Saturday, May 31, 2014

Don't let fear keep you from friendship -May 31

Help me to be looking to You moment by moment
so when I speak or when I do things
I am reflecting You.

Help me to engage others
even when they hurt me.
Help me not to run and hide out of self preservation.
Help me to run TO You!
....for peace, joy, grace to forgive, direction.

Thank you for my hurt foot.

It is giving me compassion for my spouse's pain with his knee.  I am coming to realize my negative responses to my spouse.  I think sometimes we take those closest to us for granted.

"Couples wanting more intimacy or oneness are often surprised at how encouragement fits in.   One may have a career and one  more home focused.   Discovering the power of encouragement can help bring them together.   Might we enjoy the closeness that mutual encouragement brings."  -Devotions for Couples

Help me to IMMEDIATELY take everything to You in prayer.

Don't let fear separate me from friends and friendship. 
Fear that they might betray me,
fear that they may talk about me or use me.
Help me to be a friend that does not cause that fear in others.
Help me to be a friend that can be trusted.

Mark 5:27-29  A women suffered with bad health for  many years.
When Jesus healed her, her atrophied muscles were rejuvenated.
She was ready to be engaged

Lord, even though years have passed in my life
and spiritual, mental, physical, psychological atrophy has happened
in the form of disillusionment,
You can heal me and make me ready to be engaged full throttle.


We see things in others that we want changed.
Give it to Him.
He knows what is needed.
Don't nag.
Don't beg.
Don't close them off.
Exhortation does not 'put down' or belittle.
It comes with patience and gentleness.

Pray and Praise.
Talk to Me during the day.
Look up into My face.
Know the  feeling of security ,
joy and
 the sense of nearness of My Presence.
Do not fear.
Fear is an evil ally.
We are not what we do,
we are someone He loves.
You are learning,
You are growing.
God is leading you  to the high ground and
He is transforming you as you go.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Regret nothing.

Regret nothing.
Not even the sins and failures.
Breath in the rich blessings of a new day.
Forget all that lies behind you.

Each relationship and each home looks to some authority for its directions and standards.    Homes are built upon the solid rock or the sinking sand.

Who is my firm foundation?  
Who and what are my hopes and truths and expectations built on?
My husband?  My children? My job? My home?  My health?  My ego?
My pleasure?
Lord, help me to build my solid foundation on You.    
Throughout the day incline my ear to listen for You
and what You want me to do and say.  

The hardest thing in God's kingdom is people who think they are righteous, follow the rules of the religious law, and throw stumbling blocks in everyone elses path  They are judgemental and self righteous, fearing men's opinion and the letter of the law, rather than linking their hearts up to God's heart and hearing His voice and following His guidance.  

Whenever I become judgemental and self righteous - remind me Lord, forgive me, help me not to be a stumbling block.  

Do not worry about tomorrow.
You are in today.
I will provide.
You are mine.

A life filled with tenderness, compassion, selflessness, and Godly wisdom is always attractive and always in style.

Is fear shaking your world? -May 28

Focus on God.
Focus on getting to the truth.
Don't be defensive.

Develop an atomosphere of encouragement and gratitude for those around you.  

Just to be with Me,
to know I am beside you.
Will bring Peace and Joy.

Idle gossip is such an easy trap to fall into.

"I grew up a fearful person, a people pleaser,
in constant worry of the impression I made and how people perceived me.
I believed the lie that God wan't enough for me.   Some events happened that rocked my world and sent the false foundation that I stood on into oblivion.  The lights came on for me one day when I realized that the fear was no longer dominant.   I had come to know that if God could get me through this, He could get me through anything.    When your fears feel like they are shaking your world, run to God."   -Devotions for Women on the Go

Your lives are full of glad promise.

God is not enough -May 27

I posted something on facebook.
I thought it was hilarious and would definitely strike at the hearts of all that creeps us out and can relate to, as far as spiders go.

Right before I posted it,
I heard the little voice.
"What does  this inspire? Do not inspire fear."

