Sunday, June 8, 2014

Are you....Oppressed and Depressed?

I woke up.
Oppressed, depressed...
By the bills, health, the dogs health, bills for health....
Lack of money to pay for trailer tires, gas, food, vetrinarian,
Family trip I wanted to be a part of...but couldn't afford.

Lord, I am not a good person,
I will choose wrong over right given the right circumstances.
Please shine through my weak spirit with Your strong Spirit.
I constantly limit what I can do by focusing on my lack
instead of Your Provision.  If You are offering provision through
someone else, please don't let my pride cause me to miss it.

No fear.

"Joy in Me, trust in Me,
Share all life with Me.
See Me in everything.
Share all with Me as a child shares it's pains and cuts and griefs
and newfound treasures and joys and little works with its Mother.
Give Me the joy of sharing all with You."

So today, after my prayer time,
I was so excited to make my friend some delicious breakfast.
I knew my friend wasn't feeling good.

So, I went outside to my garden.
I picked some fresh blueberries.
A green pepper.
Some fresh herbs.
A crisp fresh onion.
Even some beautiful broccoli.
All the while thinking, they are going to love this!

I made some pancakes from scratch.
Using Ms. Kay's Duck Dynasty Cookbook as a guideline.

I added a few extra ingredients,

the blueberries, vanilla.

I made a beautiful omelet with the fresh herbs and greens.
I was so excited to give this to my friend.

My friend was watching T.V.,
So since he was not feeling good,
I served all the food in the room where he was.

He said, "OOOH that looks good!"
As he was eating my freshly prepared food.

But he was not even looking at what I had served him.   He was talking about the food that was on the T.V. show!

Wow, really?

Trying not to be thin skinned,
I was like, "Really?   What about the fresh food that is in front of you?!"

He said, "That's good, but the foods on the T.V. program are fresh, too!"

I said, "But you are actually eating the food in front of you!?" 
I didn't say this next part, but I did think it.....
(That he was lusting after the food on the T.V. show.)

It occurred to me, that is what I do with God.
He is constantly serving up fresh, new things.
Good things.

Am I missing the good things He is serving up,
simply because I am
-worried about the bills,
-anxious about health,
-thinking about the future?

Lord, please don't let my lack of vision for You
cripple me from seeing the blessings You have given me now.
Open my eyes and ears to see and hear You.
Help me to trust You.


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