Saturday, March 29, 2014

Jake the Pirate Cake with Treasure Chest and Cannon

To start this cake,

First I figure out what I am making,
then I figure out how to make it!

I used the stadium pan - Nordic Ware Heavy Cast Aluminum 9 Cup Stadium Pan Nordic Ware.  I figured the lines of the stadium looked alot like a ship!

 I made the stadium pan according to instructions.

Then I made colored layers for a 9x12 pan using 2 cakes mixes.

I wrapped the cooked cakes well and froze them.

I made a double batch of buttercream frosting.

I took the cake out of the freezer and measured it and cut it for the treasure chest.  

I frosted the layers, then stacked them and frosted again.
I wrapped the frosted cake and froze it again.
It may not look like much now,
but this is going to be your treasure chest!

I made another double batch of buttercream frosting.

Next you will shape the boat cake.

Frost it with some chocolate frosting.  
The lines in the nordic
pan will make it look more 'woodlike'.

Carve your treasure box cake.
Make the lid for your treasure box by using the top layer of your
treasure box cake.
You will need to support the lid with some type of structure.
I used this plastic lid to put the treasure box top on.
This is your lid, frosted.

Frost the rest of the treasure box and put two skewers to prop the lid on.

Next is your cannon.
Make a batch of rice krispies treats and shape into balls
and a cannon.

Melt the chocolate bark, dip cannon and balls into the chocolate and
let it dry.

Make the sails with the computer.
Print off the sails.

Cut them to the size you want and tape onto skewers.
put a main skewer through the sails to stand on the cake.

Use an empty Keurig coffee container as the mast.

I used the invitation to the party for the flag,

and the picture on the sails of the birthday boy.

Use yellow licorice and secure it with toothpicks to the boat.

I used a plastic lid, lined with aluminum foil to make the chocolate
backing of the top ship cabin.  I poured melted chocolate bark into it.

Let it cool.

Used ritz cracker
 and chocolate for the steering wheel.

Made the boat cabin by using a small cake pan.

Covered the cannon with black fondant.

Made the wheels of the cannon with ritz crackers and chocolate bark.

Made the railings on the top cabin with chocolate bark and toothpicks.

Coming soon!  More pictures and complete Instructions on how to make this cake!

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