My inspired response to the little voice?
'Seriously?  Give me a break,  this is funny and creepy at the same time.'

So of course, in the desire to troll for lots of facebook 'likes' and responses,
I posted the picture and details of what happened.

Almost immediately someone I didn't know responded,
WHY DID YOU POST THIS?   Don't you know I am morbidly afraid of spiders?   The responding post of this terrified person went on.

I still resisted.
I wanted the recognition on the post - regardless of what the recognition was.

The little voice came back again.
"Do you love Me? Obey Me."

I removed the post.

You are weak in your natural selves.   Do not inspire fear

God came so that we would never have to see ourselves as a failure. 
I believed that God wasn't enough for me,
and that I had to have more to be complete.
Are you reeling from feelings of being unwanted?
When your fears feel like they are shaking your world,
run to the door way of hope.  God.


I can't stand that person! -May 26

Ever been around someone that just grates on your nerves.
You cringe just being around them?
I was around someone like that.
I know....
not so holy of me to feel that way, huh?
I have a long way to go.

Well, I made a random remark.
And what did that person do?


How dare she!?

I decided right then and there that my best strategy was to
get up and move to another spot,
before I 'lost my religion' and said something I would regret!

Later on I complained to God about it.
Correct me in front of others??!!

God said back quietly.
"Was what you said edifying, did it build up others?" 

Me, (mentally stuttering)
"Well, nooooo."

"Then she was right, wasn't she?"

My righteous indignation took a nosedive.

Don't be a Glory Hog - May 25

Do not seek the praise and notice of men.
Build others up.
Point out their strengths.
Don't be a glory hog.
Share others good deeds and strong points.
Encourage others.

Happy Birthday Little Lucy
May you and your talented parents grow
in the knowledge of God's love for you and them.   
May your family be built on the foundation
of God's loving presence and guidance..  

We cannot make choices for other people. -May 24

Lose sight of all limitations.
We cannot make choices for other people.
Help us to trust You.
Before I speak,
Help me to make sure that the purpose of my words is
to edify by sharing the truth in love.
To build up.

Is there a need for my words?
Am I trying to see it from their persepective?
Filter my words so that only wholesome words come out.

If you need wisdom- ask God.
-James 1:5

Go to Him for advice, direction, and wisdom.
Ask Him and remain in His word for the answer.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Teaching to the test, dumbing it down.

In education they call teaching to the test
'dumbing down' the curriculum.

We may be tempted to dumb down spiritually, too.   
We may tell ourselves, I am not as bad as they are, or, I know more bible verses than most.   But God isn't interested in our comparisons:  He has an individual learning plan for each of us because He wants us to be the best we can be for Him.    Maybe we aren't living lives of blatant immorality, but are we hiding sins like pride, self righteousness, anger, or resentment in our hearts? 
-Stephen Arterburn 
Don't worry about anything;
instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he had done.
If you do this, you will experience God's peace,
which is far more wonderful that the human mind can understand.   His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Him. 
-Phil 4:6-7.
God instructs us to come to Him for advice, direction and wisdom.
If anything bothers you-
Deal with that
and get that righted with Me,
before Me.
Before you allow yourself to speak to or meet anybody,
or to undertake any new duty.
With no feeling of responsibilty as to the result,
(Your only responsibility was to see the duty done.)
Go out again rejoicing.
It is in My hands.
-God Calling

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Are you experiencing betrayal?

In the midst of a storm.
When I feel betrayed by my loved ones, Lord
Help me to promptly forgive them and turn them over to You.
Lord please place your hand on the heads of my loved ones.
Please give them peace and help them not to be afraid.
Let them know that you love them.
Draw them closer to You.
Satan loves to get in between people.
It is hard to recognize Satan's entrance,
but you can see his fingerprints in the lives of people.
When you follow the desires of your sinful nature,
your lives will produce these evil results:
sexual immoratlity, impure thoughts,
eagerness for lustful pleasure,
idolatry, parrticipation in demonic activities,
quarreling, jealousy,
outburst of anger, selfsih ambition, divisions,
the feeling that everyone is wrong except those in your own little group,
envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other kinds of sin.
Galations 5:19-21
Another early warning sign is reflected in the way
satan acted toward God.   He wanted to be like the most High.
Isaiah 14. 
It almost always involves betrayal.
A betrayer askes,
what is in this for me?
Be humble  thinking of others as better than yourself.
If we follow the example of love,
we will likely experience betrayal
because loving others makes us vulnerable.
But loving and following God will protect your character so that
you won't become a Judas too.
-Stephen Arterburn

