Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do,
and He will direct your paths.  
Proverbs 3: 5-6

I was raised to be a survivor.
I do not want to just be a survivor.
So I asked, how can I be more than just a survivor in this world?
This was my answer:
"Be mindful of ways you can be a blessing to others. 
I will give you wisdom to deal with stresses and deliverances. 
'cast your care on Me, do what I lead you to,
and don't get entangled.
Refuse to let your love grow cold.
Stir up love in your family and friends.
Reach out to others who are in need and hurting.
Pray for people, bless them.
Grow to the point that
 early in the morning your heart is filled with thoughts of:
How can I be a blessing to someone today?
Wage the war against selfishness and walk in love."
"Purposely forgetting about ourselves and our problems and doing something for someone else while we are hurting is one of the most powerful things we can do." Joyce Meyer
Jesus on the cross/ comforted the theif by his side.
Stephen being stoned/prayed for those stoning him.
Paul and Silas imprisoned, ministered to their captors.

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