciate all your blessings.

"Literally depend on Me for everything. Everything. Don't expect Me to provide ahead of time. Keep a journal of My Provisions."

I need to remember how far I have come.   Remember all the blessings,
all the prayers answered.   I need to look back on the past year and write down all the wonderful ways God has acted in my life.

I am thankful for the healthy grandbabies that were born, and that my brother Paul did not have a tumor that was cancer.

I need to remember the priceless beauty of a grandbaby that looks up, smiles and touches my face.

Remember, God can replace things, but if we love things excessively, we may lose people who cannot be replaced.   Also, it is always wise to show mercy and forgiveness because more often than not, we are going to need it shown to us!  

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