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Ever get to that point?
Anything coming out of your mouth is not going to be good?
What do you want me to learn?   To hear?  To do?
"Instead of looking at what you don't have,
look at what you do have."
To see Me you must bring Me your cares
 and show Me your heart of trust.
Then as you leave your cares,
you become concious of My Presence.  
"We don't know what to do, so our eyes are on You."
Know if you are living and breathing,
God has a purpose for you!
After God declares He knows the plans he has for us,
plans to prosper us and give us a future filled with hope,
He says,
Then you will call on me and come and pray to Me
and I will listen to you.
You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.  
Jer. 29:12-13
God's plans for us are found when we surrender ours
and seek His each day.
God's plans unfold each time we come to Him,talk to Him,
and really believe He is listening.
Learning to live in the security of God's promises
 is a daily journey of dependence.
Learn through the disappointments of our todays
and face some fears in our tomorrows,
doubts will still creep up and threaten to steal our hope.
But each time that happens,
we can stop and seek God's perspective in that place.
We can ask Him to help us redefine our future
not throught the filter of our past and our pain,
but through the power of His life
changing promises.
Do you know what happens when we do that
moment by moment,
day by day,
and doubt by doubt?
God tells us in Jeremisah 19:14  
I will be found by you and
will bring you back from captivity.
His truth cuts to the core of our struggles
-renee swope

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Be slow to speak,
Stop everything until you ar full of joy and strong,
ceaseless activity is NOT part of God's plan.
Bless your enemies,
pray joy and blessing on them.
Before I speak make sure I am speaking to edify,
NOT to hurt, attack, or defend my position.
Pray first.
Lord, help put a guard on my mouth.
Help what comes out to be a reflection of You.

Monday, May 19, 2014

What about me?

What about me?
Don't I have to protect myself?
Pray first!
Plan afterwards!
Rest, knowing all is safe in My hands.
Rest is trust.
Ceaseless activity is distrust.
Without the knowldege that I am working for you,
you do not rest.
Inaction would then be despair.
Power, conquest, success, supply, harmony
are outward manifestations that result from obedience, honesty, order, love.
They come as light results from a lighted candle.
-God Calling
He brought me out of a horrible pit, and
set my feet on a rock,
and established my goings. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

I turned my back to him.

"The door squeaks and creeks, shoes stomp snow; my husband drops his bags on the floor.   Home safe.   Both glad and mad, I roll over in bed and turn my back to him.   He said he'd be home hours ago.   He forgot to call.   He's a godly man, a good man, a hardworking man.   But sometimes still, he works too much.   Most women would do anything for such a loving, patient husband.   And I am grateful he is mine.  But this is our struggle:  engaging and losing touch; connecting and disconnecting again; saying I love you and living I love you.

God whispered to me, "What did you want that you didn't receive from him?"   I pressed my lips to the pillow and whispered under my breath"engagement". 

God whispered back to me,
"So your sin of disengagement is okay? 
 Is this the highest ground you can find??"  

I killed the potential for a moment of joy in my sorrow.   I even interrupted growth in my marriage by my earthbound response.   God forgive me.

I chose to honor my emotions at the expense of my marriage.   Instead of rising above my feelings and seeking the higher ground of godly virtue, I chose the lower road of selfish reaction.

In every season, hidden in every choice, in every step, and in every moment, is the potential for nourishment or poison, for life or death.   Hard as it is to face, and though we hate the thought of it, sometimes, for whatever reason, we'll step off of God's nourishing path and plop our foot right down in the mud and mess of our own humanity.  

