this sweet little puppy was rescued from the bitter cold and starvation
Come in out of the cold of fear,
and the starvation of feeling unloved.
"The radiant joy of the rescued shall be yours."
I just want it.
I want to be accepted.
"Why do you fret and worry?"
When someone treats me unjustly or harshly,
I want to go run around and talk to everyone else about it.
Why is that?
If I am trying to get my feelings of worth, or approval
from other people.
So when someone hurts me,
I try to counterbalance their blow to my self esteem by running to others.
If I am getting my worth from YOU than I can not be so easily shaken.
Please let me get my sense of importance and approval from you.
Ironically one of the things I don't like about another person is the fact
that they "turn on a dime."
They talk about people behind their backs.
They cause dissension.
My prayer was, how do I love them?
It turns out that my prayer should be
"Lord let me get my self worth from You,
so that I do not do the same thing!"
Everytime I point my finger at someone,
I am really having that finger pointed back at me.
"Never return evil for evil...berating for berating, but on the contrary
pray for their welfare, happiness and protection. Love them.
FOR KNOW that to this you have been called!!" 1Peter 3:11
"Take courage.
Do not Fear.
Do not be discouraged.
Start anew.
Put the old mistakes away.
I give you a fresh start.
Do not be burdened.
Do not be anxious.
Have hope.
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