Thursday, May 29, 2014

Regret nothing.

Regret nothing.
Not even the sins and failures.
Breath in the rich blessings of a new day.
Forget all that lies behind you.

Each relationship and each home looks to some authority for its directions and standards.    Homes are built upon the solid rock or the sinking sand.

Who is my firm foundation?  
Who and what are my hopes and truths and expectations built on?
My husband?  My children? My job? My home?  My health?  My ego?
My pleasure?
Lord, help me to build my solid foundation on You.    
Throughout the day incline my ear to listen for You
and what You want me to do and say.  

The hardest thing in God's kingdom is people who think they are righteous, follow the rules of the religious law, and throw stumbling blocks in everyone elses path  They are judgemental and self righteous, fearing men's opinion and the letter of the law, rather than linking their hearts up to God's heart and hearing His voice and following His guidance.  

Whenever I become judgemental and self righteous - remind me Lord, forgive me, help me not to be a stumbling block.  

Do not worry about tomorrow.
You are in today.
I will provide.
You are mine.

A life filled with tenderness, compassion, selflessness, and Godly wisdom is always attractive and always in style.

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