So what do we do?
We plop our feet in the basin and ask God to wash away our mess. 

We humble ourselves and ask Him to forgive us.
As we move forward in our faith journey, we'll walk through seasons that try our faith and threaten our footing.   We'll trip and fall and sometimes miss the high road.  
And in it all, we do well to remember that mercies await us at every turn.  

Forgiveness is ours for the asking.
-Susie Larson

It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect.
He makes my feet like the feet of deer,
and sets me on my high places.
-psalm 18

Saturday, May 17, 2014

I do not know what to do.

Fill up the crevices of time with the things that matter most.
This will cost something,
but it is worth it.
Seek My Peace.
Walk with God as if you were walking with a visible companion.
-Amy Carmichael.
We do not know what to do,
but our eyes are on You.
-2 chron. 20:12
Life is a series of daily decisions.
"fork in the road" decisions
with the potential for harmony or discord.
Start by asking God for help in need and direction.
Start with the oneness that "We do not know what to do."
And the oneness that "Our eyes are on You."
United in looking to God
for wisdom and direction.

Lord of the Rings Cake

Treebeard.  He is completely edible except for three toothpicks.
 Lord of the Rings
Two Towers

Ring is made from fondant!  Hand engraved!

ORCS are nearby!This sword is 100% edible!

A friend asked me to make this cake for a party.

It was very fun to make!

I use several basic ingredients for my project cakes:
4 good cake mixes with pudding in the mix.
2 bags of marshamellows for fondant and rice krispies.
2 bags of confectioners sugar for frosting and fondant.
a dozen eggs for the cake.
2 pounds of butter for frosting and cake and rice krispies.
2 premade frosting containers.   $1.50 each.

For this cake I also needed licorice which I used for the legs.

After I get my ingredients together, I decide what I am going to use
as a base design.   THen I bake the cake with that design in mind.

For the Lord of the rings cake I made the four cake mixes.  I use aluminum foil on the bottoms of the pans because it makes it easy for me to get the cakes out of the pan.

I used a 9x13 pan.

After the cakes baked, I let them cool, glazed with frosting
and then covered well and froze.

Next I made a half batch of rice krispies treats.

I started to shape the figures I needed to compliment the cake.

I covered the shapes with chocolate bark.
I tried the Bakers dipping chocolate
on the spider legs,
but went back to the almond bark.
The Baker's dipping chocolate didn't hold the shape.

Next I made the fondant which I also used in the decorative accessories.

The sword was completely made of fondant,
so was the ring!
I used the chocolate bark to make the tower silhouettes.   I made the mold for the silhouettes from aluminum foil, and then poured the chocolate into the mold.   Let it cool, and then peel the foil off!    If it breaks at all, just 'glue' it back together with some more chocolate!

In my designing the cake, I checked EBAY for any items that I could use that would be within the budget.    I ended up ordering the Lord of the Rings Sugar topping.   THese sugar toppings are super easy to use!.

I arranged the cake and all the accessories.
I thought it looked pretty good.
But my daughter pointed out that it
need a bit of decorating still.
Something to tie it all together!

I knew she was right, so I started going crazy with the homemade buttercream yellow frosting.   It was delicious!


Friday, May 16, 2014

Sometimes I want to give up.

Sometimes I feel like I am at a dead end.
Help me and my loved ones
to know Your love and Your vision for our lives.
Sometimes I feel like I have given up on a relationship.
Sometimes I give up because:
They are too confrontational,
too controlling,
too stubborn,
too angry,
too depressed, 
too out of touch.
Open my eyes to the good in them.
And forgive me for my judgemental, unforgiving, cold attitude.
Help me to let go, and let You be God.
Let go and still love,
not let go and give up.
Help me to love my loved ones.
Help me to build them up
and rely on You so that I don't labor in vain.
Silly as it seems,
sometimes all we need is a nap!
The tongue of the righteous is choice silver.
-prov. 10:20
Do not gossip,
do not slander,
do not tell secrets.
Never weary in prayer.
When one day man sees how marvelously his prayer has been answered,
then he will deeply, so deeply,
regret that he prayed so little.
Ask Me to right all as you leave it to Me,
Go on your way loving and laughing.
I am wisdom.
doubt always your power or wisdom to put things right.
You must not expect to live in a world where all is harmony,
or where others are in unbroken accord with you.
Keep your heart peace
by seeking Me.
-God Calling
Lord, help me and my loved ones to know you more,
love you more, have greater joy for living,
greater peace of Yours reigning in our hearts.
Follow Me into the quiet places of prayer
where you will hear the still small voice.
I am beside you.
Feel My presence.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Are you Ambitious and filled with Self Preservation?

The same way God treats us when we mess up,
 is the same way we need to treat others when they mess up. 
-with forgiveness and mercy. 
 The reality is we learn by failure alot of times!
This is especially with our own family!
We have to let our children see us relying on God's wisdom
rather than our own. 
Serving another person is most often in the daily considerations
and not necessarily the big things of life!
Lord, give me strength, health, wisdom, discernment to serve others.
Put on your feet the gospel of peace. 
Whoever You put before me,
that is who I am supposed to be fully present to.
With Your grace and wisdom.
"God's action is boundless in its scope and power,
but it can only fill our souls if we empty them of all false
confidence in our own ability.  
Work or every kind of prayer, vocal or mental,
active or passive,
are all nothing
 unless Your will gives them meaning."
-Abandonment to Divine Providence
Please don't let me be hard of hearing, slow to understand.
Please give me a quickness to hear Your word and grace to obey.
Help me to know, love, and understand You.
Have you come to a fork in the road of life?
Do you wait on Him and say, "Yes!"
What is in His will,
He works all things out in His own perfect way and timing.
-A Gentle Spirit
Pride or self importance?
After Peter's infilling of the Spirit,
Peter had a commitment to the truth,
no longer to fame.
He had a new fire and boldness.
His self ambitious, self preserving ways had died.
The Spirit of God in Peter lived strong.
-Susie Larson
Living by faith means we SURRENDER our will
and our logical reasoning that we might follow God because we trust Him
more than we trust ourselves.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Grab the pearls, drop the dirt. Get the Wisdom.

Ceaseless activity is not part of God's plan.
Stop everything until you are joyful and strong.

But, we must never stop seeking hard after God.

Either we  humble ourselves, admit our daily need for more of God's life and influence within us and we are beautifully changed in the process.

Or we continue to show up at church, look the part, and miss out on the absolute miracle of a life of transformation.

If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.

It is small changes that make the bigger difference in the long run.   Over time your choices either promote you or expose you.   What we do in secret from day to day seems of little consequence but in due time those small hidden choices either reveal a life of discipline or laziness.

Either we grow in faith and become more intimate with God, or we fall away from Him.   How we live our lives privately eventually comes out publically.   Our internal process will eventually become our external reality.   -susie larson

Lord, help me to listen without defensiveness, and self protection.   Help me to hear the truth and be able to drop the lies with no reflection of my self worth being attached to either.   Help me to grasp the pearls and drop the dirt.   Give me wisdom.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Do your religious friends make you feel like crap?

Never judge.
The heart of man is so delicate,
so complex,
only I can know it.
Each heart is so different,
actuated by different motives, controlled by different circumstances,
influenced by different sufferings.
Leave to Me the teaching of understanding.
Bring each heart to Me,
it's Maker,
and leave it with Me.
Secure in the certainty that all that is wrong,
I can set right.

Painful seasons can wake up a person's soul.
Cruise control Chrisitanity drives us to get through each moment,
causing us to completely miss its divine significance.
Simply scoop the present moment in your hands and lift it up to God.
Everytime we,
 like the boy who surrendered his lunch to feed the crowd,
give God what we have in our hand,
divine and eternal influence takes place.  
We must be fully present with God in our everyday circumstances
because our present moments are only valuable to the extent that we eternally invest them.
When our own legs threaten to give out,
God picks us up and carries us.
The problem is, if we stop looking for God in our daily lives,
if we stop seeking after Him and listening for Him,
we subtly move from a living, breathing fellowship with Him
to a rote and wooden walk apart from Him.
Without God's constant influence in our lives, it's all too easy to loosen our grip of faith and to trust our own footing more.  
When we rely on yesterday's laurels
 to help us navigate through today's trials,
we become autopilot Christians.
I might be moving my mouth with all of the right words, I might be busily serving at church with all of the right methods, but the scary thing is,
I can look the part of the follower and miss the heart of God
 amidst all of my action.
Jobs friends lack of fresh and loving revelation
only enhanced Job's suffering.
Maybe you've been on the receiving end
 of someone else's autopilot, disengaged response.  
Do you remember what that felt like?  
Perhaps that person received a fresh truth from God about a similar situation years ago but have since stopped seeking Him for fresh revelations and insight for the now and present moments.  
All they had to offer you was a stale piece of bread.
If you've been on the receiving end of religious response that lacked fresh revelation,
you understand the importance of cultivating a living, breathing relationship with God
so you can rightly represent Him to a world in need.  
He counts on us to reflect His very much alive heart to the world.
-Susie Larson

May 12 - Healing for wounds.

"Turn out all thoughts of fear and trouble.
Face each day with love and laughter.
I want you to feel the thrill of protection and safety now.
Any soul can feel this in a safe harbor.
But real joy and victory come to those who sense these when they ride
a storm.
Use it as you would use a healing balm for a wound or cut,
until the sore is healed,
and the thrill of fresh life floods your being."
-God Calling
This healing balm
may be needed for your heart.
Whether it is for old wounds
or fresh wounds from a cold hearted friend.
Say All is Well.
Invite Me into the wounds of your heart,
and ask Me to bless and heal your friends heart.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

That person is so selfish.

Leave to Me the necessary correcting or training,
You must only desire joy and blessing for others.
At present your prayers are that they should be taught and corrected.
Leave My tasks to Me,
and do your tasks.
God -

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Soft and Selfish

Never doubt.
Never worry.
Step by step the way to freedom must be trodden.
See that you walk it with Me.
Always come to Me first.
Calm is trust in action.
-God Calling
"The problem is,
if we live in the comfort zone and make accommodations for self-preservation, that zone begins to shrink.  Making accomodations for ourselves in this way makes us soft and selfish.    It takes initiative to engage in life, to do the important things.   God wired us for forward movement.  God wired us for a life of significance, one that involves faith and answered prayers.   None of this can happen if we prefer comfort over significance, or ease over engagement.  

We are made for growth, for transformation, and for others.     If we make life about us and about our comforts, we will tragically miss our whole purpose for living on the earth today.   Even amidst our everyday lives and familiar routines are opportunities to know God's love in an increasingly powerful way.   As we engage our faith in how we approach our daily duties, our children, our neighbors, or even our involvement at church, we'll learn to see God move in ways that surprise us. 

We'll learn to take risks in ways that no one else may notice but God.

Courageous and called people invite God to divinely interrupt our day so that we can participate in His everyday miracles."
-susie larson

Friday, May 9, 2014

No worry, no anxiety, does not mean no effort.

She brings her husband good, not harm.
She is clothed with strength and dignity.
She can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
She watches over the affairs of her household and does not stay idle.
-Proverbs 31
"Never doubt, never worry,
but step by step the way to freedom must be trodden.
See that you walk it with Me."
-God Calling
No worry, no anxiety,
does not mean no effort.
When my disciples told Me that they had toiled all night
and taken in nothing,
I did not fill the boat with fishes without effort on their part.
My command stood.
Launch out into the deep,
and let your nets down for a catch.
Their lives were endangered.
Their ship nearly sand,
the help of their fellows had to be summoned,
and there were broken nets to mend.
Any one of these troubles might have made them feel
My help was not for them.
And yet as they sat offshore and mended those nets,
they would see My love and care.
How often, when sometimes you little know it,
do I go before you to prepare the way,
to soften a heart here,
to overrule there.
-God Calling

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Union with Me is the one great necessity.

Union with Me is the one great necessity.

It's tough when you work out in the midst of
such a variety of people.
Grace is especially noticed when it is in the midst of people of chaos,
character flaws, and crudeness.   Rise above the sinfulness around you.
Hold out a lifeline of God's love by modeling love.

Be ready to do every good work.
titus 3:1

All earth's attempts to quench your thirst will fail,
weary not yourself to be rich,
cease from your own human wisdom.  
Prov. 23:4, Is. 32:17
If you regularly practice getting back into My Presence,
when the slightest feeling of unrest disturbs your calm and harmony,
It will become a habit,
and you will grow to live in the perfect consciousness of My Presence,
and perfect calm and harmony will by yours.
Complain not - laugh.
Divine control.
Unquestioning obedience.
The tasks I set before you have seemingly no connection with supply.
Have no fear.  
Joy must be yours.
Change all disappointment, even momentary- into joy.
Rest - love- joy - peace - work.
The most powerful are love and joy.
Change each complaint into laughter.
 -God Calling

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Can God be trusted?

"Become as little children.  
Free from worry and care.
Trust God to provide,
Live in the present moment,
receive life unquestioningly."
Can God be trusted?
How much effort is enough?
When do we know when we can rest?
Is God real?
Does He love us?
Does He have a plan for my life.
For my loved ones?
Is it a good plan?
Everyone's truth is so subjective.
Subjected to their beliefs,
to their motives.
The influences of the world can derail us.
God loves a humble heart full of faith
instead of an anxious heart full of fear.
He is pleased by a faith that trusts Him more than we trust ourselves.
God's supply is not our supply.
But, even though He is guiding our boat,
we still have to row.
Forces of evil battle and storm but are powerless.
Be like a cool garden set in the middle of roaring city.
See your lives like that.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Work in the Calm Certainty that I am with you.

Work in the Calm Certainty that I am with you.
Do not go away from God when you are weak or discouraged.
Instead, draw closer to Him.
We really have no idea,
no comprehension of who we are in God.
Daily submit yourself to God,  
your cares,
your attitudes.

"When the enemy comes in like a flood,
engage your faith,
knowing full well that you have all authority- on your side.
And make that wretched liar flee.
Aren't you ever paranoid that women are going to talk about you
 and pick apart your story?   
I wanted a new line of service -
one that allowed me to safe face and keep people at a safe distance.  
-Susie Larson
 Ever think,
I am not interested in taking risks.
I am not interested in being in the middle of people.
I do.
And yet.........
"Deep within our souls there's a sincere desire for God to use us,
a desire imparted from God Himself.
Woven into our spiritual DNA.
It is a beautiful calling and divine purpose for us to fulfill."
-Susie Larson

"Sometimes people are reluctant to do more for God.
They feel stretched beyond their limits as it is.
But anyone willing to break through their fears will discover that life is best and most satisfying when we are living in God's adventure."
-Bruce Wilkenson

Monday, May 5, 2014

A Man's Best Breakfast! Deep Dish Pizza Egg Breakfast!

Absolutely delicious!

I was making some breakfast and decided to add the last scrumptious piece
of deep dish cheese and pepperoni pizza.

It started out like this:

Using cast iron, I oiled the pan.
Next I sliced up one potato very small for hasbrowns.
When the pan and oil was hot, I added the potato.

Next I cut up some vegetables:  onions, tomato, green pepper.
I threw those on top of the potatoes and let them cook for a few minutes covered.

Finally, I had wanted some cheese in my eggs,
but I realized I was out of cheese.

But I did have a slice of deep dish pizza!

I sliced it thin and arranged it on top.
Then I picked some fresh herbs from the garden,
diced them up and sprinkled them on top.
(Oregano, rosemary)

Next I scrambled four eggs and added that on top of it all.
I covered it and let it cook for a few minutes.

DELICIOUS!   .....and GONE~

Served with a side of toast with home made muscadine jelly and peanut butter!